*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

13th from my scan, but she is measuring a bit big so like you I'm totally convinced she's going to come a bit early! No doubt now I'll go overdue and be moaning on here haha xx
Haha that's what dawned on me the other day, adamant for weeks I will go early and now facing the fact she could still be 4 weeks away. NOOOOOO haha xxx
Lol I'm the opposite - think I'm going to go overdue despite measuring 1-2wks ahead. I think because both my friends this year measured ahead with little boys and were 7 and 9 days overdue :roll:

Was everyone's 'official' due date (i.e the date they gave you at 12wk scan) pretty close to your Lmp or known ovulation date?
I was using OPKs and know what date we conceived so:
My own prediction based on ovulation: 4th September
Private 12 wk scan: 1st September
NHS 12 wk scan: 3rd September

So mine were all really close, I know when you get to this stage the days don't really matter just wondered if anyone predicts something entirely different to their 'official due date'?

Bunny - only way I can have sex now is on my side/spooning position. This is really embarrassing but my husband has affectionately labelled the position 'the lazy walrus' :x I hope that's no reflection on me!! Haha :lol:
Oh my God H! I bloody knew it. If you're early and I'm late, I'm gonna sulk lol! How exciting! Sept babies get in line, you're being evicted! Haha x
Flipping eck ladies, it's getting exciting in here! I had mw today (36w app) baby is down in pelvis but not engaged yet. Measuring a week behind at the mo but she thinks he'll be tall and skinny (me and BF are 6ft) so she's ok with that. Too excited now! I'm ready for my boy x
Haha Summer that has cracked me up - maybe TMI but we were doing doggy style up until recently when I realised I get out of breath holding myself and bump up!!

Purple that sounds brilliant - so excited now!! Babys getting evicted love that!! Excited to see lots of labour threads soon.

I don't know if my due date was close to my cycle dates because it was our 1st month using clomid so I have never had regular cycles xxx
Lazy walrus ~ love it!!! We haven't dtd in nearly 4 weeks as I find it really weird when baby moves, but might do this weekend in a bid to get things moving... Plus it's ohs birthday so feel I should put in some effort! Haha!

I put a pink dye tablet in the toilet this morning (belle loves having coloured toilet water) .... Big mistake! Keep thinking I am bleeding! X
Tessa my OH finds it really weird if little miss moves while we DTD, he said he feels like she knows haha! Bless him. I haven't enjoyed it much since being pregnant and normally I have a really high sex drive. Oh well - hoping it helps get LO moving, MW seemed adament it was the best way. Only thing proven to help apparently.

Oh no bless you - panic stations every time you go to the toilet!! Are you feeling much better today babe? xxx
Totally agree it's just freaky! Feel loads better today thanks sweet, feeling movements again after a week of quiet is amazing. Mentally getting excited and prepared for all eventualities, feeling good!

So your midwife thought it was a good idea to try and bring it on? I am worried it is still to early too, and it feels silly when we know she is small, but if they are thinking she is better out than in I would just rather get her out myself. Does that all even make sense? Don't want to bring it on and then regret it if she is too tiny! X
Summer, with my first my date from LMP was 21st July but from scan was August 8th and I had him August 9th.
This time my date from LMP was exact same as from scan x

Sex positions are no more. I find even the spooning position awful as my hip gets so painful! Then afterwards he is gonna have to wait. I think it was about 3 weeks after birth last time when we did and that was pretty sore! X
I'm so glad you're feeling good - we all have them worried and stressed days! Nice to hear you're back you yourself :)

Yeah I'm 38 weeks on Saturday and she seemed pretty confident Little Miss is perfectly safe to come out now, I don't know if it's because all my symptoms seem to say early labour so there's not harm in that final push, I'm not sure but she said we may as well get the ball rolling :) xxxx
3 weeks is pretty damn good kelly! We were about 6 and took it very slow!! However I had had a cut and a tear and found the healing quite long and painful.

That's good to know bunny. Fingers crossed things kick off for you soon! X
I think it was weeks after that before we tried again as it was pretty painful!

I'm so bored now of waiting around :( x
Ah so your scan was pretty accurate Kelly!
Eeeshk I haven't even thought about sex AFTER labour! Ha - though I do remember my friend saying that the health visitor asked her what contraception she was using after the birth and she just pointed to her baby and said 'him!' :lol:

Really random but does anyone else feel 'dilated?' Been having so much head banging on cervix today, which I really think is helpful prep for going into labour. Anyway, when I crouch down especially I feel really open.... Don't know how else to describe it but do you know what I mean? X
I think a newborn is enough contraception lol

I think I know what you mean Tessa, can't say I feel that myself x
So exciting in here ladies someone's guna pop in the next week I can feel it!!

I'm not sure what u mean Tess as I didn't know I was in Labour n 3cm last time or 6 for that matter so I don't think I would have a clue.

I'm in so much pain now after all the walking today really over did it. Even a bath isn't easing my back n hips I cud cry. Better really take it easy tomoz.

Ha maybe it's just me then!

Michelle hope you feel better soon. The feeling of having overdone it is horrible, I suffered so much at the weekend after our tidying spree. We really must take it easy, buts that's not alwahs possible with a little one I know. Rest tonight. Literally do nothing other than have oh bring you food and drink xx
Thanks hun, that's the plan Tess lol he's just rustling up an omelette.

My original date from lmp was 18th Sept n then scan said 12th n now induced 1st so lots of different ones there lol.

Tess I am so glad you said this! I said to OH today that I feel open when I bed down and when I wipe after the toilet too - crazy feeling! I said I hope she doesn't just slip out haha!!!! Still having constant pains, been 48 hours now with these constant period pains. Fingers crossed it means something - being a FTM I don't have a clue.

I had a car crash on the way back from OH's work - some young girl went in to the back of me , when I got out to check if I had any damage which I didn't thankfully but the girl was almost in tears when she seen I was oregnant and wanted to take me the hospital. I'm fine tho and bump didn't get knocked thank god, was a bit shook up but feel okay now home :) OH is out at football tonight so just going to pamper , face mask, candles, bath and some music I think !

Hope you feel better Michelle lots of love xxxxx
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