Team Yellow??

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Team Yellow?? Okay whats all this about?? Cant you tell im a first time mum x:lol:
if you're team pink, you know you're having a girl,blue its a boy and yellow its a suprise lol!
Oh lol thank you for explaining i had no idea what it ment well i cant pick a team yet lol i have no idea what the sex is x
im team yellow woot woot! although hubby wanted to find out when we had a growth scan the other day she couldnt tell coz baby was too crampped yay!! he would love a girl i think he would be slightly gutted if we had another boy lol!! i have another growth scan on the 9th sept i might ask for him then again - 90% chance they wont be able to tell us so i will be happy but if they can tell us then hubby will have time to adjust if its a boy but 90% they wont be able to tell so i will be happy and Hubby will be chuffed im thinking of him lol :D
I didn't want to know, and was strictly team yellow - ,although got a little tempted when in there!

Hubby didn't mind either way, we told the scan lady not to tell and she tried to not show us, and we both saw anyway, so we then found out without meaning too, which afterwards I'm not disapointed about, so thats a relief. It also like Evie says, got my little daughter more prepared for the shock of it not being a girl for her !

Amanda, what team do you want to be on if possible? knowing the sex and pink or blue or are you going to ask to know at the 20 week scan ? I would think easier to not know what your looking for the first time round too
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were staying team yellow. we were with my DD and it was so amazing when we found out she was a girl. a wonderful experience xxx
Wiv all my previous babies I've been team yellow but would like to know this time but my dh is having none of it xxx
We were going to be team yellow but I couldn't wait! lol!
We never had any intention of being team yellow-I'm too nosy and impatient x lol x will you find out Amanda or not? x
My fella does not want to know the sex of the baby where as i do i dunno for me i think i would bounce of the walls not knowing if the baby is a he or a she
Ooo Amanda you haven't got long till you can maybe find out too.

I must admit I am team yellow but am struggling because I am so excited lol
My partner wants to find out, so I will too :lol: he wants a girl but will be happy with a boy, especially as I told him its his fault what the sex is :lol:
Ooo Amanda you haven't got long till you can maybe find out too.

I must admit I am team yellow but am struggling because I am so excited lol

Thanks hun i know hehe

I wanted a boy but the switched back a girl and now back to a boy lol:wall2:
Amanda-you could ask the sonographer to write the sex down and put it into an envelope so you can look at it without showing your OH x
think OH wants to find out and i will burst if i dont so im going to find out!! lol x
I didn't find out with Lacey and it was great!! You get the whole "but don't you wanna know to bond with the baby" type thing from people but it's great to have a suprise at the end!! I kinda knew deep down she was a girl though and we only found out this time due to financial reasons!
I soooo don't want to know, but hubby is determined to. Humph, we'll see! I think I'd rather not have the 20 week scan than find out!
I'm happy I didn't find out but hubby still says it's driving him
Mad is convinced it's a girl and keeps calling my bump Chloé lol x

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I'm happy I didn't find out but hubby still says it's driving him
Mad is convinced it's a girl and keeps calling my bump Chloé lol x

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Aw that's so cute!

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