*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

oh thank god that zezi or whatever she's called is getting demoted!!! what an annoying beeeyatch!!!! :roll:

i hope kat or rachel or maysoon goes this week.....theyre so BOOOOORING!!and if i hear "hapy house" or "happy hell" one more time :twisted: lol xx
Jade&Evie said:
In other Big Brother news, it's been reported that Zezi Ifore has been dumped as host of Big Brother's Little Brother after proving unpopular with viewers.

The Sun reports that Zezi's role has been 'reduced' with the 23-year-old now only recording segments for the show and appearing in the studio alongside George Lamb on Sundays.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Hope it's true!

Thank god for that!!! Not only is she bloody annoying, she's actually a really crap presenter. Im suprised she got the bloody job :x I miss Dermot :cry:

I reckon Dale will be up ths week too. It would crack me up if he was and he did actually get evicted, especially after him thinking that everyone likes him too much to nominate him. He does seem to have quite the ego........
god that presenter was AWFUL soo stilted and uncomfortable all the time, really hope dales up and goes this week, i wouldnt hes quite funny but it annoys me when people WANT to go up and r THAT cocky about surviving !
beanie said:
Rex went on and on about Rachel's vid for aaaages last night. He'sa tad obsessed with her (lucky Rach) and at times he did seem to be going over the top.

My OH swears he fancies her! Like pulling her hair in the playground! :lol:
Hahaha he is so obsessed! Rex luuurves Rachael!!!!

How come her video is such a uproar because shes really fun in it and not in the house but Dales video is classed as fake because hes nice in the house and a arse in the video.....her vid matters but his is nothing?
nickilubs said:
Hahaha he is so obsessed! Rex luuurves Rachael!!!!

How come her video is such a uproar because shes really fun in it and not in the house but Dales video is classed as fake because hes nice in the house and a arse in the video.....her vid matters but his is nothing?

My OH has just said exactly that. I hope the heaven housemates all vote for Mo to go out, i cant stand him. He is such a tw*t! But i reckon Dale will be up this week for sure.
I had a lovely dream about Stu last night :wink: I now love him :lol: I only had a slight crush on him before.... :oops: Anyway.........

I thought Rex was quite mean to Rachel last night :( And i actually love Rex :? He did crack me up with Mikey though....when Mikey was asking where his bottle of coke was and Rex said " Its in the middle of the floor, see if you can find it" and then started chuckling to himself :rotfl: So cruel, but it made me laugh :lol:
I havent watched BBLB because of that annoying girl!
Shes so rubbish!

Haha BB was funny last night
Mikey repeating over and over "what a fu*king knob"

sazzylou said:
I thought Rex was quite mean to Rachel last night :( And i actually love Rex :? He did crack me up with Mikey though....when Mikey was asking where his bottle of coke was and Rex said " Its in the middle of the floor, see if you can find it" and then started chuckling to himself :rotfl: So cruel, but it made me laugh :lol:

that made me laugh too :oops: :oops: i feel sorry for rachel - i think she's a nice girl who is a victim to the rest of the housemates' bitchiness; i hope she manages to ride it out :(
i think they took it out more on rachel because dale admitted that he just sed those things to get on bb, whereas rachel sed that is her but im sorry the public would have seen that side to her when she was on her own one to one with ppl and we havent. i dont want her or dale to win, dale cus hes an arse, theres just sumthing about him and her because she blatantly lied to get on BB and then is a boring bitch so she took someones place who could have been much better, and the housemates are right she has stuck herself with darnell and kat in the hope that she gets an easy ride to the final but shes forgetting at the end of the day its the public who vote! i think also the housemates werent as tough on dale because its obvious he shot himself in the foot when it comes to the public with that vt.

I think Rachel isn't that person because she doesn't like the people she is living with! I am very bubbly and lovely but if I don't want to be somewhere I clam up!

She can stick up for herself and I think she's more real than the other.

Dale DIDN'T say those things just to get on big brother- he is a complete knob! I hope he goes this week! :pray:
lfc_sarah said:
Haha BB was funny last night
Mikey repeating over and over "what a fu*king knob"


Mikey made me laugh when he said he could see in his original VT and the blindness was his gimmick :lol:

I like Rachel, I don't think she is that different from the video. She is chatty and optimistic, and I'm not convinced anybody's personality should be held to 30 seconds of VT from before they even entered the house :?

And Rex SO wants her :lol:
Jade&Evie said:
I think Rachel isn't that person because she doesn't like the people she is living with! I am very bubbly and lovely but if I don't want to be somewhere I clam up!

She can stick up for herself and I think she's more real than the other.

Dale DIDN'T say those things just to get on big brother- he is a complete knob! I hope he goes this week! :pray:
with you there Jade, I think we have seen the girl in the video but she hasn't made the highlights as she hasn't got her tits out and pretended to get it on with someone to try and win. She has always stuck up for herself, when she is on her own with Kat and Darnell she has been very chatty and bubbly. Remember her entrance in the house, she was very excited etc, but then after the first week, being put down by Alex constantly, and then dealing with Becs and Jens poison (which she asked them about face to face and shut them up) she started to be very quiet. I am very chatty with people I know and like, put me in a house where I don't like half of them then I would shut up too. I like Rachel, I didn't do but she has really impressed me with how she handles things. And has it never occured to anyone that the reason she is friends with Kat and Darnell is becuase she likes them, not that she thinks they'd win. Till a week ago everyone thought that Becs, Luke and Dale's group were the faves.
Thought Mikey was funy last night too, now he's not attached to Mario and Luke he's showing a funny side.

And Luke get over it already - she isn't dead, just evicted. And all this shit about how he has aother 5 weeks with people he doesn't like, erm no, you're out asap.
Jade&Evie said:
I think Rachel isn't that person because she doesn't like the people she is living with! I am very bubbly and lovely but if I don't want to be somewhere I clam up!

She can stick up for herself and I think she's more real than the other.

Dale DIDN'T say those things just to get on big brother- he is a complete knob! I hope he goes this week! :pray:

I agree completely Jade.

I think she's a really nice girl and what the hell is wrong with being nice these days? It's like it's a crime in there to be a decent person. I think she's a smart, assertive, bright and lovely girl. OK so I probably wouldn't fancy going out and getting smashed with her but out of all of them, I'd prefer her to be my friend. She's not bitchy and if she's got a problem with you, she tells you straight without being aggressive or nasty.

I never thought I'd say it but I really went off Rex last night. He was cruel and a bully. Nasty Rex. Still, I wouldn't kick him out of bed but he has gone down in my estimation.

I love Rachel now. I think last night has done her a lot of good with the public.

PS: Ooh, and I also agree that being with a crowd of loud and big characters CAN affect you. I'm loud but, in the wrong crowd of people, I can be the quietest person in the room.
LucyBee said:
PS: Ooh, and I also agree that being with a crowd of loud and big characters CAN affect you. I'm loud but, in the wrong crowd of people, I can be the quietest person in the room.

Same here.......actually i do that a lot with people i dont know very well, but then again, with my friends i really come out of my shell even though im quite shy. Everyones different in different situations, so i really dont see how Rex can thinks he knows exactly what Rachel is like on a 30 second video :roll: Silly Rex...i still like him though :lol:
:think: After last night I find Stuart more attractive- I liked the way he wasn't going to stab his mates in the back eve if it would be more tactical!

Mikey made me LOL last night with the "In my VT I could see; this whole blind thing is an act" comment! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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