symptoms seem to disappear.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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has anyone else felt like they have no symptoms all of a sudden.

sound silly but in away i forget im even pregnant. shouldnt complain i guess as better than having bad sickness. im still shattered all the time and quite spotty. also not sure if due to pregnancy but having to wash hair without fail everyday as like i washed it in oil. never used to be able to wash it everyday as it ended up drying out tooo mcuh.


I am the same hun, nausea comes one day and could be gone the next, boobs sore one and not the next, everytime any of the symptoms go I am on panic stations thinking something has gone wrong x
Me too, no sickness apart from about 2 week ago for 2 days. Getting spotty now though and im not one to get spots just the occasional ON spot lol. Apart from that and sore boobs i don't feel pregnant xxx
i know. but what does pregnant feel like. being our 1sts we don't really know. xx
I didnt feel pregnant until about 9 weeks or so when I went off food even when I had the 12 week scan it was hard to associate the baby on the screen was mine. Even now with a huge bump I can forget I am pregnant x
lol when i was pregnant with my son i didnt have anything, not even tired it was crazy n my family couldnt believed id sailed threw it so fine, this time im only early but other then sore boobies an stuffy nose n tired im pretty much the same

i dont worrie, i did with my first constantly over every thing, this time im just enjoying it x x
The only sympotms I have at the moment is sore boobs, major tiredness and i've gone off of most foods, i'm practically living off of rice crispies, toast, beans, spaghetti hoops and crisps!! lol

I have only had a few symptoms and posted a few weeks back about having none now. it is very worrying but maybe we are just lucky.
I have an appointment with my midwife on Weds so I am going to ask her all about it.
My symptoms come and go hunny and have done since 8 weeks, one day i was feeling sick the next few days i would be fine, then they would come back again. Please try not to worry x x

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I'm with you girls! I've not really got any symptoms at all! I had cramps for a day last week but nothing else, although I am not very far on yet so thats maybe why!!!

When I got PG the last two times (but unfortunatley MCed) I had really sore boobs as soon as I feel PG but not this time!! Its strange really but I'm rather glad! Some girls suffer really badly during T1 so I'd rather have none that lots!!!!

Think we must all just be lucky!!! xxxxxx
Hey nmf - Pregnancy is different for everyone hun and can even be different for the same person the second time round.

With my son I suffered with fatigue in the first 3 months - it was the only sympton I had but that was probably because I was never awake long enough to have any others lol

This time I have it all - Sore boobs, feeling sick, cramps etc funny enough the only thing I do not have is fatigue!

Your hair will be to do with pregnancy hormones by the way - should stop/ease when you get to your second trimester

thanks all. strange but like you have all said maybe we are just lucky. would rather be like this than sick all the time. xxx
Being my first time also, it's all new to me too! Some days, like you, I really don't feel pregnant, but other days, and mostly at night, I feel really bloated and a bit uncomfortable. Have been really lucky to not have any morning sickness and no cravings as yet! Im sure as the weeks go on, you will start to 'feel pregnant' Best wishes x
Hello ladies, I'm just creeping over from trimester 2.
Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman. They arent textbook.
For example I had no symptoms until I was 6 weeks but couldn't eat past 3pm. The symptoms came n went. As I got towards 10 weeks they faded. At 10 + 4 weeks all my symptoms stopped dead at once.
I was so worried I went to the EPU at 9am on the dot.

I POAS twice a week to make sure I was still pregnant bcos my symptoms weren't consistent.....

Your not alone n I'm sure ur Lil person is doin well
I panicked last week when one morning my nipples just didnt hurt anymore...but the next day the tenderness came back...I got no sickness just mild heartburn and very bloated...trapped wind (TMI) and constipation - I think that's due to the Pregnacare multivitamins I started taking.... with my previous 2 pregnancies (my sons are now 13 and 8) I didnt have many symptoms either....
Try not to worry...easier said than done I know xxxxx
yup I had this happen too ladies... Some days the symptoms were so THERE then they would go for a couple of days and I would think the worst then they would come back! And when the sickness came back OH IT CAME BACK lol! xxx

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