The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

Wow lara! Hope ur ok now. Its just a reminder that we are all taking very potent medications. Take care x
Just wanted to say hi! Been quiet for a while as was in hospital :eek:(
I was very unlucky to have a bad reaction on my third round of clomid. I got a severe reaction which involved visual disturbance, hallucination and acute light sensitivity. Came on all of a sudden and I don't think I've ever felt so scared. I thought my bathroom light was broken as everything seemed to start flashing and then everything I looked at there were 7/8 of (after images)
We went to a and e and relatively quickly they worked out it was the clomid.
This means I will never be allowed I take clomid again which I am
Absolutely gutted about as it had been working so well for me and giving me great follicles.
Holding out for success this time. I'm currently 9dpo and my follicle was 27mm with a triple layer 9.4mm lining which is unheard of for me. I normally have very rubbish linings.
So got everything crossed. Otherwise I will be on to menopur I injections.
X x

Oh my goodness lara Im so sorry to hear youve been so unwell on ur clomid :( really hope your cycle is successful so that you dont need to have the injections. How many mg of the clomid were you on to have such bad side effects?
Like itsbabytime said, it makes you realise just what we are having to put in our bodies doesnt it
hope you are ok hun xxxx
yeh i think these first few days il do one a day and when they seem darker do 2 a day....ok so if im dong 1 a day should i do my first one at like 1pm? and am i supposed to hold my wee a few hrs before doing it....can i drink in that time?

sorry these are all such simple qs but i dont wanna mess it up as i havent doe them in a while


I did mine at 4 in the afternoon after holding it for at least 2 and a half/3 hours. I did drink while waiting but not loads cos I didn't want to dilute my pee. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

thanks hun, iv had a wee at 11am so hopefully last thro for a few hrs before testing and do it maybe 2 o clock.
Sounds like a plan! X

I'm CD7 today, BDed last night so DH very happy the sex marathon is starting again lol! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
lol yeh my dh was the same when we bd'd cd 7 to get rid of old spermies to make way for new ones lol

I said to him aswell that id heard morning sex sperms were better than night ones (how true it is im not sure) and his eyes lit up lol he was like does that mean we get to do it in the morning!!

Totally off ttc here........ Why do some people eat so bloody disgustingly??? Urgh - I've been put off my lunch!!

:bunny: x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

lol love the little rabbit dance...wonder if it would make dh laugh too much if i did that tonight before bding lol xx

Totally off ttc here........ Why do some people eat so bloody disgustingly??? Urgh - I've been put off my lunch!!

lol i know wot u mean hun iv been out eating before annd it only takes someone to belch really loudly or eat with their mouth open and thats it i cant eat anymore.
theres a woman i work with, and if we ever go out for a works meal, or even eat together in the kitchen everyone avoids sitting by her and she burps really loudly and it sounds so gross. she doesnt even apologise
Lol Bella, he might even like it a bit more than you think! ;) x

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
hee hee im gonna do it (will report bak tomorro on its success lmao)

did opk today and its negative, as expected seing as only cd 10.

my temp looks funny on fertility friend tho, iv posted a seperate thread with it on for smeone to hopefully shed some light for me

Sorry to hear what happened Lara - hope your feeling ok now Hun. Scary stuff eh.

Hope all you other girlies are well xx
Hey guys. I was only on 100 this round. But to be honest in hindsight I should have realised that I could have been a candidate for visual disturbance because I used to get focal migraine.

I've got a great picture of my 27mm follicle though ~ it looks huge on my ovary, I will have to post it as proof that at least clomid did something good for me! Lol x
did they give u the clomid?

tho i have a feeling ur gonna say a bfp (maybe wishful thinking lol)

Keeping us in suspenders PD!! Do tell! Excited! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
I know thats why.i automatically assumed its a bfp lol keeping us in suspenders i like it lol xxx
No I didn't get clomid.

Apparently the Gynecologist I saw doesn't give out clomid, its up to a fertility specialist. Which he has sent a letter back to my GP requesting he refers me to one and apparently the letter will be back at my GP in the morning.

He looked at all my scan results and blood results and he said that my ovaries dont appear Cystic. They dont look like I have PCOS. But I do have PCOS. But the hormone side or it if you know what I mean.

I basically have the hair growth, acne, weight gain, no ovulation or AF, but by looking at my ovaries they look healthy. And the reason im not getting pregnant is For on simple reason my LH hormone is unbalanced (Always too high) there this is stopping ovulation and AF, because you need to ovulate before you AF. Also all ladies have a layer of mucus around the ovaries anyway. Well mine is just a bit thicker than someone without PCOS. He basically asked when I had my AF last and it was Febuaury. Well I came off the pill in November last year and since then I had 2 natural AF'S which means I ovulated twice! The pill must of balanced my hormones for a short period of time.

I also have a issue with my metabolism, and insulin. Because im always Hungry and gaining weight, and cant seem to lose anyway. So that what else he said I had. My BMI for my height and weight should be about 25 and im at 27 so im a bit ovr the idea number, and a little overweight but im not obese. Anyway he believe's if I lose about half a stone in weight and get my metabolism under control a bit it my help with hormones and I may ovulate on my own.

So he has put me on... Metformin and put through a referral for fertility specialist, where they my do A lap and Dye test and Check OH. And may give me something else if the Metformin hasn't worked for me. But he said it could.

Apparently It goes in septs 1-4 1 is on a diet plan with Metformin, Second is fertility specialist and more drugs, Third is Ovarian drilling and continue with Drugs and if none of them work I will be put on NHS IVF list. I will do a pregnancy test in morning to make sure im not pregnant again before starting and I may get something to start my period I will be picking up Metformin tomorrow from my GP
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