Im the opposite to most, I didn't have any sign of it with my son but I am crippled this time round, this baby is also a boy so not as if its completely different!?
Yea stairs are tough!
Emmajaine that must be tough not being able to use your arms as much to support you, I'm finding the crutches helpful because my arms are fine but my legs are dropping off lol so its helpful for me to be able to put some weight through my arms, though afrer only using them a few days I can see how they could make a shoulder injury a lot worse! I also have sore hands but hey ho I can't have it all can i!
I'd be interested to hear if anyone found swimming to work, my problem is I hate being cold and all the leisure centres round here are freezing, im not sure I can justify the expense to a spa pool though unless someone will tell me it worked wonders.