*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

According to the Sun (so believe what you will :wink: ) They were going to kick Kat out for good but she went a blubbed to BB saying how sorry she was so they changed their mind :wall: Whats the point in threatening something and then not following through?
Eh i am confused, why were they going to kick Kat out? what has she done? Other than be irratating.
For climbing the fence to get bananas? nah I don't believe they would really evict just for that. All scare tactics.
Urchin said:

Rex has also turned into such a w**ker... blatantly being horrible just to get nominated, If he were horrible to me I'd tell him I wouldn't nominate him on purpose LOL

Then you'd get put in pergertory for discussing nominations *tut tut*

:rotfl: :rotfl:
i read that stu never sees his daughter, he pays £30 a fortnight if the mum is lucky and she lives at home with her mum. apparently when they occasionally see him he is always bragging about how many steroids he has taken lately.

did anybody else read that? it was by his ex and her sister.

Thats the thing though, they are only coming out of the wood work to cash in on Stu and get what they can from the situation so I wouldn't believe that to be true or false to be honest.

She wouldn't get in the magazine if she said "Stu loves his daughter, hes a great dad etc".
lfc_sarah said:
I dont get whats going on with the mo and kat pack suitcases thing

Me either :think: Has bb just taken their clothes away as a punishment or do they both not know what the consequences are yet??
its starting to get interesting again :D

i love bex and luke together, they are so funny.

i think stuart mite be one to win it!

i wouldnt care if kat, mo and darnell all were evicted, not ken on any of them

i never see what rex does to upset everyone :think:

lisa should of been in heaven instead of maysoon
mo,darnell and bex for eviction. i know darnells been an pri** dis week but i hope he doesnt go
jayla's mummy said:
mo,darnell and bex for eviction. i know darnells been an pri** dis week but i hope he doesnt go

i hope he does and i think he will.

how did you get to find out about thenm being nominated?
I've just read on the internet about evictions, I would like Bex to go, she is irritating and lazy but also good to watch. The best to go for viewers would be Mo, cos he does nothing and wouldn't be missed. I want Darnell to stay too.

I've just read on the internet about evictions, I would like Bex to go, she is irritating and lazy but also good to watch. The best to go for viewers would be Mo, cos he does nothing and wouldn't be missed. I want Darnell to stay too.

what is wrong with Bex she had a tiny cut- Hayden doesn't even scream like that when he hurts himself-
Drama queen!! *yawn*
bye bex :wave: :pray: I never want to see her tits ever again :talkhand: the thing between her and Luke is so dull (who the hell gives a shit if they snog again - :bored: ), he can go next then Dale (who is a nasty piece of work) and Stu who is just a duller version of Dale (and that is hard to do). And can we get rid of Mikey - we're not deaf, you don't have to shout so much in the diary room. Then I can tolerate the house again :D

I hope if they do stay Darnell and Mo realise they are liked, thats what is behid Darnell's erratic behaviour - he is so insecure and thinks people prefer Bex
budge said:
jayla's mummy said:
mo,darnell and bex for eviction. i know darnells been an pri** dis week but i hope he doesnt go

i hope he does and i think he will.

how did you get to find out about thenm being nominated?

in was watching bblb and saw it.
get beks out! wot a drama queen. ova a little cut dat i couldnt even see.
:talkhand: KEEP DARNELL IN :talkhand:

yeah he's been weird this week but at least he has been constanly irritating or constanly greedy :wink:
Bex to go. I hate her and Luke.

i still reckon it will be a Dullard who wins this ie Stuart, Rachael, Dale. Rachale being my prefered out of these.

If Bex goes out it makes the B blockers more powerful in the nominating although i reckon we will have a whole house up for eviction fairly soon.
I want Mo to go. He is so boring and does nothing but whinge and eat, Bex is annoying but I do think she is good for entertainment. The way Darnell goes on about who is nominating who and the groups and stuff is quite funny. He is so paranoid and is obsessed with game plans.

I really like Stuart :D

I really don't know who I want to win tho :think:
get rid of MO!
He does nowt but annoy everyone. I find him quite dull most of the time, but then when he does do something thats worth watching, its usually him being a bit of a tit about something. I thought he went well over the top with the Bex/toothbrush argument.

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