*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

Ermmm Mikey? No chance!!!!

Rachael could though, she just turned down the chance of a letter from her mum so that the rest of the house could have letters :) I like her.
MissSara said:
Sara really annoys me, i have to put the tv on mute when shes talking in her whining pathetic voice.


x-kirsty-x said:
Apparently Mikey is favourite to win.

Erm, why?? :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock: no way :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

I reckon Mikey will definitely be there in the final just cos the others are too soft to nominate him (which i think is wrong, but they might be too scared of how theyd look if they nominated a blind man or feel to guilty.....or maybe they all genuinely like him :think: ) but i dont think he'll win. HE CANT WIN, NO ONE BLOODY LIKES HIM!! sorry, i shall calm down now.... :evil: i just cant stand him :x
jayla's mummy said:
sorry wrong info well she did do this but his upset bcoz last night he got into saras bed to sleep with her but she jumped out and slept with stu in his bed. p*ss take!

Oooh what a biatch!! I want Stu, he's really yummy!!
No Mikey No!!!

The food on the chin thing knocks me sick. It fuck all to do with his blindness. As my OH pointed out. NO-ONE can see their own chin. :think:
this thing about mikey not being nominated because he is blind isn't strictly true as he has recieved nominations. Its just that he isn't as annoying tomother HM's as others. They don't hear him in the dairy room and he has remained pretty neutral, esp now Luke and Mario have gone.
Yeah, I don't think it's a PC thing. More like they find him harmless. And he does have his funny moments. He's pretty unpopular on the 'outside' though and will go when he's up.
beanie said:
this thing about mikey not being nominated because he is blind isn't strictly true as he has recieved nominations.

oooh, has he? I didnt think he ever got any :think: its good that someone does nomintae him then, theyre just obviously not nominating him enough for my liking :evil:

Hes just so annoooooyyyiiinnng, why cant they see that?!?! They shouldve out him up ages ago :twisted:

edit: actually, thinking about it now, i know rex nominated him once but i think thats about it.... more people need to do it, but i dont think they will :evil:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: OMFG look at the size difference, he makes her look like a right bloater!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:puke: :puke: :puke:
Urchin said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: OMFG look at the size difference, he makes her look like a right bloater!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:puke: :puke: :puke:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
its this one that cracked me up


Look at his skinny little legs, hahaha :puke: :rotfl:
His legs :puke:

I couldn't sleep with him, he's soooo skinny. Prefer men with a bit of meat on their bones :wink:
Oooh Dale and Stu are up for eviction, think it's :wave: :wave: :wave: to Dale this week!! He will be able to find out that Jen is back living with her husband too!!

Lindsay said:
He will be able to find out that Jen is back living with her husband too!!


is she?? :shock: She was only in 'Heat' a couple of weeks ago saying that she loved dale and what an abusive ******* her husband was. Poor dale
OMG HOW SKINNY IS LUKE!!!!!!!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

I know its discusting and the pictures... :puke:

But i also think its kind of cute....
Alledgedly Dale and Stuart up for eviction, I really dont care who goes they both bore me.
Although i d think Stuart should just walk he has done nothing but moan for a couple of weeks

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