
Layla I'm so sorry you are going through this & :pray: thing's turn out good for you in two weeks time.

Try not to 'google' stuff, when I went through all I did in April & May Google sent me round the twist.

:hug: x
the bleeding has stopped this morning, im so confused!

it was no where near enough for mer to have passed it, and to be honest i have had 2 misscarraiges before so i know what to expect.

why has it all stopped??? will it start up again in a few days??

I was on & off bleeding for nearly 2 months the first time! It was a nightmare! That doesn't mean its the same for you. Probably no where near my ordeal.

Hopefully :pray: it's a good thing for you that the bleeding has stopped. I have everything crossed for you :hug:

Have you ever bled through your previous pregnancies Layla?
i had a small bleed at the same time (amount of weeks) on Coby but that turnt out ok, so i thought this would to

i have just changed hospitals, i cant stand the heath in cardiff, no one is straight with you there and everything seems such an effort for them.

changed to one that has a great rep, they said on the phone that they will do my next scan in 2 weeks and to phone before when ever i liked if i needed anything, they sound so nice.

the heath just sent me away with no emergancy numbers or anything, *******s!

the heath hospital wouldnt give me a scan pic either, i was thinking ahead, if i do lose the baby inbetween now and my next scan at least i would have a picture......nope, they wouldnt give me one

Aw layla, Im so sorry, sending you ((hugs))! Dont leave us! Be sure to stay in touch anyway and let us know how your little boy is getting on.
layla said:
i had a small bleed at the same time (amount of weeks) on Coby but that turnt out ok, so i thought this would to

Maybe the dates are out a little, it's not impossible & I hope you still hold on to some hope ~ I'm holding on for some for you.

I don't know what to say about the pic ~ Why would they not, thats awful & awfully insensitive! :cry:

Have you just changed hospital today?

i had alot of bleeding in the first 12 weeks and had a scan at 6 weeks and they couldnt work anything out

i hope all will be ok for you hun im thinking of you xxxx
yeah i phoned and changed about 30 mins ago.

i have been thinking about dates....i thought i was 7 or 8 weeks but im messureing 6, thats means i would of conceived on the 12th of june, i tested on the 13th with an early test and got a BFP so its pretty impossible for me to be 6 weeks, i wonder if they are saying 6 weeks from concecption, so in that case im 8 weeks since last peroid??

am i makeing sence or juat clutching at straws?

i know what you mean i had my dates all wrong when i had my bleed i thought i was 8 weeks and the put me right back to 5-6 weeks
Maybe with you changing you could ask them to look you over Layla?

You have obviously changed for a reason they are aware of so maybe if you explained this again they will see you?
yeah i didnt think of that, i might phone them back and ask them if they can re scan me and tell me whats going on coz the other hospital didnt.

nope, got to wait 2 weeks, they said they will be able to see more then.

going to be a long wait
Eek :(

What if you spot again? Will they see you then?
they will have to!!!

if not go to the docs an get a scan booked through them :)
thinking of you layla hun and keeping everything crossed :hug: xxx
awww im really sorry ive never experianced this im praying for you :pray: dont go we love seeing coby :hug:

layla im so sorry im only just replying now, I didnt see this post before.
sending you massive hugs and luck.... hope your alright... :hug:

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