The big easter egg sweepstake! Get your guesses in now!

oh my good god eeeeeeeeeek so excited!!!!!

extra super duper ultimate high strength extra extra sticky baby glue!!! Get comfy little one, get comfy cos you will be there for the next 9 months!!!!!! You are a lucky little dwarf getting a mummy and daddy like the ones that have been chosen for you! So stay put! You listening? good! now stay!

right, lecture over!

how does it feel to KNOW that you have a bubba in there? oh my god i'm so excited (can you tell? lol)

love n stuff

liz xxxx
This is so exciting. I have everything crossed for you and so does hubby and boo boo xx
Eeeeeek! I really hope it's a sticky one for you :good:

It's great getting a pic too - I've still got the pic of mine :)
Yay!1 This is bloody awesome! Well done you too - loving Liz_milne little baby lecture !! teehee! mwah! sticky glue send to you xxxxx
Eeeek honey! :yay:

I'm in the Farm Shop and just let out a yelp when I saw this - hubby looking at me like I've gone quite mad!

Amazing pic of lil dwarf and AMAZING to know he/she is getting comfy in there.

Burrow in tight little one, we are all rooting for you! :hugs:

Super sticky glue coming your way sweetie :dust: xxxxx
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Ohhhh a photo too! How amazing Scotch! Xxxxxx
Amazing news!! :yay: :love:

Here's to hoping for a nice sticky bean for you!!
Amazing! I got goosebumps reading this lol :D hope they get nice n comfy in there xxxx
Sooo happy for u ! What a lovely picture ! Let's hope it's super sticky and ur bfp comes on Sunday . Just sat with my mum and telling her about ur story ! X
great news and great pic. keeping every thing crossed now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
this IS gonna be a sticky! get on that sofa, get your feet up and dont lift a finger until you get your BFP!.xx
awww wow im over the blooming moon for ya its so exciting and i love that pici its a miracle wat science can do, i realy realllllyyyy hope little one sticks around for you gd luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Eeeeeeek hun - how exciting!! I bet you feel sooo amazing right now!! When can you test for your bfp??

Sending you the stickiest baby glue possible!!!

going to test on the 22nd - that's 14dpo. don't want to test on a work day, if it's positive want a day with PorkPie to be overwhelmed together. Might be a bit early, but i've always been so good about not testing early I feel like enjoying the moment...

thank you all for all your love and well wishes. don't worry, I'll let you know as soon as we know anything, and I'll no doubt be symptom spotting with the best of you! It's great to have something going on for the first few days of the 2ww. We're just starting out and we're already 5dpo!
Only just seen this Scotch, so pleased for you hunni, lovely piccie, hope the next 2 weeks fly by for you xxx
Awwww sweetie,

I am thrilled to read today's update!

Fingers, toes, eyes and legs crossed for your BFP hun

5dpo wahooooooo hold on dwarf xx
9 days to go keep calm and no early testing :)

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