*~*~*~* September Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!! *~*~*~*

Oh Millie, so sorry for you. :( x

Thanks xx

Had just gotten back from seeing her at the weekend, didn't know it would be for the last time ever but knew it was coming one day.. poor girl. It was for the best of course and she will no longer be in pain.
Aw sorry to hear that xMillie! You become so attached to your pets! I know I would be devastated if something happened to my boy! Hope you have a bit of good news soon! :)
5 DPO today, feeling a sort of heavy crampy feeling in my lower stomach and quite a bit of CM earlier on! FX it means something for me this month although every twinge becomes something significant in the tww lol Should hopefully have an appointment with my GP tomorrow! At my surgery you have to ring at 9am and you will generally get an appointment that day! I just hope that it will work out that way tomorrow lol
So sorry XMillie xx

9dpo for me and tested 3 times today!!! Its OH's birthday and I was desprate to see that line but it was bfn bfn bfn! Have a crampy tummy and felt a bit yucky tonight. Oh well, at least there was cake!!:lol:
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So onto a new cycle. Brown spotting seems to have stopped again. Hopefully that's the end of it this time. CD9 for me. Been feeling totally exhausted the past few days. Work has been really busy but still!! Good luck to those still waiting to test!

Snap - I'm cd9 too! Good luck for this cycle. Am still waiting for a flashing smiley on my CB. DH is away tomorrow, so trying again Tuesday.

Good luck Sunflower! We dtd yesterday, was planning on dtd again tonight but I've had a banging headache all afternoon which I just can't shift so will dtd tomorrow instead. I rarely get headaches so it's just annoying. Will start cheapie OPKs tomorrow as I can get positives as early as CD11.

Oh no. Hope your headache gets better. Chocolate is good...the estrogen from ovulation can deplete magnesium which causes headaches.Dark chocolate and cocoa are full of magnesium. I think it's better to dtd every other day anyway to make sure the swimmer stocks recover! Good luck!

Thanks Sunflower. I just slept it off in the end and felt better this morning. I actually made chocolate and marshmallow cookies yesterday. Made no difference to the headache but tasted good lol! We usually dtd every other day but it just worked better for later in the week to dtd twice over the weekend. I'm working late tomorrow though so at least I don't have any pressure to dtd as well. Cheapie OPK was negative tonight as expected. Hope things are better with you.

My cheapie opks give me a pos on a different day to the CBs...got CB advanced peak pos yesterday and cheapie today. Doesn't really matter if you are covered anyway, but it's a bit weird and makes me think maybe cheapie ones aren't as great as I thought. Those cookies sound yummy!!
Think That's me out ladies, cd28,10dpo. Af looks to be starting. Fed up.
Think That's me out ladies, cd28,10dpo. Af looks to be starting. Fed up.

I'm pretty sure I'm out too but I knew that already!!!
Pissed off!

Having to deal with the loss of the family dog, this awful cold/flu (that's getting worse and worse!!!) and AF too!?!?!!
Give me a break life! I wouldn't have minded if af had been late due to illness and stress - it would have given me a chance to breathe!!!
Its just Crap xMillie xxx
Was your wee dog a spaniel?(your pic)We've always had blue roan cockers, I grew up with them, my mum currently has no5 and I have no6 (she is the first of my wee family home). We lost a great dog on boxing day 2015, I was heart broken, she was always with me when I was at home. They were all very special but that old girl had just a little something else.
I hope things look a bit brighter for you soon, its always worse at this time and if you're feeling ill too. Massive hugs xxx
Yes she was a Black Cocker spaniel, still remember the day we got her as a puppy and I was only 14 lol! She was the shy one hidden up under a table while her siblings were jumping around us going crazy! Of course we had to pick her! I moved out of home for good when she hit 8, was hard to leave her then!! They really do become such important parts of the family. It's going to be hard when we next visit!!

Need something good to happen it's always one thing after another!
Dreading the speeding fine coming through that hubby got at the weekend.. laws have changed too so it's going to be pricey.
He's a sod... could potentially lose his license!!!
How weird my husband also just got a speeding ticket. I don't get how he gets parking/speeding tickets so often. :(
I think men sometimes think they're driving a race car!
I haven't driven in 5 years but I might have to again!!
I got a positive opk last night. First cycle I've tried doing them. I'm cd 22 today! We dtd last night and night before last. Not sure if to go for it again tonight then that'll be the 2 ww starting for me
Do it again tonight, just for safe measure :dance:
Well I'm due AF on sat. Tested BFN on Monday....but was too early really to be testing. Trying to ignore the urge to poas again as I know it's gonna be negative and just crushes me every time. So hard to wait....just makes me symptom spot even more. Good luck to everyone still to test x
Sorry to everyone who is out and congrats to those with a BFP.

I am out before I was even thinking I might be in with a chance. Day 27 which at least puts me back to a normal cycle after 31 days last month. I have always been between 27 and 29 days before.

On to month 5 for us then. Had a flap this month about whether I wanted another so probably better to get my head back in the right place. Not sure what more we can do though as been dtd every day for 10 days over fertile period.
Sorry to everyone who is out and congrats to those with a BFP.

I am out before I was even thinking I might be in with a chance. Day 27 which at least puts me back to a normal cycle after 31 days last month. I have always been between 27 and 29 days before.

On to month 5 for us then. Had a flap this month about whether I wanted another so probably better to get my head back in the right place. Not sure what more we can do though as been dtd every day for 10 days over fertile period.

It may be that every other day is better to allow the swimmer to replenish...every day for 10 days may wear down the stocks. Might be worth trying...
Congrats for the BFP's and sorry for those of you who are out.

I've had a normal period and have today got a smiley face on my opk.
Problem is, other half was away last night and is away tonight as well. So, really hoping tomorrow night will be enough to catch it.

Good luck everyone xxx
So onto a new cycle. Brown spotting seems to have stopped again. Hopefully that's the end of it this time. CD9 for me. Been feeling totally exhausted the past few days. Work has been really busy but still!! Good luck to those still waiting to test!

Snap - I'm cd9 too! Good luck for this cycle. Am still waiting for a flashing smiley on my CB. DH is away tomorrow, so trying again Tuesday.

Good luck Sunflower! We dtd yesterday, was planning on dtd again tonight but I've had a banging headache all afternoon which I just can't shift so will dtd tomorrow instead. I rarely get headaches so it's just annoying. Will start cheapie OPKs tomorrow as I can get positives as early as CD11.

Oh no. Hope your headache gets better. Chocolate is good...the estrogen from ovulation can deplete magnesium which causes headaches.Dark chocolate and cocoa are full of magnesium. I think it's better to dtd every other day anyway to make sure the swimmer stocks recover! Good luck!

Thanks Sunflower. I just slept it off in the end and felt better this morning. I actually made chocolate and marshmallow cookies yesterday. Made no difference to the headache but tasted good lol! We usually dtd every other day but it just worked better for later in the week to dtd twice over the weekend. I'm working late tomorrow though so at least I don't have any pressure to dtd as well. Cheapie OPK was negative tonight as expected. Hope things are better with you.

My cheapie opks give me a pos on a different day to the CBs...got CB advanced peak pos yesterday and cheapie today. Doesn't really matter if you are covered anyway, but it's a bit weird and makes me think maybe cheapie ones aren't as great as I thought. Those cookies sound yummy!!

OH was very happy with the cookies lol!! All gone now though. Got positive OPK yesterday CD12 on a cheapie. Have managed to dtd every other day since CD8. Going to dtd again tomorrow just to make sure.
So sorry you're having such a rough time Millie. Life just isn't fair. :hugs:
I'm 7dpo today, trying to just wait and not overthink.
Today I've had tummy trouble and been in the loo several times been burping lots with extra saliva (weird I know)and tonight I have heartburn.
Whilst I'm trying not to symptom spot all of these things related or not aren't at all usual for me. 7 more days until testing....tick tock
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