*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: That comment from Stu just made me laugh - Justin Timberlake luke?! No.. More like Frank Spencer.
loving Darnell for messing up the shopping list - living off tuna, eggs and custard creams (and it really annoys Luke, Becs and Mikey) :clap:
Oh Bel...loobeedoobee :roll: loobeedoobee :roll: daadaaaaaaaaaaaaa...indas out then...missing her already...not!!!!!!!! :twisted:
:think: Shes wearing colour.

I hate mikey he annoys me so much......Sara would probably blow him if he asked nicely.....infact shes such a skank she would blow anyone.

Bex is horride! And Lukes a gimp dont like either of them

Infact its quite hard to decide who actually is half okay!
I hate Mikey also. What's he on about having chocolate bars for breakfast.

This year I can honestly say I have no favourite and couldn't care less who wins. I would say say Stuart is the least annoying but he's got a bit whingy lately on about finding someone to love :puke: .
It made me cry when Stu was talking about how much he missed his daughter. I think he might walk if he's in their too much longer

:rotfl: at Bex holding Luke in a headlock! :rotfl:
Mikey is really really getting on my nerves, theres something about him now whenever i look at him he reminds me of a smelly scarecrow, and all i do is picture him eating that peanut butter :puke: :puke: :puke:
MissSara said:
Mikey is really really getting on my nerves, theres something about him now whenever i look at him he reminds me of a smelly scarecrow, and all i do is picture him eating that peanut butter :puke: :puke: :puke:

lol, that really made me laugh :rotfl:

I just hate Mikey. He makes my skin crawl :puke:
Who would you vote as the next head of house?

I recon someone like Lisa would be my choice. :think:
I think Lisa would be a good head of house, but i dont think its going to happen, watching the live feed.
lella said:
I think Lisa would be a good head of house, but i dont think its going to happen, watching the live feed.

I think Lisa's some sort of android...... Its that weird expression of hers....freaks me out, lol.
I reckon Dale would probably be the best HOH He's well liked and fair and has common sense.

Rex would ruffle some feathers, but would still be reasonably OK, Lisa's ego would go into overdrive, Mikey would just rant at them, Stu would go paranoid they all hate him. Rachael would be ok but boring, bex would drive me MAD and Luke would be a total hypocrite.
id hate dale to be head of house. theres something about him i don't like. I think its because i watched his audition tape. What a shitt

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