*** September 2018 Mums ***

Ladies.... Can you help me I am so confused. I don't know how many weeks I am, as one app is saying 6+4 the other is saying 7weeks. The two months before I fell pregnant my cycle was 33 days so that is what I've put as my cycle length yet still coming out with two different answers. Please help! Xx
I cant be sure but think midwives will go on lmp and base it on a 28 day cycle. They did that with me even though i have a 25 day cycle. At your first scan they will measure bsby which will give you a better idea how many weeks you are. I think at this stage, 2 or 3 days out either side is ok x
Has anyone got any holidays booked for the next few months?

I haven't been away for 2 years, so decided to make up for it this year by having four holidays. First two are fine as they're in March, next one's in May which I hope will be comfortable as it will still be the second trimester. Last one's in July, albeit at the start, but not sure I feel comfortable going. I may be fine as it will be 8 weeks before due date, but feels a bit close for comfort!
I cant be sure but think midwives will go on lmp and base it on a 28 day cycle. They did that with me even though i have a 25 day cycle. At your first scan they will measure bsby which will give you a better idea how many weeks you are. I think at this stage, 2 or 3 days out either side is ok x

Thank you melly. I just worry coz if I'm 7 weeks I am not showing at all and I am very skinny. I showed at 4 last time with my son and they say you're meant to show sooner the second time round. Hurry up midwife appointment lol. Xx
It's impossible to 'show' before 12 weeks as the uterus is down behind the pubic bone, anything before then is bloating due to the effect of progesterone on the bowels. So try not to worry (easier said than done haha) x x
Hi everyone, wasn't going to join in as thought it will be short lived anyway so what's the point, however thought we're all in this together. Anyway we've been trying to have our second child for the last 2 years, which has resulted in 3 miscarriages, the last one being the worst in march 2017 as almost made it to 12 weeks, the so called safe stage, however the heartbeat had stopped at 11 weeks which apparently told is unusual as if you see a heartbeat which we did at 8 weeks, it massively reduces the chance of miscarriage, however wasn't the case with us. I'd almost given up and came to terms that it may not happen again as I wasn't conceiving and thought we'd get a dog for our son and to add to our family that way. However we had one night of dtd which has resulted in this pregnancy but like I said I'm not holding my breath! Never thought that one night would have resulted in me being pregnant as when ttc it was never happening. Anyway, hi everyone and hope you're all doing ok. X x
Welcome keeponhoping. Sorry about your mc's. I really hope this is a sticky bean for you.i only dtd once in fertile window in dec and caught....this was after mmc in sept and dtd religiously during fertile week every month since! Im a bit anxious too as told at 10+3 no heartbeat so we felt we were almost there too. How far along are you? X
I cant be sure but think midwives will go on lmp and base it on a 28 day cycle. They did that with me even though i have a 25 day cycle. At your first scan they will measure bsby which will give you a better idea how many weeks you are. I think at this stage, 2 or 3 days out either side is ok x

Thank you melly. I just worry coz if I'm 7 weeks I am not showing at all and I am very skinny. I showed at 4 last time with my son and they say you're meant to show sooner the second time round. Hurry up midwife appointment lol. Xx

Rainbows right, any bump will be due to bloating, which for most of us is worse in evening or after eating. Maybe start wearing loose tops if youre a bit worried.this could help x
well going from my lmp would make me 5+5, so early days! I'm just hating being in this early stage again for a 4th time! it's really not enjoyable is it after a loss! I'm sorry to hear you've had a hard time too. I don't know why I've joined the thread really, just couldn't think of reason not to join, I've tried everything to not jinx a pregnancy and none of it works so I thought what the hell I might as well join, won't change the outcome. Sorry for sounding so pessimistic, but I've tried to be positive before and don't want to fool myself again. X x
I totally get this and like you ive not looked at baby clothes or told anyone in case i jinx it. But if its going to happen it will.having support from the forum has helped loads for me x
Thanks Melly, you're right, it doesn't matter what you do, if a pregnancy is meant to be it will be and vice Versa. How are you holding out? X x
Prob similar to you in so far as just taking one day at a time and not trying to hope too much. Have a scan a week monday so will feel a little more reassured after this altho know full well from previous experience i wont be home and dry. How are you feeling about it. Will you get scanned early having had x3 losses? X
I'm under an obstetrician this time, not sure what difference that will make. I'm supposed to have a scan at 6 weeks although not booked yet. I'm also taking aspirin and higher dose folic acid. So weird how my pregnancy with my son who was born in 2013, no problems with him whatsoever. I suppose your body changes over time maybe. Like you said one day at a time. X x
Hi everyone, wasn't going to join in as thought it will be short lived anyway so what's the point, however thought we're all in this together. Anyway we've been trying to have our second child for the last 2 years, which has resulted in 3 miscarriages, the last one being the worst in march 2017 as almost made it to 12 weeks, the so called safe stage, however the heartbeat had stopped at 11 weeks which apparently told is unusual as if you see a heartbeat which we did at 8 weeks, it massively reduces the chance of miscarriage, however wasn't the case with us. I'd almost given up and came to terms that it may not happen again as I wasn't conceiving and thought we'd get a dog for our son and to add to our family that way. However we had one night of dtd which has resulted in this pregnancy but like I said I'm not holding my breath! Never thought that one night would have resulted in me being pregnant as when ttc it was never happening. Anyway, hi everyone and hope you're all doing ok. X x
Congratulations and welcome! Hopefully you will have more luck this time around. xx
Hi keeponhoping. hope your little bean sticks this time. No wonder your feeling the way you are with going through all that. Welcome �� x
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