SPD support thread

I've got a big long pillow too. But also using 3 normal pillows so I tend to use the long pillow to rest under my bump and between my legs and makes two normal pillows into a v pillow for my back and use the last one for my head. I found my back felt unsupported too tge bigger my bump got and could feel it throbbing if I didn't use a pillow for support. We have a really hard memory foam mattress so just after Xmas we bought ourselves a new duvet and pillows do used our old duvet like a mattress topper and it made the bed a lot comfier. Xxx
I've got a dream genii one, (got it one offer) and it's pretty good, tho the bit that goes between my legs is quite flat not (got the pillow at 12 weeks when my hips first started to hurt). Xx
Hey ladies!

I just want to join in with you guys!

I've been suffering with SPD for quiet a few months now and I'm nearly 34 weeks pregnant. I had one group physio session and one 121 session where she gave me crutches and how to use them etc.

I gave up work mid November (not due until first week of March but officially the 11th).

I've basically been told to "put up" with it as they can't do anything.

I'm having a c section because of it. I meet with my consultant tomorrow to book in my date... Eeeek!

I've done lots of research and have been told by the professionals I am at high risk of breaking my pelvis during labour. If that were to happen it'd be months of physio! I am in so much pain and when I turn in the bed at night my pelvis always cracks really loud. It makes me feel ill! I am having to rotate every hour or so! It's agony !

Anyway your not alone ladies. Just remember it'll be so worth it!!!

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Rachy you've got it tough hun havnt you!
I hope you're not worried too much about the section, planned sections can be enjoyable experiences. Mi e was with my son.
When did it start for you?
I'm only 24 weeks but feel like I'm getting worse by the week. I'm having a really bad day today, it starts to get to you living every day in pain doesn't it.
How do you pass your time? I'm so sick of the sofa and tv lol x
I've basically been told to "put up" with it as they can't do anything.


This is sooo not true!! There is things that can be done, they just need to look into manual manipulation. Have a look at pelvic partnership.org.uk. It has loads of great info.

I've been seeing a chiropractor for the past few weeks, and she has been great. It is slowly starting to help. Have a look online and see if you have someone chiropractors nearby and ask if they treat pregnant women (not everyone is confident doing so).

Hugs Hun, hope the meeting with the consultant goes well. Xx
OMG girls I'm so sore after finishing work :(

My back feels like i have sciatica, if I cross my legs when I'm sat I get a shooting pain through my lower tummy, start walking and lifting my left leg hurts to bad! I felt crippled before. Didn't want to take another step!!!

Midwife appt tomorrow, do I'm going to get her to check me over and sort out any referees she can do.

I slept on an old duvet last night and it helped millions! Felt like it took the pressure off my hips and top of my back xxx
:hugs: chazabell. I know how you feel, I'm impressed you are still working! Make sure you rest tonight! Xx
I'm surprised you are still working, doesn't sound like many of us are! Good on you I don't know how you're doing it, be careful though, sitting or standing wrong for 10 minutes fan write off the rest of your day! When do you finish x
I've only had this back pain etc a week, had a really easy pregnancy otherwise.

I don't want to be off sick but I don't know if putting myself through this pain will have and impact on baby? I finish on 20th Feb so only 4 weeks to go.

I have a heat lad on my back but it's not doing much, and I don't want to keep taking paracetamol xxx
Haha I'm sat with a heat pad on mine at the minute too.
Talk to your midwife about it, baby is happy but why make yourself suffer every day if working I making it worse? Xx
Having such a bad night :( my back kills, my bum cheeks hurt my legs are too heavy to move :(
Just need a moan as I'm feeling sorry for myself right now. Parner had to help he get my pjs in and get in to bed :(
Oh jessiecat, so sorry to hear your struggling tonight, SPD bloody sucks!! At least your partner is being helpful. Have you tried a warm bath? (Although a pain to get into, I find the warm water helps, at least while I'm in it!)

Big :hugs: xxx
Do you all find that you get worse as the day goes on? I've found it doesn't matter if I do literally nothing, or some gentle exercise i seem to find that it's manageable in the morning and agony in the evening.
Yes no matter what I do I always struggle more at night. Have no idea why either. Im going to have a bath in a sec to see if my pain eases off a little. Xxx
My midwife didn't seem concerned about the pain I'm experiencing and said I have to see my GP for a referral :eh: how annoying!

Last nights episode if shooting pains across my lower tummy was horrendous, explained and she just smiled!

Jeeeeeez you'd think I was crying about an achy finger :( xxx
My midwife didn't seem concerned about the pain I'm experiencing and said I have to see my GP for a referral :eh: how annoying!

Last nights episode if shooting pains across my lower tummy was horrendous, explained and she just smiled!

Jeeeeeez you'd think I was crying about an achy finger :( xxx

I think sometimes because midwives have heard it all before its hard for them to sympathise that we're still going through it right now. We might not be the first, or the last but bloody ell SPD has honestly put my life on hold I think if the MW would just understand that we're really suffering it would feel quite helpful if that makes sense?

I havnt had any kind of tummy pains like that, I think that would scare me! Sounds pretty nasty I hope its a short term thing for you xx
I find it amazing how each health professional passes us pillow to post. I've seen my gp who said it was babies on a nerve and to ask my consultant about a referral to physio and then I spoke to her her saud ask my midwife or if I want a quick referral go to my occupational health (it's not their responsibility with it being pregnancy related and not caused by my job). Im going to ask my midwife Thursday about it but no doubt ill get passed off again. It's so frustrating now. All the while im still suffering. I think I may see a chiropractor like I've see someone suggest! Xxx
I called my surgery this morning to book an appt to ask to be referred and I have to call on the day and hope there is an appt available :(

I'm almost 31 weeks, buy the time a referral gets through I'll be almost 34/35 is it even worth the faffing? Quite annoyed that the midwife can't put in a referral for you! xxx
Chazabel that's so annoying! I've heard that they cant really do much anyway, I understand your frustration, id be inclined to just leave it as well. As you said, by the time you see someone you could be just a week or 2 off having baby!

Went back to the doctor today, hes signed me off for another month but has said the reality I that I wont be going back. He said id have to treat the pregnancy as an old fashion one, be pretty much bed ridden and just let baby grow.
I'm trying to stay positive, on the grand scheme of things its just a temporary set back, as frustrating as it is.
That's really rubbish Jessiecat :(, will drive you crazy no doubt.

I spoke to my midwife this morning about sciatica - as it seems is related to PGP. I've got a number to self-refer and i've to speak to my work about a better seat to support my back.

I'm unsure whether pilates class is helping or hindering. I think i need to work on stregthening my core - which in turn will help my back/sciatica. But someone else said that pilates can worsen it :-s!!! So hard to know what to do! Last thing I want is to make it worse!

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