*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

fran_23 said:
LilysMummy said:
OMG you have to read this :rotfl: Its about Bex and Luke going in for a day but read the bottom bit about what thye plan on doing to Rex :rotfl:

http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/show ... p?t=873883

i just posted that about 3 things up but i dont think anyone noticed :cry:

Oh no I read the link you posted, then searched for it on google to see if it was anywhere else which is how I found out about the Rex thing :lol:
ah yeah the rex thing- sorry i see!! haha they have to do something coz it bloody sucks right now- yawn fest!!! :sleep: :sleep:
I dont mind bex & luke going in for a day but to think its all going to be about rex & nicole just annoys me..
I absolutely hate Rex & Nicole. Her whiney voice winds me up.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I thought he had just fallen or got pulled off the stage I didnt realize he actually tried to crown surf! Lol! Just youtubed it. Owch! LOL silly boy!
How DARE they keep making fucking scenes on other people's eviction nights?! It's REALLY winding me up.

I missed the first part of that argument - What was it about? x
dannii87 said:
How DARE they keep making f***ing scenes on other people's eviction nights?! It's REALLY winding me up.

I missed the first part of that argument - What was it about? x

God knows but how vindictive and controlling is Rex :evil:
All they do is argue!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think theyve argued more times than me and Lee have done since we met since they went into that house!!!!!!
Does Mikey give anyone else the creeps? or is it just me?
not sure why really he just does
sarah113 said:
Does Mikey give anyone else the creeps?

:lol: I really dont like Mikey at all. :shakehead: I find him creepy and gross.... the way he eats food.. :puke:
Rex is the new head of house, I wonder if he'll be the most annoying one ever. :lol:
I hate hate hate Rex and Nicole! arrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh they are like a pair of 5 year olds bickering about everything and he is so manipulative! and i think that they are brother and sister! if you look at them closely ~(disregarding hair) and her without makeup I really think they might be! and Rex just does not know when to stop he goes on and on and on about stuff he's childish I HATE him!!!!!

Lisa has really grown on me actually - I love how she wears the most awful outfits and thinks she's really sophisticated, I think she's sees herself as being like a WAG or something but she's quite funny and genuine. I hate katraya and darnell, Rachel is boring, Mikey is gross, Sara is ok, and although you can see that Mohammed is lazy and greedy he's actually ok I quite like him.

Lisa to win!!!
I actually dont have a winner.... and thats the first time ever since watching Big Brother!
Its so rubbish at the moment!!

Rex and Nicole: I dont even know where to start with them, together theyre annoying, selfish, moody... the list goes on
Kat: Tries too hard, annoying singing
Rachel: Boring, doesnt have an opinion
Darnell: Weird, paranoid...Flies off the handle
Mikey: Ewwwwww knocks me sick, diary room so annoying, making sick comments
Mo: Greedy.. lazy
Sara: Voice DOES MY HEAD IN!
Lisa: Weird stories but at the moment i actually think shes the best of the bunch

:think: :shakehead:
I want Lisa to win, she makes me laugh so much, and even better I think she is so genuine with it as well, which makes it even funnier.
Yeah Lisa has only come to light for me in the past week, I really wanted Luke to win before he got evicted I know he was a little bitch really but he was funny and it was mostly harmless.

Yes Sara's voice is sooo annoying! lol
I think its great Rex is head of house....I dont have a winner at all, and if Mikey wins its only cos of who he is, Mikey is awful
I want rachel to win for three reasons-

1. Rex hates her and he's such a knob I just want to piss him off :twisted: (I still would though... :wink: :rotfl: )

2. She's been herself- she hasn't pretended to like people she doesn't like she is just civil to them rather than making everyone's life a misery by arguing

3. Her boyfriend is FIT :D :D :D
Similar to Jade (apart from the Rex bit :puke: Coorrrr lady, what are you THINKING?! lol)

Anyway, I guess I'd like Rachel to win because she's been consistant (OK, fair enough, consistantly boring...) but she's always been nice to people and I would say she's the most deserving winner..

Although I'm not that fussed to be honest who wins, for me, it's more a case of who I DON'T want to win...

I don't think the winner (whoever it is) will do very well at all out of this series. BB have failed miserably this year I reckon with choosing housemates.


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