*** September 2018 Mums ***

Hi ladies, had my bloods done today and dropped off a urine sample - the drs called me just now saying they’ve got me some antibiotics sorted as it looks like I have a UTI! I was shocked because I’ve had them in the past and had lots of pain with them but I don’t right now! Strange! Anyone else had that before?
Afraid not Covey. Tho at least u aren't in any pain and it will soon b sorted.
Great scan daisy. I'd love to have that reassurance too. Unlikely I'll be scanned until start of march:-( ugh. The worry is killing me.
CC...dont think ive ever had a uti but they dont sound nice. At least this one is not painful and should be resolved quickly. How you feeling about your scan on fri?

Daisy....waiting is the hardest bit i think. My 12 weeks scan is 9th march! Going to have an early reassurance scan done in 2 weeks though x
CC...dont think ive ever had a uti but they dont sound nice. At least this one is not painful and should be resolved quickly. How you feeling about your scan on fri?

Daisy....waiting is the hardest bit i think. My 12 weeks scan is 9th march! Going to have an early reassurance scan done in 2 weeks though x

Hopefully! I’m really excited but also quite scared too!
I know what you mean CC. All being well youll see heartbeat and youll really start to get excited. I have mine rearranged for a week on monday now x
Evening and welcome diamond! Congratulations. How are you feeling? X

Thanks Melly! I', good now, first few weeks I felt out of shorts but back to myself at the moment.

How's everyone today?

Awesome Scan Pic Daisy, lovely to see Xx
Thanks Diamond....im ok very mild symptoms here. Slightly sore boobs and a bit tired.glad you feel ok.x
Hi mommies, I think I've stumbled across best news ever - we can eat aked camembert!

On NHS site 'Thorough cooking should kill any bacteria in cheese, so it should be safe to eat cooked mould-ripened soft cheese, such as brie, camembert and chèvre, and cooked soft blue cheese, such as roquefort or gorgonzola, or dishes that contain them.'

Anybody confirm?
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Hi ladies, had my bloods done today and dropped off a urine sample - the drs called me just now saying they’ve got me some antibiotics sorted as it looks like I have a UTI! I was shocked because I’ve had them in the past and had lots of pain with them but I don’t right now! Strange! Anyone else had that before?

I had that as well, the doctor said I had an asymptomatic UTI and started my on antibiotics, but rang me 2 days later to say that nothing grew in the lab from my urine and I can stop the antibiotics.
How’s everyone feeling today? I am mentally drained :sad:
I’ve just got home from work and although my job is pretty easy, I just feel exhausted. My job used to be straightforward but now they’re expecting so much from us and it’s making the job unbearable. Had to make the difficult decision to switch to just working on a Saturday and Sunday now as I’m struggling to get childcare during the week. My DD usually goes to either my mum or my in-laws but my mum is having an operation next week and needs at least 6 weeks to recover. She can still go to my in-laws, however I’m not happy with them right now as my MIL called my daughter (who is 2.5) “embarrassing” :eh: just because she pushed her mother in front of their hairdresser. She’s stated many times that my daughter is too boisterous and needs to go to daycare to get her energy out but it’s just the way my DD is. She behaves fine for me and my mum but seems to always misbehave for the in-laws. So I’ve told my OH that until my MIL apologies, they’re not looking after her. :shakehead:(Am I being ridiculous?) So now I’m sacrificing my weekends with my family so that I won’t need someone to watch my DD in the week.
I’ve got a bad cough and a bit of a runny nose this week too. I coughed so much this morning that I was sick. No real pregnancy symptoms though, just watching the days tick by until my first midwife appointment.
Going to have a relax tomorrow and take DD swimming just to get out of the house for a few hours.

Sorry for the rant ladies. Don’t have many people that I can talk to
Lalaroo....sounds like youve had a stressful time. I dont know of any non energetic 2 1/2 year olds! My DD was exactly the same. I think having lots of energy is endearing and you are right not to try and dampen this. Your MIL was not very thoughtful calling her embarrassing!hopefully she will realise this was insensitive and say sorry. What do you think are the chances of an apology? Youll get to spenf lots of time with your DD in the week....thats invaluable and you wont get this time back.

Ive not any symptoms really....well theyrr very mild but im only 6 wks.

CC.....good luck for tom hun.hope youre feeling ok about it? What time is your scan? Look foward to seeing a photo x

Hope everyone else doing ok x
Evening all! I had my first experience of morning sickness this morning (I think!) felt so nauseated! But I’ve been starving all day today and just reached for all the cake at work! Any tips on healthy but filling snacks?! Hope you’re all having a good week so far!
Jay....nuts,seeds and dried fruit are good as it keeps you fuller for longer (check me out, i sound like an advert!!) Oats mixed with yoghurt too mid morning can really help and is fairly healthy. Hope this morning wasnt start of morning sickness for you. Its good you still have an appetite x
Jay....nuts,seeds and dried fruit are good as it keeps you fuller for longer (check me out, i sound like an advert!!) Oats mixed with yoghurt too mid morning can really help and is fairly healthy. Hope this morning wasnt start of morning sickness for you. Its good you still have an appetite x
Thanks so much! I’ll deffo be stocking up with my weekend shop! I’ve always had a good appetite but I am like a ravenous beast at the minute! Haha - I think that will give me away!
Evening all, room for another? According to my LMP we're looking a late September babe - our third. How is everyone doing this evo? I've already told all my family and friends as they can all share the journey, however it goes. Hope you're all feeling human! Xx
Congratulations and welcome! :)
Hope everyone else has been alright this week! x I was hoping the tiredness may have started to calm down a bit, but sadly that is wishful thinking. I get a good amount of hours sleep overnight, but still keep falling asleep in the evening after work. Not sure how long I can get away with these endless naps haha!
Hope everyone else has been alright this week! x I was hoping the tiredness may have started to calm down a bit, but sadly that is wishful thinking. I get a good amount of hours sleep overnight, but still keep falling asleep in the evening after work. Not sure how long I can get away with these endless naps haha!
I’m the same elven! Can’t keep my eyes open!
Lalaroo....sounds like youve had a stressful time. I dont know of any non energetic 2 1/2 year olds! My DD was exactly the same. I think having lots of energy is endearing and you are right not to try and dampen this. Your MIL was not very thoughtful calling her embarrassing!hopefully she will realise this was insensitive and say sorry. What do you think are the chances of an apology? Youll get to spenf lots of time with your DD in the week....thats invaluable and you wont get this time back.

Ive not any symptoms really....well theyrr very mild but im only 6 wks.

CC.....good luck for tom hun.hope youre feeling ok about it? What time is your scan? Look foward to seeing a photo x

Hope everyone else doing ok x
Thanks sweet, it’s at 3:40! Still a little worried - just preying all is ok!! Will post a pic when I can xx
Hi ladies hope you’re all ok?

I’ve been struggling with nausea quite a bit so thought I’d try the little travel sickness bands - the last two days I’ve felt like normal - woohoo! Worth a try if you’re struggling too perhaps ladies xx

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