*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

lol i didnt get as far as the end i felt too sick and had to close it! :rotfl:
Jade&Evie said:
:D it says at the end that it's a joke! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Shows how interested I am in them, didn't get to the end and just grimaced at the photos. :rotfl:
I feel like my Rex hatred has crept up on me :?

Can't stand the **** :lol:
I've decided I want Stuart out, not cos i dislike him but if he went maybe they would start nominating the arseholes instead of giving him the sympathy votes he gets all the time. He's a waste of every nomination vote :wall:
Minxy said:
I feel like my Rex hatred has crept up on me :?

Can't stand the c*** :lol:

I agree!

This S.R.H. (Sudden Rex Hatred) has taken me by surprise. I wanted him to win before Nicole came in. Couldn't get enough of him. Now I think he's an absolute twat. I bet he's got a tiny winkle.

Get him and that horrible Nicole and her rubbish hair extensions out.
i want stu to stay, hes about the only person left i like, plus hes not bad to look at :D
Spritzer said:
plus hes not bad to look at :D

He didnt look to shabby when when he stipped down to his speedo's last night did he? his teeny weeny little speedo's.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Stu should wear speedo's more often :wink: :lol:
sazzylou said:
Spritzer said:
plus hes not bad to look at :D

He didnt look to shabby when when he stipped down to his speedo's last night did he? his teeny weeny little speedo's.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Stu should wear speedo's more often :wink: :lol:

you should of seen him putting on a red leotard thingy on live bb yeat afternoon for the task

oh asked if he looked big in it (meaning muscley) i said parts of him did :oops:

**slaps own wrists** its the hormones i swear!!
whats HAAAAAAAAAAAppening??? my boyf's playing stupid metal gear solid :roll:
oh and im not gonna vote in the whom i want out poll. theyre both rubbish!
:think: why is the goldfish dying funny?

Nicole is such a bint- fair enough not enough to cry ove really but I should imagine after so many week in the BB house I would cry at the drop of a hat (or goldfish dying...) too :?
eewwwww :puke: what a disgusting woman, doing that on telly, she must need help quick.

Stuart to go, i like Mikey, can't understand why people dont really like him :( none of my friends like him atall, dont you just feel sorry for him?
nah I don't feel sorry for him,he is an odious guy at times but I am loving the way he stands up to Rex.

Nicole pissed meoff when she was going on about Rachel crying over a goldfish - this from a girl who cried as she didn't have her suitcase for a few days.

I watched the BB series, the american one. It was good in that the head of house chose who was facing eviction and then the rest of the house voted, then the evicted housemates had to decide who won. Natalie was ok, a bit loud.

Where did it say she was expressing her milk? It certainly is a neat party trick, I don't squirt unless I am really full.
I really want Stu to go, but only by default.

I like Rachel; don't care if she's boring! I want to see the look on her face when she finds out she's staying :D

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