
Hi Layla
Have PM'd you my home tel number so when you are away I can drive to you if you need someone to talk to you.....
Thinking of you dear,bex
OMG Layla, ((((hugs to you)))) Hope everything goes ok xx

So sorry hun i hope everything works out in the end .
Try and enjoy your holiday even though you have this to deal wiht i know it cannot be easy for you to keep a happy face for your kids .
At leats you have them and Jase to make you smile.
Take care.
xx Katrina

i just thought id come on to let you know whats happening, i am bleeding like a peroid now and have passed a few clots, still no pain which is weird but basicly i think its all over. just wish i hant seen him on the screen and hisheart beating, makes it harder than my other misscarriages.

jase and the kids are in the swimmiing pool so i have some time to myself, trust me to find an internet cafe!

when i go for the scan on tuesday morning im not expecting anything to be there.

hope you are all ok, speak soon

im sorry to hear this Layla. :cry:
All i can say is try and rest as much as you can and im thinking of you.
im so sorry layla hun im here if you need to talk hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Layla
I'm so sorry to hear that - it must be very hard to have seen him and now to be losing him. I found it hard with my miscarriage before Zara. My baby had died the day before my 12 week scan and I know that's an image I'll always have with me.
All my thoughts are with you. Try and take things easy.
Hugs :hug:
Louise x
Layla, I am so sorry you are going through this........... :hug:

Take care hun, thinking of you xx
Oh my Layla, I dont know what to say, and I cant imagine what you are going through....No pain is there some hope still? I have no experience of this so excuse my ignornance??

I am praying its just a set back and the scan is ok Tuesday??

Lots of love and cuddles to you and your family xxx :hug:
:cry: Layla, I'm really sorry to read what's going on, I too will pray that everything is ok.

I know it's probably not of any use now but my first internal scan of Olivia dated me at 6 wks when I should've been 9wks, can't explain the date discrepancy but everything went ok.

Take care honey, remember to rest as much as possible and to limit the stress on you.

All the best
Lucy x

You are in my thoughts and prayers right now. Get lots of rest and try and stay positive.

Love ali xxx
Hi Layla
only just saw this thread...I'm so sorry babe

I am so sorry Layla, I will be thinking about you on Tuesday :hug:


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