***** September 2016 Mummies Tri 2 *****

Woohoo exciting stuff Lander :)

I've got a GTT in a couple of weeks. Dreading it! Xxx
Naomi and Sansk - I've been for a check up today as couldn't feel my baby much the past couple of weeks.. Reducing rather than increasing movement... Also lost 1lb this week??!! :shock: i have an anterior placenta :-/
Anyway all is well and I can feel it again. Maybe psychological??!! Worry drives me nuts!!

Congrats on tri 3 Lander!! See you there soon! Xx
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Aww there are quite a few gtt being done, had mine last week I'm ok but they found I am aneamic so now I'm on iron.
Only 1 week until tri 3 and 2 weeks left at work :)

I also weighed myself the other day I'm 3kg less than I was at booking in when I was 9 weeks pregnant ... Whoops x
Movement is such a worry Catherine! Glad all was OK though, you must feel hugely relieved.
Mine is moving a fair bit again now since I had that quiet day.

Wish I was losing a bit of weight (in a healthy way I mean) - i just keep seeming to gain and have no idea how I've gained so much as don't feel like I'm eating much more.

Glad your GTT went well Caroline. Do you find out on the day or a few days later?
They said if I had diabetes they would let me know the day after, they don't contact you if you are ok, it might be different for you as you are from a different area etc x
I'm beginning to feel fed up now, I'm bigger than I was when I was full term with Liam, I can barely walk, work is killing me off slowly and I want to click my fingers, have my boys here and get back to doing things normally. Went to physio the other day and they gave me a fembrace and tried to give me crutches which I refused for now as I can't work with crutches. I don't think it helps that I'm on my feet 8 hours a day for work.
I feel as though I'm letting my son down as I can't do all the usual stuff with him because I can't get up and down off the floor easily. My husband keeps telling me to go off sick too lo ... Sorry for the moan just needed it off my chest as I'm feeling like an absolute failure at the minute, I'm not even 28 weeks and I've had enough X
Thanks Naomi. Still don't feel lots but baby does move so I guess I've just got to get used to not much movement with my placenta at the front :-/ thought at 26 weeks+ I'd be battered but it's still like occassional butterflies/rolls.

Sorry you feel crappy MrsB.. I'm not surprised given you're having twins amd you're on your feet for 8 hours at work. Have they done a risk assessment and are there light duties you could do instead? When do you finish?? I've got back ache now and not much bump so not looking forward to how my back fares over the next 3 months...
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Aw Caroline sorry you're feeling like that :-( I'm finding it hard with my toddler too and not able to do as much with her but these next three months are nothing in the grand scheme of a child's life, there will be plenty of time to make up for things once the babies are here.

As far as work goes, how much longer do you have? I would speak to them about keeping it to desk work or something if they can xxx
Aw hopefully movement will get stronger for you soon Catherine. Xxx
Thanks ladies I was in work today, only 6 shifts left but without asking they have rearranged the rota so that I have it as easy as possible with as much sitting down as I can. I think a lot of the frustration is in my head because I feel as though I should be able to do more at 27 weeks but everyone keeps pointing out that I have 2 27 weeks pregnancies going on.

How is everyone else getting on? Is everyone prepared? Has anyone started sorting their hospital bag out yet? X
Think now is about the time people start slowing in pregnancy. I usually walk fast everywhere, move quicker at work, never mind standing etc. Cant do it now!! Need to leave earlier to get to places and just my general fitness I feel the push starting now so it's no wonder your slowing down.

I was the same last time. Started to slow down around the 6-7m mark. What more do people want out of us :lol:

I think they want us to run marathons on a daily basis lol. Starting organising myself today, bought a few essentials for the hospital bag, got some of Liam's baby stuff out of the loft and just a general organisation of stuff as I feel the need to be prepared ... Plus I love going through all the baby clothes :) x

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