Results Appt

Thanks JJ, some days I don't feel very brave :(

I cried most of the way through the discussion, the doctor didn't really know how to handle me but I did get the impression he feels like shit over what happened and what we've been through. I do know our care was compromised because he had to be delivered during the weekend and that does make me angry. I was refused care at St Mary's in Manchester as they were full - I desperately needed their expertise, equipment, care and medications. They may have attempted procedures with him inutero. I do feel as though we missed out, I should of had a specialist scan that day but couldn't due to lack of staff available to do it :(
I just begged them to do everything they could.
I think we must be crazy to TTC so soon, we ideally want to be pregnant by the end of the year - so hopeful to start trying come summer. Our desire, esp mine to have a baby is so strong. I have been broody for well over a year and my hubby can't wait. Let's hope 2011 is our year xxx
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I'm so happy that you got some answers & things seem positive for future pregnacy. Your definately not crazy for wanting to ttc again I'm exactly the same - would start now if section site could take it!! Its good that you know you will have the care of the experts next time aswell xx
I'm so glad you were offered reassurance in your meeting. Also happy to hear that they are actively encouraging future pregnancies and offering all the help they can. It's beyond frustrating when you know there is better treatment available but because of a bloody weekend/bank holiday/weather etc it's not always available when it's so desperately needed. I really hope you get your wish of a bfp this year, I'm sure we will all be keeping a watchful eye on your threads. I think you are a very strong and brave person to cope with everything, I take my hat off to you hun :hug: xxx
:hug: I'm so glad they were able to reassure you and that you'll be well looked after next time. Thinking of you :hug: x x
Just wanted to send you love and hugs hun xx

You've been through so much........
wanted to send hugs, dont have the words to describe how sad i feel for you, but i hope future pregs are of a happier outcome thinking of u x

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