*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

stuart is stripped off head of house for talking about nominations.

Housemates have been predicting who will face the public vote as well as who they may have nominated," said Big Brother. "Many housemates have been talking in code. Big Brother is quite aware that when housemates refer to 'Arsenal' they are referring to Darnell, when they refer to 'Wigan' they are discussing Luke, and so on..."

"Oh my God!" shouted Stuart at the top his voice, "who's done that code?"

"One housemate who has been involved in several of these conversations is the Head of House, Stuart" said Big Brother. "As a result he is stripped of his status, effectively immediately."
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

That's a typical 'bloke code'!

Who will be HoH now then I wonder?!?!

Anyone know who is up?!!
People are getting told off for talking about nominations every week so what's with the suprised faces!?!

I reckon that Dale and Luke will be nominated this week but BB is going to stick the whole house up for eviction in a bid to save them :evil:
OMG ............. Dale vs Luke for eviction this week!!!!!!!

I don't know who I want out most, I think it's Luke but then am not keen on Dale either :think:

hmmmm that's a tricky one :think: Luke has really got on my nerves this week pining for Bex, and the way he keeps saying it was unjust that she left blah blah, but Dale has also been an idiot recently. Luke does still say quite funny things and if he would pull himself together then he could be loads better.

Therefore, Dale to go :D
If its Dale vs Luke, then i deffo want Dale to go. Dale has annoyed me since the day he went in and i cant remeber a single thing his done that i liked or laughed at, whereas although Luke can be a right little gobshite he has said and done some things that have really made me laugh. I think he's really comical when he's in a good mood.

EDIT : oh no, stuff what i just said, theyre all up :cheer:

http://www.heatworld.com/Article/6635/B ... eviction...
Jade&Evie said:
I reckon that Dale and Luke will be nominated this week but BB is going to stick the whole house up for eviction in a bid to save them :evil:
good call Jade :clap:


(god i could go on actually, it would be easier to say who i wanted to stay....)

Rex to stay! Stu to stay!! er...thats about it i think... :rotfl:
Effective immediately was the loss of Stuart's title of Head of House. Big Brother has said that there will be further consequences. As a result of the rule break Darnell, Rex, Mohamed, Maysoon, Kathreya, Rachel and Stuart will join Dale and Luke to face the public vote.

They are not all up!! I still really hope that either Dale or Luke go :pray:

Lindsay said:
Effective immediately was the loss of Stuart's title of Head of House. Big Brother has said that there will be further consequences. As a result of the rule break Darnell, Rex, Mohamed, Maysoon, Kathreya, Rachel and Stuart will join Dale and Luke to face the public vote.

They are not all up!! I still really hope that either Dale or Luke go :pray:


tits! I didnt read it properly :x Damn it.....I just saw a load of names and assumed :lol: ... I still want MO TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (or maysoon, or Kat, or Rachel....or Dale :twisted: )

I wish mikey and Lisa were up, they do my head in. Should be a good 'un on friday eh? :dance:
WTF IS THAT IN KATS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG its getting on my tits now. Its been stuck to her head for the last week now lol and tonight her hair is all greasy and stuck to her face :puke:

Oooo thats better lol
After watching Rex have a go at Rachel the other night he has really really got me angry, who does he think he is ????
Hes up his own arse and see's rachel as his biggest threat in there.......... shame because i did really like him before all this.

Not sure i want him to go though, theres more boring and annoying people to go before him.
Be good to see how BB edits footage this week to get who they want out!!!
I either want Darnell, Mo or Kat to go, I hate Kats Happy House thing, Mo is a greedy pig and Darnell just annoys me.

I love Rexs arrogance, I wouldnt like him if I was to meet him but is good to watch. I also like Dale as well and dont want him to go. And I feel sorry for poor lukey!
Loved Rex describing Mo last night.. "Greedy, clumsy, and slow" :rotfl: really made me laugh. Rex always makes me laugh, even if i think he's being a tosser, i still think he does it in a funny way :lol:

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