*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

budge said:
id hate dale to be head of house. theres something about him i don't like. I think its because i watched his audition tape. What a shitt

'If there's some pussy in there I'd nail it' or something along those lines. :puke: :puke: :puke:
he just strikes me as one of those men who is all calm then loses it at the slightest thing if you know what i mean. i wouldn't trust him.
There isn't actually anyone in there that I LOVE. Usually, there are a few housemates that I take a huge liking to, but not this year :( I'm disappointed with their choice of housemates. :talkhand:

...Just been glued to the TV for the last hour but still, it is a bit pants!
Jade&Evie said:
It made me cry when Stu was talking about how much he missed his daughter. I think he might walk if he's in their too much longer

:rotfl: at Bex holding Luke in a headlock! :rotfl:

i read that stu never sees his daughter, he pays £30 a fortnight if the mum is lucky and she lives at home with her mum. apparently when they occasionally see him he is always bragging about how many steroids he has taken lately.

did anybody else read that? it was by his ex and her sister.
Oh no, I really like Stuart, I have not read this story. Quite disappointed now :(
I think it would do Rachel good to be head of house, that way she would have to make some decisions.
if i had to pick one to win it would be rex but i know its not going to happen because there are alot of ppl who dont like his sarcasm. i did think darnell would win altho i didnt really like him but think he has know blown that. i hate dale n stu and i hope one of them goes next week! Jen got bad press becau she left her daughter to come into the house but no one ever says anything about him doing it. mikey really really annoys me espec in the diary room. i think lisa is a total hypocrite she hid behind mario for weeks and is now being just like him and she nominated rex because of his sarcasm and he boasts to much and she has said to others he talks bull but did you hear her go on about the baguette and how she can eat one half that size n then go bk for another, whatever!!! :bored: i just read dale is the new head of house, but i cant see him doing anything different! lets hope they get to change the people in heaven hell cus its unfair if its not changed around but then again thats what BB is all about and it makes good viewing seeing them all moaning and jealous :D

OMG Darnel last night! what a total tosser. could i dislike him any more :think: i think not :talkhand: :puke:
grace1983 said:
what did darnell do?? i missed it! xx

he was his usual self. thick and full of his own thoughts, views and opinions.
However the best bit was when he went into the diary room and BB had given him a heap of alcohol in a basket. BB stated that it was for ALL housemates. But Darnel said''but thats only between you and me BB. No one has to know that the alcohol isn't just for heaven'


He pleaded with BB to allow just heaven to consume the alcohol RAHHHHH

anyway he went back to the house and told hell that heaven had been given alcohol. Hell wern't happy as you can imagine. Rebecca made a big scene :lol:
In the ned and i think just because he thought BB MIGHT land him in it he said it was all a big joke and that the alcohol was for all!!! But you could tell he didn't want to share.
His true colours have certainly come out now
ive never liked him. Im a good judge of character and i've always thought he's shifty.
I never liked him but couldnt really back it up with anything until now :twisted: :rotfl:

They are all as much a drip as eachother thins year though.
darnel just reminds me so much off the old Biff Tannen in back to the future 2.

Rex has also turned into such a wanker... blatantly being horrible just to get nominated, If he were horrible to me I'd tell him I wouldn't nominate him on purpose LOL
Whats going on with Kat and Mo then?

Darnell is just a div. Maysoon had loads of coverage tonight and she was still boring :sleep:

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