*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

i dont care who goes this week as long as its not rex or darnell. bb proper trying to save luke his so boring and moany
I hate kat. That voice is so whiney. I could put up with anyone in that house but not her.
Luke to go!! Skinny lame ass piece of p*ss... :wall:

Mikey's volume control is really getting to me now. He might be blind, but I ain't deaf :talkhand: In the diary room he's like "Meeee firrrrrrst normineeetion is Reeeeeeex" louder and louder and louder! HELP! Eardrum's exploding!

Rex was such a pr*ck to everyone after that VT thing. I actually thought he was alright before, but now I can't help but think he's a right t*sspot.

In the words of good ol' Victor from a couple of series ago - she's "sat on more fences than Wurzel Gummidge" but she did not deserve all this hoo-haa over her VT!! I didn't even think she was that different?!

If she started to feel comfortable enough to get that side of her across, they'd all slate her for being "false" anyway so she can't win :shakehead:

I met him- he thought he was so good- i served him in argos and guess what the arrogant twat did?
he touched my bump and said that i could tell my child that he had been touched by a celeb before he was even born!
I just laughed AT him..what a gimp as if anyone will remember him in a year let alone several!
beanie said:
aww Victor - now he was a class housemate :D

I loved victor.... the way he used to go into the diary room and start rapping and saying things like "shizzle my nizzle, im a gangstaaaaaaaaa" and then really polietly ask BB for some bread and a pint of milk :rotfl:
sazzylou said:
Lindsay said:
Effective immediately was the loss of Stuart's title of Head of House. Big Brother has said that there will be further consequences. As a result of the rule break Darnell, Rex, Mohamed, Maysoon, Kathreya, Rachel and Stuart will join Dale and Luke to face the public vote.

They are not all up!! I still really hope that either Dale or Luke go :pray:


tits! I didnt read it properly :x Damn it.....I just saw a load of names and assumed :lol: ... I still want MO TO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (or maysoon, or Kat, or Rachel....or Dale :twisted: )

I wish mikey and Lisa were up, they do my head in. Should be a good 'un on friday eh? :dance:

I'm with you Sazzy! Hate everyone you mentioned but most of all Darnell! ARGH!! He's such a potty mouthed idiot!!

REX to win!!
I want Luke to stay in for another week as he is so miserable its funny to watch, and if he is kicked out him and Becs will be reunited and we have to put up with their "love" story and I can't be arsed with that. So I shall vote for Dale this week. No doubt Jen will be waiting to milk out more fame from being linked with him - funny how in the house she led him on yet as soon as she is evicted she suddenly realises she loves him.

Not sure who will go, I think Dale or Luke are faves but it depends on the vote. If it is to evict then Luke or Dale but if it is to save I reckon Maysoon will go.
I voted Rex to go only because he's being a dick. Why is it such a problem for him that Rachel is boring?? He's got a big head about his restaurants and the amount of money he has, no one is having a go at him about that.

Be a boring world if we were all the same.
I've gone with Stuart. Can't stand him and his big stoopid eyelashes. Just not my cup of tea at all.

Mind you, Rex has been an absolute tit. I can't believe how nasty he's been. It's ok to be honest and I respect that BUT not if it's going to hurt people's feelings like that.

I'd be quite happy if Mo went too :bored: but although Luke is a weasle, I do quite like watching his weird pensioner ways.

Maysoon has walked - no further details at the mo
God I fucking love Lisa. How funny was she when she was going on about identifying Rex's girlfriend. They identified 6 when she was really 3. Lisa is there saying how stuning 6 is to Rex, and how they chose her after the way Rex talked about her. When Rex said he hoped they had the right one she repliued "well if it is the other, beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and that it won'tbe 3 as 6 was "stunning" but 3 was "common looking". I am in tears here.
beanie said:
God I f***ing love Lisa. How funny was she when she was going on about identifying Rex's girlfriend. They identified 6 when she was really 3. Lisa is there saying how stuning 6 is to Rex, and how they chose her after the way Rex talked about her. When Rex said he hoped they had the right one she repliued "well if it is the other, beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and that it won'tbe 3 as 6 was "stunning" but 3 was "common looking". I am in tears here.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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