*~*~*~* September Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!! *~*~*~*

Well one of my management team at work told me yesterday he's gonna be a dad. And he said they had started trying and given it 3 months and were gonna get checked out if isn't succeeded this month. I answered way too fast that they won't test you until 12 months of trying. No one know at work that we are....ooops. let out too much knowledge! Luckily he didn't suspect. But every bit of news like this is hitting me super hard at the minute x
P.s. his girlfriend works at the same place so will end up having this pregnancy fully in my face on a daily basis
Hi girls just a little update , the heavy bleed I had for 5 days and thought it was my af arriving 2 days early , well I don't really know what it was as when on holiday last week I started feeling odd so when I got home yesterday I took a test and it was positive! 3+ on a digital I'm a bit shocked as I thought I was out this month.
Hi girls just a little update , the heavy bleed I had for 5 days and thought it was my af arriving 2 days early , well I don't really know what it was as when on holiday last week I started feeling odd so when I got home yesterday I took a test and it was positive! 3+ on a digital I'm a bit shocked as I thought I was out this month.

Wow! Congratulations that's a very welcome surprise I bet? Xxx
It was a massive suprise, hopefully you will be joining me in may mummies very soon treetrunks x
I'm out :( earlier than expected but I guess that's part and par of coming off the pill, since my withdrawal bleed I've had a 17 day cycle, hopefullynnext month will be more of a normal cycle. deep down I knew I wouldn't get pregnant first cycle but I'm still disappointed. large glass of prosecco for me tonight
Congrats claire louise. How heavy was your bleed and what symptoms did you have?
Congrats claire louise. How heavy was your bleed and what symptoms did you have?

Thank you x My bleed was very heavy with clots the first 2 days then eased off. I was feeling nauseous up until the bleed then it went. Last week my tummy just felt wierd like it did with my daughter so I did have a feeling that I could have been.
Hi Claire, oh my days I am so happy for you.. perfect you must be delighted. X who knows maybe I won't be too far behind you. That would be good x
Hi Claire, oh my days I am so happy for you.. perfect you must be delighted. X who knows maybe I won't be too far behind you. That would be good x

It would be great if we are in the same mummies group again, I've got everything crossed for you xxx
okay think I've updated everything

if anything is wrong or I've missed anyone let me know :)
I'm out :( earlier than expected but I guess that's part and par of coming off the pill, since my withdrawal bleed I've had a 17 day cycle, hopefullynnext month will be more of a normal cycle. deep down I knew I wouldn't get pregnant first cycle but I'm still disappointed. large glass of prosecco for me tonight

Hi Hun, just wanted to share with you not to lose hope yet. I had the implant removed in June, had a withdrawal bleed straight away and that cycle lasted 19 days. I had another 19 day cycle and then had a 35 day cycle, I then got my bfp after that (this month,) so it might not be too long for you before you are celebrating.
Hi Millie , bit of a late entry but could you add me for the 26th. X
Hi girls just a little update , the heavy bleed I had for 5 days and thought it was my af arriving 2 days early , well I don't really know what it was as when on holiday last week I started feeling odd so when I got home yesterday I took a test and it was positive! 3+ on a digital I'm a bit shocked as I thought I was out this month.

Amazing! Congratulations xx
Can i be moved to 30th please ? My opk was positive a few days later than expected

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