*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

Initial thoughts

Mario and Lisa - Matt le Blanc? More like Sly Stallone. they'll never win the task if he's telling people he's 33 They're too glitzy and showy for me but Lisa may be a dark horse.
Stephanie - I've met hundreds of girls like this. Supply outstrips demand. Seen it all before
Luke - I thought he was quite funny. A character without being overbearing
Rachel - could be a walker. She seems too 'regular'
Dale - vile. Why do people think if they say 'I know I'm arrogant' that makes it alright?? :roll:
Sylvia - One of BB trump cards in a series that seems heavily weighted to religion/cultural conflicts IMO
Dennis - Typical BB fodder
Alexandra - not great
Rex - moderately fit. Posh wanker but the best of this years totty offerings for me
Rebecca -Vicky Pollard.
Darnell - will have to work hard to convince me BB aren't just exploiting his disability. Didn't see anything else he had to offer
Mohammad - Disco Mo. I have him pegged as a possible long-runner
Jennifer - Geordie 'Catholic' tart. How could you leave a baby to go on BB??
Michael - Will be in it for ages as they'll feel too tight to nominate him. Did you hear them say 'Aaaaaah' when he walked in? :shock:
Kat - Ting Tong. Gone wrong.
that luke is the spitting image of our old kick-boxing instructor, dangerous dave! we wouldnt be suprised if he's a relative, as we not a million miles away from wigan :think:
Flame said:
What is Darnell's disability?

He's albino, which I know isn't a disability in itself, but can have related health problems with sight etc.
hate people like Dale. Thought he was a bit of alright until he opened his mouth :x now I want to smack him what an idiot :twisted:
I think its a shame that girls like Stephanie have the power of speech. She looks lovely but then she opens her big gob and it's "Me,Me, Me..." :roll:

First Thoughts... Mo to Win, although I reckon Luke will stay til quite late- he reminds me a bit of Eugene! :rotfl:
trixipaws said:
oooh, theres totty in it this year! :cheer: i really fancy that dale dude, he reminds me of my boyf coz he's fit and he's a self-confessed arsehole :lol: my boyf is just like him "im ace, everyone else is rubbish, i dont talk to ugly people..." etc i find the arrogance attractive! thats why i like dale i think. woohoo hope he stays in so i got some eye candy none of the others are my type

I know Dale

Hes on my Facebook and everythin :wink: ....

...Nah we went to the same College and we were in the same uni
Hes a good late night after a night out dj in halls ..haha!
Hes quite happy with himself...
But hes a sound lad

He said he was going to Ibiza....
Not Big Brother :lol:
I had the live feed on this morning when I was getting ready for work and I saw Stephanie lying in bed and it looked like she had HUGE spots all over her forehead and she just looked horrible, her hair and face and everything, honestly I thought it was someone else.

Then a bit later I had it on and she was dressed and stuff and she looked perfect again so I was like huh?? Told myself she must have had something drawn on her or summit :lol:

Then the camera was on her and the light was reflecting on her face and you could see the spots underneath her make-up... she must wear bloody loads :shock:

I've gotta find out what brand of products she uses cos it would've taken a bit to cover her flaws :shock: :think:
*** runs off to check out Sarah's friends list :lol: ***
Sweetcheeks24 said:
*** runs off to check out Sarah's friends list :lol: ***
thats what i was gonna do! :oops: :shhh: but then i got stuck on facebook the PF massive has disappeared from my groups list :? :lol: ill find him lol
WHERE IS DE NUVA BEDWOOM :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: OMG I love that Thai woman.. she is so sweet!
Sweetcheeks24 said:
WHERE IS DE NUVA BEDWOOM :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: OMG I love that Thai woman.. she is so sweet!

haha yeah bless her! shes really cute, im quite liking the chef guy with his personalised jacket! BLING BLING!
that thai woman is hilarious :rotfl: i am so loving this BB already apparently that rachel is from my town but if she is i dont know her :shakehead: xxxxxxxx
Picture this:

Rob sit's down last night after playing darts and casually picks up the remote and turns to E4. Then begins to ask whose that? Ooo who are they? Are they the real couple then? So what have they been on, Jeremy Kyle was it? Who's the one from Wigan?

Ha Haaaaaa!!!!! Got him already :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lucky you my o/h just shouted to get this sh** off his telly :lol: xxx
Why's that girl being funny with Sly?
It's not his fault is it? She's a bit of a div isn't she?

And that Luke just makes me ashamed to be a Wiganer lol.
OMG do I sound like him? :shock:
skairdykat said:
Why's that girl being funny with Sly?
It's not his fault is it? She's a bit of a div isn't she?

I think you answered your own question there!

She's a grade A numpty who's gonna blow it for them. And if she does...SHE'LL be the one to go :roll:

I LOVE Luke! He's hilarious :rotfl:
LOL I keep expecting him to start playing the banjo and start singing ' I'm leaning on a lamp post at the corner of the street. Oh me, Oh my' :rotfl:

Oh what's that guys name with the banjo or whatever it was?

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