The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Well atleast u hav had answers now hun and its all positive steps in the right direction. Hope the.metamorphin works for u very soon xxx
Well atleast u hav had answers now hun and its all positive steps in the right direction. Hope the.metamorphin works for u very soon xxx

I couldn't understand his accent. Im not sure how Metformin would work in helping me ovulate?? I mean its for insulin resistance isent it? I think I will look for a Metformin thread to read. Im not joining you ladies on Clomid then. :-(

I just hope this works
Sounds like a very productive appointment hun! So glad you got some answers and treatment and that the ball is rolling and you've also got other options too. Fx the Metformin will do it's job and kick start ov for you! :yay: All sounding very positive! Great that your ovaries are healthy looking too by the way. :D


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Well atleast u hav had answers now hun and its all positive steps in the right direction. Hope the.metamorphin works for u very soon xxx

I couldn't understand his accent. Im not sure how Metformin would work in helping me ovulate?? I mean its for insulin resistance isent it? I think I will look for a Metformin thread to read. Im not joining you ladies on Clomid then. :-(

I just hope this works

Even though you're not on Clomid, you're completely welcome on this thread! :hugs:


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Well atleast u hav had answers now hun and its all positive steps in the right direction. Hope the.metamorphin works for u very soon xxx

I couldn't understand his accent. Im not sure how Metformin would work in helping me ovulate?? I mean its for insulin resistance isent it? I think I will look for a Metformin thread to read. Im not joining you ladies on Clomid then. :-(

I just hope this works

Even though you're not on Clomid, you're completely welcome on this thread! :hugs:


Tap Tap Tapatalking!

Aww thank you :)

And I didn't know Metformin helps with ovulation I just thought it was for weight purposes? :eh:

Im a happy Bunny now! One step closer! :dance: :yay::dancing::pompom: Sorry :lol:

I been reading on the internet that some women have got pregnant straight away with it within the first month or two. So mybe it does help you ovulate. :)
Metformin isn't a fertility drug as such, it is used to treat people with insulin resistance and it helps sort out blood sugar levels and insulin. As your doctor said your pcos is more the hormonal pcos rather than cysts on ovaries etc of pcos, the metformin is the drug used (so I've read) that treats the hormonal side. Clomid works in that it tricks your body into thinking it hasn't produced enough LH hormone so your body produces more of it than normal, therefore helping ovulation as this is an issue with women who have cysts on their ovaries, they need more LH to ovulate so the eggs can pop past the cysts. I think. :eh: Metformin lowers blood sugar levels and helps insulin resistance which helps ovulation (not sure of the exact link). The best thing to do is to try a low carb diet alongside the metformin as I've also read that it can help aid weight loss which reduces pcos symptoms and helps kickstart ov - a friend of mine cut out bread and potatoes etc and lost over a stone in a month and fell pregnant after 3 years ntnp.

Hope that helps in some way. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

I'm speechless - my :bfp: 26 months :cry: I'm shaking like a leaf xx
Were you on Clomid hun? Ahh so excited! Congrats! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
My 4th cycle of 100mg xx I threw my fmu away as I got house full so will do digi later or tomorrow xx
Eeeeee so exciting!! Shall I put you down as a BFP? Or would you rather wait til you've done the digi? X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
OMG the digi didn't work - had the timer going on side then blank screen - what a piece of shit xx faint positive on cheapies too - gona buy new digi when go out xx

Me and hubby are ecstatic!!!! :D :pompom:
OMFG DW!!! :dance::dance::dance:

You should make a proper thread for yourself :)

Aw I'm sooooo happy for you! :good: When I was flicking through the PCOS thread I wasn't expecting to find that lol

Can't wait for a digi tomorrow xx

PinkD - I was on metformin after tests said that I was predisposed to PCOS and insulin resistance even though I don't have any sympoms. In the IVF world it is supposed to stabilise follicles growth (so you don't overstimulate) and improve egg quality.

I think that in your situation it might work by making the follicles more responsive to LH and therefore release an egg quicker, preventing your levels for having to keep on rising to try and ovulate :)

Horrible stuff though. Don't leave the house for an hour or two after taking your first pill because you will crap yourself, literally! And you'll probably feel rough, like when your ill and you don't want to eat I case you puke. You appetite will go. Well... That's what happened to me anyway ;) xx
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OMFG DW!!! :dance::dance::dance:

You should make a proper thread for yourself :)

Aw I'm sooooo happy for you! :good: When I was flicking through the PCOS thread I wasn't expecting to find that lol

It's a clomid thread not pcos and 3 others have had bfps in here xx

Thanx everyone xx
Does not everyone on clomid have PCOS :eh: Seems like the same difference to me, but I stand corrected. Well done on the BFP anyway, I have no idea who some of the ladies were because I don't often check in here and would have completely missed yours too which I thought would have been a shame was my point xx
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Such fantastic news DW, it gives me hope too as I am on round 3 of 100mg and was worrying about going on to round 4. Looking forward to a digi pic! Have you got pics of the cheapies? You know we love BFP pics! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Wow, fab news Drummers_wife, congratulations! It's great to see another clomid BFP :) xx

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