SPD support thread

Oh Hun, this sucks doesn't it? I made the decision not to go back to work, so am signed off for another month then my maternity will start.

I think you need to sit him down and clearly explain the level of pain you are in and how any exertion (walking/driving/standing) impacts on you and how much rest you then need (for example with me 10 minutes standing (doing dishes for example) means I need to sit for a hour, or my pain comes back within a couple of minutes). Explain that as baby grows it's likely to get harder for you and how you don't believe you will manage back at work.

I hope he is supportive, you need to be thinking about what is best for you and baby, and mummy being in pain is not best for baby!

Hugs Hun

Hi ladies, I had spd quite bad with my little gir. By 25 weeks I was on crutches with a support belt, it started around 14 weeks. I've just found out I'm pregnant with number 2 but my hips and back are killing me, Is it even possible for it to start at 4 weeks? Sorry if it is a dumb question xx
First time mum I have no idea but probably worth mentioning at your booking in appointment! Congrats on your bfp! Hopefully it's just a bit of a hormone surge causing the symptoms and should settle once your body settles a little. Did you see physio before? Could be with starting up the stomach excersizes just in case x
I did see physio but they said they couldn't do anything until after I was pregnant and just gave me crutches. What stomach exercises hun? Xx
I had a physio appointment on Monday ladies and what a complete waste of mine and nhs time that was!

She didn't tell me anything I already didn't know what to do to help myself. She asked if I'm furniture bearing to walk, told her no and she said not much more we can do until you begin to weight bear on furniture and we will give you crutches. My reply was, my sister had them and I do not want to get to that stage and am trying my best to prevent this.

She then showed me what support belt to purchase off the internet... £40! And said I should use it when walking around out and about shopping as I shouldn't wear it sitting down due to it digging in. She asked what mattress I got I told her it is a genuine tempur mattress and not one of these toppers or cheap one you get (paid £2k for it) I don't think she believed as she said try sleeping on top of a spare duvet to soften the surface. I looked at her as if she had 10 heads and told her I can't get any softer than what I got as you literally sink I tot eh mattress when you sit or lie on it - it contours to your body shape the lot!

To say I was not impressed is an understatement - I really thought she would like massage me or something (not sure exactly) but all I done was sit on a chair answer some questions and sent on my way.

Never mind I will just plod along and am now considering leaving work end of March taking 6 days leave and starting maternity on 13th April as I've been told I'll be I duced at 39 weeks but will get this confirmed with consultant on Monday.

Hope everyone is managing theirs well and not in too much pain/discomfort.


First time mum the only thing they gave me to do was to stand in the mirror, push your pelvis up towards your stomach and hold for 10 seconds and then push right back as if your pointing it towards your back and hold again. Apparently if done early enough it can strengthen your stomach muscles enough to help support tie hips and back and hold everything in place.

Fruity it's rubbish isn't it when they jut palm you off. I have another physio appointment next week but I just don't see the point in going to be told "sorry we can't help come back when baby is born". Hubby won't let me cancel though. Support belt wise, I've been through loads including the one physio make you pay for and the best one I have found is the York excersiE one. Google it but most places like amazon do it, it's around the £20 mark but supports your bp, back and holds your hips together so definitely worth the money and tons better than the rest. It's also quite thick and the extra layer and warmth around the lower back and hips is really comforting especially when you're out in the cold x
I agree jessiecat the whole appointment was rubbish.

I will check that belt out though I'm not sure if it's worth purchasing if I'm only to wear it while walking as I don't tend to walk very far of late. Can't wewr it while at work either as I'm am constantly up and down off my chair back and forth different desks, photocopier and another office and I also attend lots of meetings which last 1-2 hours at a time.

I need to get my matb1 form from midwife on Monday while at the hospital on Monday to officially tell work when I'm going off and to be honest I cannot wait now! Between High BP, SPD and now GD I think I've taken it all on the chin quite well :)

Woken up this morning with what can only be described as fanny bone pain!! Is this SPD?? It's like a knife??!!! Xx
Sounds like it could be julies4gems, best person to speak to about it is going to be your midwife, when is your next appointment?

Really hope it isn't SPD, as it sucks! Fx its just one of those random pregnancy pains.

It's so strange how it strikes! This is my fifth baby and I dudbt have it with my first or third pregnancies but did with second and fourth. I have feared this day! Xx

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