SPD Support Thread

So I went back to the physio today, and she fitted me for a belt.

She wasn't able to do a lot for me, other than give me the advice I've already had. She did say to try ice rather than heat, as heat doesn't seem to help me

My pain seems to be getting worse daily, or it may just seem like that as I'm getting next to zero sleep.

I'm pretty much on total rest, as any movement aggravates the pain and invariably ends in tears.

Its going to be a long 13-15 weeks :shock:
Poor you!! I have the usual back ache and hip pain so can't begin to imagine how rough you are feeling. :hug: xx

hi Ladies, ive recently been back to the physio i now have the belt and crutches, been told next step is a wheelchair :( really hoping it doesnt come down to that. Must say im enjoying my shower ive even borrowed a seat thing that goes across the bath so i can sit too.

Is anyone finding that if they cough, sneeze or laugh that it causes pain. Or if lo is low down and kicks/punches its painful?

How you are all well as can be

Zoe x
I definitely feel pain if I cough/sneeze.
I was wondering what if any pain relief people are using and if they have had any relief from it. I had an awful nights sleep last night - awake almost every hour trying to get in a comfortable position due to the pain in my hips x
I'm going to go back to the physio as soon as I can but I'm quite nervous they'll tell me a wheelchair's the next step. The crutches are awkward enough as it is! I'm just hoping to hold out til bubs is here and deal with the pain for the next few weeks. The wee one will be worth it all and that's what I'm looking forward to :) xx
I'm taking Solpadol 30/500, but only as a when i really need to, as they space me out.

Leesey your right the lo is all worth.
If I go shopping or anywhere that requires walking further than a-b I need to take a wheelchair with me

I just can't walk any length ... even on crutches

I have solpadol 30/500 ... but I was under the impression you couldn't take it when pregnant? I wont even take paracetamol so it wouldn't matter anyway

Awww Leesey so glad that the end is in sight for you! You'll have to let us all know how you get on with labour :shock: I'm planning on asking for a water birth (or to at least labour in the water) as research suggests that this is the best for SPD?
Sneezing and coughing are so painful - I thought I'd torn a stomach muscle yesterday morning :(

I know I'm suffering from ligament pain as well, but is anyone else having pain in the front i.e pubic bone and along bikini line? My hips are still sore, especially my right hip!

I've had to take codeine the last 2 days just to get through work, also taken paracetamol today on top as it's so sore :( I feel so guilty about it but I just can't cope with the pain :( I am going to phone my physio again today as my Tubigrip is starting to get to tight and uncomfortable! Work are making contingency plans as I don't think I'm going to be able to get to the end of September as planned!
Most of my pain is right in my pubic bone, my physio recommended ice for it yesterday, so sending DH to look for icepacks today

I also get a lot of pain in my groin area (the bikini line)

To be honest, I get the pain everywhere ... right down my legs and into my feet :cry:
Ouchie! I just wish there was more that could be done..... At the minute I'm still mobile (of sorts) but cannot go shopping/ walk the dogs etc without suffering for it! Sometimes I can get through a day by thinking that it's not forever, but then other days (like today :( ) I think that 19 weeks is like forever...... When did yours start? xx
Mines started at 14 weeks if I remember correctly, I started off with just hip and coccyx pain but then it developed into full blow hip, coccyx, pubic bone, upper thighs, inner thighs, lower back and now because of the way I'm having to adjust myself I'm starting to get upper back pain too :(
I started off with the tubigrip but it got too tight and I got the support belt, but now bump's too big and it just digs in and the baby hates it.
I'm trying to cut down on painkillers in these last few weeks to try and somehow improve my pain threshold if that makes any sense! I don't want to become so used to paracetamol and other painkillers that they are completely ineffective during labour.
So I'm in for a sore few weeks, hope it goes by quickly!! xx
I was diagnosed at 13 weeks and my MW wouldn't have it to start with - said it was too early to be that! Did you have anything like that? My Tubigrip is uncomfortable now, so am hoping they will offer me a belt next to help.... Trying to stay at work as long as possible!
Which painkillers did you use? xx
Just paracetamol but the gp said I could get codeine if I needed it, I was tempted but decided to turn it down for the reasons above.
I've had a few people raise a sceptical eyebrow and not really believed I was in so much pain from early on, including my own mother!! I think they probably thought I was just trying to get out of the housework :p
It wasn't til I got the crutches at 20 weeks that my family actually started to think, oh it must be serious then!

DH is brill most of the time, if a bit overprotective, but still manages to make me feel guilty when he's doing the housework! xx
I am waiting to hear back from my GP about using the Codeine for any length of time - was prescribed it early on for my IBS and then again for the SPD but have been trying to only take it when absolutely necessary! I'm stuck feeling like if I was signed off and took it easy at home then I may be able to prevent it getting any worse and cut out the need for the codeine, or trying to carry on at work for as long as possible and not losing out on the money but then having to rely on painkillers to make it possible! If it gets much worse then I don't think I have an option......

My hubby is very good, but sometimes says something unintentionally that makes me feel guilty!
Mine started around 15-16 weeks, but it was on and off and it was right in my pubic bone, so I didn't think it was SPD (as I thought that just affected your hips.

It wasn't till about 4 weeks ago it got really bad, I'm signed off work, mostly cos I can't drive anymore but because I'm pretty much on total rest as any amount of movement leaves me in agony.

Physio gave me crutches on my first appt, and they do help, but I can't go any sort of distance on them (plus my hands end up sore anyway). I can't do any walking without them, its too painful.

I'm not taking any painkillers, but thats just a personal choice - I have been told that paracetamol is my only option though.
I'm off to the physio again this afternoon as I have started clicking and the pain is getting worse :(

Spoke to a doctor yesterday as I wanted to check the safety of the painkillers and he told me to take up swimming?!?! Both physio's I've seen told me not to start anything new, will be checking this afternoon!

Hope everyone else is feeling ok? xx
I know breaststroke is a definate no-no for us spd ladies. Saw my mw yesterday and she has made me an appointment with a consultant for a chat about induction to stop me going over. Although I'm in a lot of pain I don't think I like this idea as surely baby will come when baby is ready! X
I went swimming yesterday and did a bit of front crawl and a bit of walking. It felt good at the time but didn't last long so not really a great relief overall. Very short-lasting.
I wouldn't object to an induction to be honest, I'm very concerned about the way my pubic bone feels, like it's going to snap. I can't imagine I'll be able to walk much longer, even with crutches xx
I click constantly and genuinely feel like my left hip is dislocated! By biggest problem is right at the front of my pubic bone, it genuinely feels like I'm splitting in two - or baby is on its way out! I'm in so much bloody pain and seriously sleep deprived.

I can't sit or lie in one position for any length of time, and moving just aggravates it!

Can't wait to be able to walk and go about my business again, DH and SIL have just gone for a nice walk in the sunshine up the hills ... I'm stuck on the bloody sofa (which I know I'm not supposed to sit on but I have no other option)

Clearly I'm feeling hard done by today! :lol:
Oh bless you! I think you are fully entitled to feel that way!!

Physio has given me a maternity belt and done some more rolling - but she couldn't touch my pubic bone without me jumping off the bed! :( Apparently my whole pelvis is inflamed so no work tomorrow and rest all week next week (had booked it as holiday to start baby shopping :cry:), she's hoping that with rest the inflammation will reduce. At least being at home I don't need the painkillers so much, but November is still so far away - I'm worried I'll go mad by then!!
Had a meltdown in the car park before going in, couldn't park near the door as the car park was full, there were 3 cars with old men sat in them reading their papers so had to walk miles to get to the building in the pouring rain - it hurt sooooo much! I can't decide where it hurts the most now :(

Oh god I'm whinging again...... :roll:

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