*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

rex seemed like an intelligent guy.... why is he letting her get away with that crap?... telling him off for leaving her "alone" for 20 minutes :roll:
sazzylou said:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Do you know what, I think rachel should win now. She was dead boring but she seems nice and sticks up for herself - plus it would really annoy everyone else cos they all think they are so entertaining!

I dont care who wins now :( I thought last nights ep was so dull, i said to OH that i couldnt give a monkeys who wins. I know who i DONT want to win though.....Mikey :evil: The only one who really stod out for me in there was Rex, but now thats ruined thanks to the 'genius' idea of putting his crappy girlfriend in :roll:

I know, I was a big fan of him up until now.. I'm not fussed about it now either tbh..
Urchin said:
rex seemed like an intelligent guy.... why is he letting her get away with that crap?... telling him off for leaving her "alone" for 20 minutes :roll:

Pathetic huh :roll: at least she won't last long :bored:
I don't think any of them deserve to win to be honest. BB have failed this year...

I wonder if Rex told his girlfriend she needs to sort her hair out how she'd react?! :think: x
'you should know'
................is Nicole under the illusion that Rex is a clairvoyant? :think:

She is really doing me in! :rotfl:
Misslarue said:
whats a shoeing?! :rotfl:


Mo really annoyed me last night, coming in the lounge sayin Sara just said she cant do the task etc when she didnt say anything like that! :twisted: :wall:
I was watching it live last night and have a few things to report!! :D

Rex & Nicole were arguing (again), she was in tears (again), he was moaning at her for being miserable (again) and she threatened to leave :shock: :dance:

They had a massive row and she started going on about when he "left" her to go on holiday for 2 weeks, came back for 2 days then went to BB without telling her (I'd be angry at this too, but discussing it on National TV isn't the time or place!)

Anyway, then she started getting angry and upset about Rex and Steph at the beginning...

Cooorrrr... It made me glad I'm single! x
dannii87 said:
I was watching it live last night and have a few things to report!! :D

Rex & Nicole were arguing (again), she was in tears (again), he was moaning at her for being miserable (again) and she threatened to leave :shock: :dance:

They had a massive row and she started going on about when he "left" her to go on holiday for 2 weeks, came back for 2 days then went to BB without telling her (I'd be angry at this too, but discussing it on National TV isn't the time or place!)

Anyway, then she started getting angry and upset about Rex and Steph at the beginning...

Cooorrrr... It made me glad I'm single! x

I KNEW it would all boil down to Rex and Steph!!!
It was soooooo obvious since the moment she walked into the house she was going to bring it up and be funny about it.

She drives me mad anyway
I was watching this last night to. I feel a bit sorry for her to be honest. She has sat and watched Rex pawing and sulking over another woman, then when she gets there he is emotionally confusing her saying that she has made him look bad in there and she shouldnt have gone on if she was gonna get upset and not deal with it etc and then in the same breath says its not fair if you leave and then if you leave i will leave to!! Talk about confusing the girl!

If it were me and my OH in there i would have given him a good slap by now :evil:
She should just say "well talk about this when you get out, not on tv" or else she should just leave :wall: either way, im fed up hearing about it. He didn't love steph, he just got on with her thats all. Ever since nicole has came in shes been a drag on the house & rex isnt as fun anymore.

If she doesn't shut up maybe he'd be better going out with steph :evil: lol
i know Nicole and Rex are in a stressful situation being in the house an' all, but do you reckon they carry on like that out of the house too? I couldnt be in a relationship like that. She's very moody and stroppy, he's paranoid and possesive, not a very healthy relationship at all. :| I'd rather be single :lol:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
She should just say "well talk about this when you get out, not on tv" or else she should just leave :wall: either way, im fed up hearing about it. He didn't love steph, he just got on with her thats all. Ever since nicole has came in shes been a drag on the house & rex isnt as fun anymore.

If she doesn't shut up maybe he'd be better going out with steph :evil: lol


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