This cycle has been driving me crazy!
had my scan on Friday, day 12! Turns out this was the scan my GP ordered months ago and not the one assisted conception ordered (that’s on 30th October)
So was just in a general unit but the doctor took pity on me because she had experienced fertility problems herself. So she told me what she could see. Said everything looked normal. I asked about my lining (if you’ve seen my posts you’ll know after my d&c in December my periods have been so light they’re almost non existant even though I was confirmed that I do ovulate)
She said my lining was thin which was normal for day 12. She also said I have 3 lines which is good. since looking online after the scan I realised thin for day 12 isn’t normal. And 3 lines suggests a level of thickness, I think?! So it’s like she contradicted herself! So god knows what’s going on there!
Assisted conception should be better at analysing that stuff I think! As this was just a general uterus check and not specific.
have attatched my ovulation sticks which have been driving my insane this month! Very nearly positive tonight but still not quite!
temp went from 36.8 to 36.9 this morning so slight rise and I’ve been cramping since last night. Was due to ovulate today.
I’m wondering if my body and sticks aren’t matching up? If I hadn’t done the sticks I could have sworn I’ve ovulated today! But who knows! Temps should be able to tell in another couple of days.
not feeling positive at all this month! We’ve been dtd at least but I’m just not convinced this is ever going to happen naturally for us!
anyone else feel like the whole world is pregnant right now?!?! It’s driving me insane!
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