Results Appt


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Well we finally have an appointment to see Ethan's Neonatologist tomorrow afternoon to discuss results. We decided not to have a post mortem at the time but they did take other tests whilst Ethan was alive and also they tested me, my placenta, amniotic fluid etc so we want to now if they have found anything or what they conclude to be the reason.

i don't think they will have found anything abnormal, the doctor basically told us as much when Ethan was born. He said he didn't 'look' like he had a chromosomal condition, he didn't have any of the characteristics except for the excess fluid he was retaining. We know that the chromosomal test they did, did not 'grow' so we will never know for sure if it was. My Quad Test results were also low risk at 1 in 1500 - so they do not think that is the case with him. They were also able to give him a detailed heart scan before he died and the doctors even consulted other fetal medicine depts in the country to get their opinion. The agreed that his heart was structurally perfect and that his heart dilation was secondary and not a cause.

We obviously want to know how likely it is that this would reoccur again but everything I have read states that chances are just as low as the first time, odds are about every 1 in 4000 births. I just don't know how they can make that conclusion with no know cause of the condition!

I will update tomorrow xxx
Really hope you get some answers tomorrow. Thinking of you and your family xxx
Hope you get some news tomorow will be thinking of you xx
:hug: I really hope that they can help re-assure you with some answers tomorrow sweetie. What an awful thing to have to go through :hug:
Will be thinking of you tomorrow - hope you get some answers. Big:hugs:

Hunni hope u get the answers you want. I didnt get a PM with david because they knew what was wrong with him. They wanted to do one to see was the hemmoragh caused by me but i didnt want them cutting him open he'd been through enough. When i went back to the hospital to talk with the doctor she told me i had a 1% chance of it happening again. Will be thinking of you :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxx
Will be thinking of you hunni, hope you get some answers xxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xxxxx
Am thinking of you hun:hugs:x
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Back from appt....and as expected all tests came back normal. They tested for everything you could think of and was negative. I have to see my obstetric doctor in a few weeks to discuss future pregnancies/plan etc and also find out if my placenta was normal as he didn't bloody tell us! It should be in my obs notes so just have to wait until then to get absolute confirmation. In his opinion he thinks that Ethan was likely to have had a circulatory problem which meant that blood flow to his kidneys was impaired causing renal failure. Ethan wasnt able to urinate for some reason once he was delivered so they think that was why. Ethans blood pressure was very low so that also indicates a circulatory problem. He does not think this is a genetic issue therefore doesn't think we need any genetic testing. He feels that we may have a slight increased risked of reoccurrence but chance is still very very low. Only increased because it's happened already. He feels we should b in contact will the best fetal medicine dept in the area and be under their care for further pregnancies as they could do more, just in case it did happen again there is a chance of survival if caught early enough although prognosis would still be poor. He think if we maybe delivered Ethan a week earlier things may have been different but we will never know. He admitted that they took a risk with decisions made for his care and unfortunately they didn't work. He said they decided to try giving him fluid to help lock start his kidneys but it made him worse, so he said with hindsight he probably would try something different of faced with similar circumstances.

I'll feel much better when we've seen my Obstetrician but at least we know what his doctor thinks. He actively encouraged another pregnancy and told us to let him know how we get on, so all is positive. Unfortunately due to government cuts the unit is being closed so I will not be able to move my care there but at least I can be referred to a hospital with more expertise.

Not sure how I feel at the moment, a little numb but hopeful to look forward to the future. He has never seen it reoccure in the same family and only sees Hydrops maybe once or twice a year so as he said it's extremely rare.
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I think all in all it sound very reassuring, Laura :)

No bad news and promises of special attention in future.

Have you have you progesterone checked just because i recently read that progesterone is very important for babies circulation during pregnancy - just popped into my head is all.

Time for some RnR and hopefully the next few weeks will fly by for you :hug:
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Thanks so much for you reply Louise :)

I didn't know that about progesterone and with have the early miscarriage the couple of months before Ethan was conceived I think it's definitely worth getting checked. I mentioned it briefly to my Gynae doc but she was useless and brushed it off but I am going to raise it with my Obstetrician at my next appt. He's away at the mo but the head of the birth centre at my hospital is trying to squeeze me in within the next 3/4 weeks. Just waiting till he returns from leave.

With us wanting to start TTC in the not too distant future I want us to be fully checked out - I still feel we may have to push this though! I think we most certainly will want to start TTC within the next 6 months but I think we will just relax and not protect and just see what happens.

I think my Gynae doc said that if progesterone was the issue I would have miscarried Ethan but I have suspected my levels weren't right. I only have one ovary too, could that effect my hormone levels? I must ask them this. I don't take anything at all, never really thought about it really?!
Laura, you have been so brave in all of this X

You sound like you actually had quite a positive appointment and the results sound like they are good for any future plans you have hun - really pleased you have more answers now X

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