*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

Rexs GFs quite the Biatch isnt she lol! Face like a bag of smashed crabs!
Urchin said:
Nicole is a right petulant little madam... tbh she acts pretty immature, not sure I like her.

She's only 19. She needs to think twice about making such a show of being upset over a suitcase when the others have been in there months going stir crazy :roll:

She and Rex don't seem to be able to communicate very effectively :? I know they have to be careful but even so...............

And I agree with boys.. GET Nicole in to help clean up. She's on of three Hell housmates, one of whom's blind. Little Miss Princess is going to break some nails this week methinks............
I dont like Nicole at all!! Her body-language when she's with Rex speaks volumes as well! Its like she cant stand him!

I dont see how its so tough without her suitcase, I mean she looks fine, dunno who's clothes she's got on but they fit her and she can just use someone elses wash-stuff and its only been a day or 2!

She'll be up for evistion this week I reckon!
Nicoles an idiot :shakehead:

She's losing her rag over a friggin suitcase!!! Oooh poor little princess.... :roll: :roll: :roll: How does Rex put up with her?? Ive started to lose respect for him actually, like the way he follows her round asking if she's ok, and pandering to her when she's having a little strop :talkhand: She's making him look like a twat.

And her body language with him is awful.... She really looks like she dislikes him. I said to OH that maybe Rex doesnt look quite so attractive in the house without all the power that being a head chef gives him, all the restaurants he owns, and all the money that no doubt he spends on her..... She's not gonna last long in there :pray:

AND MIKEY HAD CRAP ALL OVER HIS CHIN AGAIN LAST NIGHT!!!!!AAARRGGHHH!!!! :x would it kill one of them to tell him?? even though surely he can feel it??? :puke:

And why was knocking over a load of alphabetti spagetti so damn funny mikey? eh? WHY?!?!?! God i wish they'd put him up for eviction.......he'd be gone :twisted:
I reckon that Nicole is actually really peed off about Rex and steph at the start of BB but is fame hungry so came into the house and pretended everything is OK.
If she has a massive strop about a suitcase I bet she had an even bigger one about steph.
Theres also the story about the alleged stripper which she's not allowed to talk about

Was hillerious when she was talking about buying dresses and stuff on the outside and Rex asked how she paid for it...
Apparently she's had his card while hes been in BB
Shut her up

She doesnt seem as into Rex as he is in her
Nicole should have never went in because its ruined it now and Rex has changed even though he was one of my favourites. Its ruined the whole experience for Rex too.

Rex asking her about how she paid for her clothes was a bit embarassing for her though.. he knows that she needs his money and he was just letting us all know. She looked at him as if to say "please dont embarass me by saying i have no money" - it made me feel so awkward to watch, even if she is a spolit brat.

And yeah, I have to say she look very average without her own make-up & clothes :) She'll def get voted next week by them and us I reckon
lfc_sarah said:
Theres also the story about the alleged stripper which she's not allowed to talk about

Urchin said:
I reckon that Nicole is actually really peed off about Rex and steph at the start of BB but is fame hungry so came into the house and pretended everything is OK.

I agree, she would have to be pretty fame hungry to pretend everythings ok. If i thought there was a chance OH had cheated on me, it had been splashed all over the papers and i was peed off about him flirting with the blonde bint at the start of BB, i dont think i would WANT to go in if i couldnt confront him and talk about things (not that i would want to discuss anything like that on tv anyway!) I couldnt be around him knowing about all that stuff and not being able to say anything, it would eat away at me :shakehead: Its just a shame cos i liked rex....he was obnoxious but he did make me laugh, but i cant see him doing that anymore :?

I just thought she was so childish last night when he was put into heaven and she had to stay in hell after her abismal go in the alphabet task.....like it was HIS fault? Maybe you should remeber that the alphabet ends with the letter 'Z' love, then you might've done better.... how long did it take her to do it? like 9 minutes or something, then she gets all ratty with him that theyre still seperated and just kept going "whatever..." at him whenever he tried to talk to her :roll: Like its his fault she's that stupid :rotfl:
oh just remembered what Rex after that task " I tried to do it as slow as I could for you"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Urchin said:
oh just remembered what Rex after that task " I tried to do it as slow as I could for you"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
haha yeh I liked that too!! She took about 10 minutes to do it as well! x
i love big brother! id nominate Sara because she has such an annoying voice :)
i'm sad - watching it on live stream whilst feeding bubba...

whats the darnell/sara thing??
Sara really annoys me, i have to put the tv on mute when shes talking in her whining pathetic voice.
Haha i think rex thought nicole took ages on purpose so that they could fail it together and go to hell but really, shes a bit thick on it lol
awwww i think its quite the wayt rex is so loving towards nicole but she doesnt seem to feel the same way ( just her body language). i hate the way he has changed i knew that wud happen. i want the old rex back.

xkikix said:
i'm sad - watching it on live stream whilst feeding bubba...

whats the darnell/sara thing??

i think darnell is upset bcoz sara took rex in the nomination pod. which i can understand whnen darnell was the one who gave sara the nomination pod voucher
I always thought that Rex was a strong contender to win - I think Nicole has just ruined that chance for him now. :(
jayla's mummy said:
awwww i think its quite the wayt rex is so loving towards nicole but she doesnt seem to feel the same way ( just her body language). i hate the way he has changed i knew that wud happen. i want the old rex back.

xkikix said:
i'm sad - watching it on live stream whilst feeding bubba...

whats the darnell/sara thing??

i think darnell is upset bcoz sara took rex in the nomination pod. which i can understand whnen darnell was the one who gave sara the nomination pod voucher

sorry wrong info well she did do this but his upset bcoz last night he got into saras bed to sleep with her but she jumped out and slept with stu in his bed. piss take!
Nicole is seriously damaging Rex's chances, but that was BB's ploy wasn't it? He was becoming too successful and this series' USP seems to be that there's no frontrunner.

I'd give her a break about being fame hungry though. I bet those TV producers can be SO persuasive when they want to be.

I don't know who I want to win. I don't really like any of 'em :?

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