*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

Yey!!!!!!!!!! Nicole better go! Though to be honest I feel abit sorry for her now :( Rex is abit OTT on the controlling front.
i do so hope that nicole goes! :pray: shes like thrush - irritating
I think i quite like Rex too
Hes a nob... but hes just himself and doesnt give a shit what anyone thinks

Plus he makes me laugh

Bye Nicole :wave:
lfc_sarah said:
I think i quite like Rex too
Hes a nob... but hes just himself and doesnt give a sh*t what anyone thinks

Plus he makes me laugh

Bye Nicole :wave:

i see a lot of me in Rex - thats why i don't like him i think :lol:
I'd prefer Rachel to win (although I'm not OVERLY fussed)


BYE BYE PRINCESS NICOLE!! :cheer: :cheer:
Bye Nicole! Kiss my :moon: :moon: :moon:

If Rex would be like he was last night all the time Id like him more :D

Rachel to win though.
I want Nicole to go, she isn't a very nice person. However I do wonder why people seem to blame her for Rex's behaviour, he is an adult and the full responsibility for him being as prick lies at his feet. Now I have see what he is really like I don't think I'll vote for him at all, unless it is to evict. He is just an overgrown spoilt brat.
Minxy said:
Interesting that nobody here wants 'favourite' KAt to win :think:

My Celebdaq Kat shares have gone DOWN too.

I think a lot of people think she's still very fake. The cookie jar on every eviction night is annoying now. Yeah, you like cookies...WE GET IT.

I voted for Rachel. Could never have imagined it in the beginning but I really want her to win now. She's a nice, decent person. Bit dull yes but sweet and innocent and must have made her Mummy proud.
beanie said:
if Kat, Rachel or Darnell won I would be happy.

i agree.

i really don't mind kat at all - i think she's pretty harmless and sweet. same with rachel - she might be a bit dull, but i think she's been v dignified throughout the whole thing. darnell is ok; his paranoia winds me up a bit though.

i did want rex to win, but he can be such a penis. there's a small part of me that still (grudgingly) likes him - i just wish someone would stand up to him and tell him what an idiot he is and how pathetic his snidey comments make him look.

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