*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

yeah i cant wait to see rexs face when his GF walks thru the doors, he might be a bit nicer also
how set up was that then to get Rex's girlfriend into the house :roll: they may aswell re name BB the Rex Show, hes a bully.
having a go at people coz they didn't think his girlfriend was the most attractive girl in the line up :lol: hes a nob :x
OH said Rex's girlfriend is going in?????????????? I was watching Tudors! what a twist if she is!! :lol: :lol:
ok I am officially very sad. OH treats me to a hot date watching batman gold class and I am on my mobile getting bb highlights (cheers Urchin, you are a star). What a toss idea putting his gf in, yaaawwwnnn. unless she asks him about the stripper he apparently slept with behind her back, then it'll be interesting. Why have they put her in, did the bb producers run out of people and panic when maysoon walked :think: Rex is boring me now, he needs to go. he was funny at first but lately he just seems to be taking great delight in belittling people and that isn't on so :wave:

rach is tackling Lisa about bitching about her, but it keeps cutting away to rex and number 3 (forgot her real name) which is annoying.

I am a bit upset Luke went, not because I liked the snivelling bitch but because it was amusing to see him ranting away the last week. Though now the papers will be full of the reunion between him and Bex :bored: I wanted Dale to go instead.
I was watching it live last night and Nicole said to Rachel & Kat "they were so mean about me!" (meaning Luke & Lisa) and Rachel said "but you're beautiful so don't worry" and Nicole said "well I just kept thinking 'am I AVERAGE' looking then?!" as if it was a huge shock that she wasn't classed as the most attractive one there!!! :shock: :?

She looks in the mirror constantly - But I really WANT to like them as a couple :pray: Hope she turns out nice, it'll be quite interesting to see what Rex is like with his gf there!!

I think she looks very average- fake tan, hair extensions and a short skirt- theres 100's of them here every saturday night....

Hope the poor lass gets her suitcase! :lol:
dannii87 said:
I was watching it live last night and Nicole said to Rachel & Kat "they were so mean about me!" (meaning Luke & Lisa) and Rachel said "but you're beautiful so don't worry" and Nicole said "well I just kept thinking 'am I AVERAGE' looking then?!" as if it was a huge shock that she wasn't classed as the most attractive one there!!! :shock: :?

She looks in the mirror constantly - But I really WANT to like them as a couple :pray: Hope she turns out nice, it'll be quite interesting to see what Rex is like with his gf there!!


I noticed that too.

I want to like her but she's so up herself.

I expected to see her and go 'wow' but she's nothing special at all. Pretty, yes, but nothing to write home about :roll:
I loved BB last night, I didnt really want Luke to go, as I really want Mo to get out of that house. I also like Rex and love the fact his GF is in the house what a brilliant twist, Rex will diffo go all the way to the final :D
aww, im sad Luke went. I loved his interview though, he really made me laugh.

Rex's GF is sooooooooo nothing special though. I certainly dont think she's stunning or whatever it was Rex kept saying about her. She's very glam what with the hair, tan, clothes, but take all that away and you've got a very normal looking girl. Not that theres anything wrong with that, but both her and Rex seem to think shes al hell of a lot more attractive than she actually is.

And how pissed off did Stu look last night when she went it?? lol!! I only saw the initial meeting after Likes eviction, but Rex didnt seem that chuffed that she was there either. Maybe it was just shock :think:

I hope her being there doesnt kind of 'water down' Rex's character and they're not all lovey dovey all the time :puke: :puke: :puke:
I picked Mikey and Kat

I thought suspect number 6 is nicer than Rex girlfriend

I watched it live for a bit last night and she woulnt leave her hair alone
Touching it every 5 seconds
Really grated on me

But duno how she will turn out or Rex
:( i think rex will start being nice now.... i liked his bad side!

i voted for mikey and sara
I finally realised last night what Sara's voice reminded me of... a seal! "AR AR AR AR!" :rotfl: So true when you listen to her!

I voted Mo and Mikey.
I really hope rex stays the same and doesn't change for his GF, in fact, I reckon he might become even more arrogant and cocky now LOL

I reckon she'll only last till Friday week anyway, they will ALL nominate her and the public will get rid too. No one likes a newbie.
i'm sad Luke went :( yes he did a LOT of bitching in the house, but his interview with Davina afterwards has to be one of the best interviews & funniest that i have seen & when they showed his highlights i though 'please put him back in'!!

yes i agree Stuart looked thouroughly pissed off when they put Rex's girlfriend in the house, shes not as attractive as i thought she'd be, maybe Rex didnt look happy as hes bigged her up for sooo long & now shes in there & all the housemates are going to see how beautiful his 'princess' really is!! :rotfl:
i put Mikey- as his lack of volume control would drive me round the bend, can't stand people who talk at you and GET LOUDER AND LOUDER!!!!

And Rachel- her "niceness" would grate on my last nerve until i ended up annoying her
just to get a reaction!
LOL has nobody thought that maybe if Rex was to leave now......she would soon be all over Dale or Stu? Might be why Stu was annoyed...not because theres a new house mate....because they house mate was Rexs GF and he thought he finally had someone he could get with?

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