Symptoms decreasing at 11 weeks, anyone else???

Hi Mummy2Adam,

I had my scan the other week and I'm about 11 weeks now (although they think I'm more far gone - haven't updated my pregnology thing as well oops :P) and if I'm honest I was expecting the worst because my sore boobs disappeared at around 6-7 weeks, I've literally been sick about 5 times and thats it. The only noticable things has been extreme fatigue and I've gone off a lot of things and minor stomach cramps but thats it so I was in a panic as well but all is fine, I'm just lucky lol. I completely understand why you're apprehensive - I still am and I know i will be til I actually get my baba in my arms :P but don't stress yourself too much if you can hun, wont be good for you or baba. And as I said im 11 weeks now and apart from the tiredness I feel fine :D xxx
Thank you for all your replies ladies, you have all put my mind at rest, think im just being paranoid.

Lauren its good to hear that we are around the same stage and we are feeling the same, i cant believe how tired I am, i just want my bed all the time! Im feeling so sorry for my OH we dont get to spend hardly anytime together because when I get in from work i just want my tea and then want to go to bed! x x

Hey girls, sorry to butt in! I havn't many symproms at all really, but today i have really achy restless legs, just wonderin if you guys have ever had this or know if its pregnancy related or not! Thanks xx
Mine started disappearing at around 10 weeks, (that's when I stopped wearing my sickness bands - yay!) boobs/nipples get sore still but it's on an on and off basis now - not constant like it was and I'm much less tired. Your placenta should have taken over by now which is why you're feeling better :) x x x
My symptoms started getting better around 11 weeks. I'd never actually been sick but felt very tired and woosy and had no appetite for anything from 6 weeks onwards.

The main thing I noticed was that I gradually became less fussy about what I felt I could eat and drink and some of my food aversions started to fade. This week has been the best one yet! Food tastes good again, my breasts are not half as painful (though still massive :D), and I no longer get up 4 times in the night to pee. Yuppee!

Probably the only remaining symptom that I have is the tiredness. Just walking down the shops feels a bit like I'd been on a 10 mile hike and I usually need to lie down for half an hour after!

So sounds like you're just going the same way ;) Try to relax and enjoy!
Thanks ladies, did anyone notice that there nails go really hard then they change to being quite bendy?x x

Thanks ladies, did anyone notice that there nails go really hard then they change to being quite bendy?x x

My nails just grow like I've put some Alice in Wonderland style potion on them. Is mental!!
Yes my nails are looking fantastic for the first time ever :) they're normally so weak and flaky. Just waiting for my hair to perk up a bit now! x x

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