*~*~*~* September Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!! *~*~*~*

Ovulation pains cd#14 today and still no positive opk. I am using tje wee cheap sticks but I always get a positive on them. Still dtd every 2 d day. Really feel like I am ovulating. Don't know what to think ...will see what my temp is in tbe morn!
Hi Ladies, I've removed myself from the list as I really don't need to see a witch next to my name right now. I won't be testing on the 20th anymore. AF is not here but I already have my usual pre AF migraine on the way (what a perfect timing as we're away all weekend). I've had an AWESOME headache all day long and nothing has been able to fix it. I have strong pain killers for them but you're not meant to take if pregnant, I've said sod it and taken them anyway because fat chance with a headache like this.

I'll be hanging around for updates with everyone else of course but I just know this is not our month. I'm trying to find positives in life again because I'm so down about how long we've been trying and STILL don't have our baby so I really need to find something else to focus on and enjoy! I don't want to see anymore negative tests!

So officially no longer ttc, back to ntnp for us. No more opks or keeping track of potential fertile week. Dtd whenever and try not to give a crap about whatever might or might not be.
Sorry JJ and Sorry Millie. It's so hard to remain positive. Take a wee break and maybe go get a massage or something? I have positive opk today so trying to be positive and hope this is finally our time ! Pleaaaassseee! Then will prob hit the tww from Monday.

Oh and I think my test date will be 1st oct but will see!
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Hi Ladies, I've removed myself from the list as I really don't need to see a witch next to my name right now. I won't be testing on the 20th anymore. AF is not here but I already have my usual pre AF migraine on the way (what a perfect timing as we're away all weekend). I've had an AWESOME headache all day long and nothing has been able to fix it. I have strong pain killers for them but you're not meant to take if pregnant, I've said sod it and taken them anyway because fat chance with a headache like this.

I'll be hanging around for updates with everyone else of course but I just know this is not our month. I'm trying to find positives in life again because I'm so down about how long we've been trying and STILL don't have our baby so I really need to find something else to focus on and enjoy! I don't want to see anymore negative tests!

So officially no longer ttc, back to ntnp for us. No more opks or keeping track of potential fertile week. Dtd whenever and try not to give a crap about whatever might or might not be.

So sorry Millie. A lot of people fall pregnant when they stop trying. I also get a pre AF headache. Apparently the rise in estrogen can cause your magnesium levels to drop. I find that eating dark chocolate and drinking cacao or cocoa regularly helps. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs x
So sorry Millie and JJ.

Millie, I really hope you can relax and find some enjoyment in taking it easier. The last month has done me the world of good.
Congrats to those with BFPs!

Obviously I was expecting a weird AF as it was the first one post surgery. Wasn't expecting it to be this weird. Had a full day of heavy bleeding (Saturday) and a day of light bleeding (Sunday) then that was it. Done. Until today when I had brown spotting again. Don't know what to make of it really.

Make nothing of it. Your body is recovering. I'm having my first normal af after 3 consecutive early losses and it is different. Our bodies take time to recover. I wouldn't worry at all yet. Xx

Thanks _GG_. I'm not worried as I know these things take time. Brown spotting still going on. Guess I was just hoping it was over with after 2 full days without.
Cd#13 still no positive opk. Been dtd every 2nd day from CD#10 but getting inpatient waiting on those 2 lines now. Going to keep going till CD18 or 20. Sounds like tmi but I actually find it hard to tell if i have ewcm or its swimmer residue .. sorry. I had hot flush a few tines yesterday too and become para it's the 'pause happening early or somerhing...would you still ovulate if that was the case? I have been told by a friend she reccomends a reflexologist who helped 2 ppl she knoes get preggers..its £25 per treatment or £100 for 6..hmm not sure I can justify that money when no proff it was actually that that helped.

I've probably mentioned before but I've tried fertility reflexology. Obviously there's no proof these things work but lots of people swear by them. I would say it's good from a relaxation point of view and I enjoy it which is why I still have treatment. Honestly though, I don't think it will make any difference other than that. That's just my experience though. Of course a bit of relaxation isn't a bad thing!
Totally know what you mean!! If you'd told me How many things I'd tray as 'you never know' I never would have believed you. It's really difficult to know what's worth it as they'll still 'fertility' in front of anything and we all come running lol. I've decided I'm going to strip it back a bit this month as now I've had the surgery, I feel like we're starting again but in a good way.
So sorry Millie and JaneyJan.

Millie - I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now. I don't think I can say anything other than send massive virtual hugs :hugs: I hope you can find a way forward.
Vitamion B9+inositol are really important to conceive i tried it improve see https://best-sante.com/pregnancy/

Nope. Insensitive spam post, not welcome here.

Does look like a spam post and posted on many how annoying! Although I've actually just been told to try inositol - had never heard of it til a couple of days ago! But a clinic I'm using for testing said I should try it. Of course we're still not going to be actively ttc.. but I'm adding it to the couple of things I'm left taking.
Thanks guys for your kind words, I needed someone to understand. It's hit me quite hard this month and I've had trouble sleeping since then.

...Maybe will try SMEP this month - literally just read about it for the first time.

. But scared to get hopes up. My best friend is due to give birth in next two weeks as well... :S she looks amazing!
We just did SMEP :) found it pretty easy to follow!

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