SPD support thread

Mat pay is based on what you earn from week 17 to week 25 of your pregnancy.

I have a horrible feeling Ima be signed off during this time. I have no idea what happens then...? As it is, I can only afford six weeks off on mat leave (the six weeks at 90% pay). After that I drop to SMP which doesn't even cover rent.

My work policy is quite good being nhs. I've recieved full pay as they couldn't put me on lighter duties but im not sure how long that lasts ive worked there nearly 18 months and was feeling better so ive asked work if I could come back but since then it's got worse again. Im gonna see how I get on. I'm taking mat leave from 28 weeks due to having twins and how much of a struggle it's been so far. If push comes to shove ill see my gp if im struggling with it again and see if she'll sign me off til mat leave. Im now sure about my pay though. All the ladies I work with are a lot older and had already had children before starting so no one has a clue about it either and they give me a pack about it but I struggled to understand it if im honest, I'll have another read. I've just been going off my standard sick policy for pay which is 3 months full pay tgen 3 months half pay for long term sickness but with it being pregnancy related and them being unable to give me lighter duties im not sure if that rules it out. .. It's all so bloody confusing. Fingers crossed my midwife refers me at least then I can see what they say. Had a bath earlier and that took the edge off but it's just as bad as it was earlier now! If it becomes unbearable before my midwife I will book in with the gp. Sorry to hear your all suffering ladies xxx
Yous girls have me panicking now, it never dawned on me about how current sick leave will affect my mat pay :( I work for local health and social care trust so technically nhs. Im on my 3rd week of sick leave (19-22 weeks) so should be getting my full sick pay for this time. Im now in a panic that during this qualifying period, will being on sick leave some how affect my mat pay working out? what do yous think? I find it all so confusing plus our HR arent v helpful x
My work policy is quite good being nhs. I've recieved full pay as they couldn't put me on lighter duties but im not sure how long that lasts ive worked there nearly 18 months and was feeling better so ive asked work if I could come back but since then it's got worse again. Im gonna see how I get on. I'm taking mat leave from 28 weeks due to having twins and how much of a struggle it's been so far. If push comes to shove ill see my gp if im struggling with it again and see if she'll sign me off til mat leave. Im now sure about my pay though. All the ladies I work with are a lot older and had already had children before starting so no one has a clue about it either and they give me a pack about it but I struggled to understand it if im honest, I'll have another read. I've just been going off my standard sick policy for pay which is 3 months full pay tgen 3 months half pay for long term sickness but with it being pregnancy related and them being unable to give me lighter duties im not sure if that rules it out. .. It's all so bloody confusing. Fingers crossed my midwife refers me at least then I can see what they say. Had a bath earlier and that took the edge off but it's just as bad as it was earlier now! If it becomes unbearable before my midwife I will book in with the gp. Sorry to hear your all suffering ladies xxx

How long have u been off on the sick? I think I read if they are unable to offer you a suitable alternative they can sign you off on full pay. are they not able to change your work or hours to accommodate? Its like a mine field!!x
mat pay is soooo confusing!! I don't think mine is effected by being off sick now but it has put sorry in my mind.
I cant sleep tonight I fell like my hips are separating :(
I think if you get full pay whilst off sick your mat pay will be full. It goes off your wage slip I think. The government website has lots of info. I've been off 11 weeks here's hoping. I think from what my gp said the only thing your employer can do if your off sick is put you on mat leave from the earliest opportunity that you can, they can't reduce pay. Sorry if I've panicked anyone. Had a rubbish nights sleep again last night. Going to have an afternoon nap xxx
Hi ladies

I'm almost 30 weeks and think suffering with Pelvic Girdle Pain. When reading up on sciatica it suggests it's more than likely PGP and matches up to the pain & ache I get in my hips and groin and into my buttocks!

Walking is a struggle (I work for Aldi so I'm used to walking fast and I'm slower than my mum) standing then sitting, bending and twisting....just makes me want to cry!!

Now and have for the last 6 months been on till duties & shifts only with zero lifting. However my shift on Tuesday left me in agony, 10 hours on a till up and down, twisting and leaning on an uncomfortable chair :(

I've not spoken to my midwife yet and didn't know if it's worth seeing my GP. I don't want to be signed off with 4 weeks to go but don't want to 'push' through it and make myself worse.

Am I right by thinking if it's started now it won't stop until baby is here?

What would you do? xxx
How are you ladies today? I'm struggling with not being able to leave the house and not having anyone around. Sounds stupid when I say it out loud, but I'm feeling really isolated and alone in this.

Chazabell I'd definitely speak to someone about it, pushing through the pain is NOT a good plan, as it makes it worse (I did it, and wish I hadn't!). With rest it may get easier, and a good physio/chiropractor can help. www.pelvicpartnership.org.uk/ is a great site for info

Chazabell I'm not as far as you but I know what's its like to push through and then spend the night in tears unable to move or sleep or do anything without being in agony. Its not worth it, sse your gp
and Emmajaine I completely get the isolation! I probably could manage a small drive to the local shop wiith using my crutches as well if I needed something but as I'm signed off work id feel like a fake If I was seen, even though I legitimately struggle with everyday tasks and there's no way id cope at work!
I am in absolute agony today!! I cant bear it! The pain just doesn't go away. I'm sitting on the sofa with a cushion and 2 pillows behind my back so I'm sitting up straight but its not helping.
its making me feel miserable and down x
Catswhiskers it feel for you, I really do! Have you looked into chiropractors in your area that deal with PGP? I started seeing one a week ago, and she is sure that had I gone earlier I would not be in such a bad state now.m even if you can only afford a couple of sessions, it might be worth thinking about...

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when I had my booking in appointment with the mw she said the first sign I get of spd let her know and she will make a referral. Out of the 3 kids ive got I only got it with my son who was my 2nd so I'm sure this one is a boy as I've never had it with my 2 girls.
what can they do to help it? When I had it with my son I didn't bother getting it seen to but it kicked in at 30 something weeks. I cant go through this for another 6 months x
She did an assessment on me, and then has worked on re-aligning my pelvis by gentle manual manipulation and muscle massage to get them working in the right way. She has also given me a support belt and some exercises that help strengthen the muscles surrounding my pelvis (to try and hold it in the right position)

Some physios will do manual manipulation, but it depends on their training. The one I saw was useless, hence me going to see a private chiropractor.

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I will give the mw a call on Monday and see what she says.
I'm dying for a pee but I'm dreading walking up the stairs to the toilet lol x
I know that feeling, am soo thankful that we have a downstairs toilet at home, but visiting other people's houses, I definitely hold on as long as possible! lol x
I'm speaking to my midwife at my 30 week appt on Tuesday and see if she'll refer me.

My pain seems to be 1 sided the last 2 days and resting lost of today defo helped until I had to nip out shopping and I'm walking at a snails pace and wincing :(

Getting up from the sofa is a little challenging too :( xx
Does anyone else get dead legs? Or like a heavy, just tun a marathon e feeling in them?
And I can sympathise on toilet visits, out bathroom is downstairs so that nighttime wee is a killer!
Hey ladies, so glad we've got this thread going, some where we can all vent and moan together!

Have a quick question, what sort of pillows are yous using in bed for support? Ive just got a big long one which I used in my last pregnancy between my legs but im finding my back just feels unsupported and painful. Thinking of getting one of those v shaped ones, something to support hips and back ideally. What is everyone else using or can recommend? ? X
I've got a V pilllow but just normal pillows, no pregnancy ones. Best thing I did though is treated myself to a really soft mattress topper, its like lying on a duvet! My mattress is quite firm so before if I was lying on my side all my weight was on one hip, now it sort of cradles my whole side xx

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