

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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I suffered a miscarriage 3 months ago. I recently found out i am pregnant again, i went for a scan the other day due to bad cramping. I thought i should of been six weeks pregnant, all that showed on the internal scan was a mis shaped gestational sac, i went for a scan on monday a week after and that sa has gone but a normal one is now there. The lady doing the scan said it was like she had scanned two different people. there was still nothing no yolk sac or embryo. I am due to go back again next thursday and i am so stressed and scared i just want to know if anyone has experienced anything like this and had a healthy pregnancy. I hate not knowing whats going on!!!
i havebt been through this hun but didnt want to read and run xx

as you are so early its hard to see anything in your uterus at the moment, all you can do is keep strong sweets and i truely hope your next scan shows all is ok

sounds like maybe you wernt as far as you thought you were

i really dont know the answer to this but again didnt want to read and run, i hope everything turns out ok hun and you was just to early to see anything good luck and bug hugs x
thanks. Just want to know its really stressful, i have had morning sickness every day for the past week and feel crap. I just dont see if it is a blighted ovum how your body could trick you like that x
Um if the sac was misshapen and then ok is there any chance there could be two in there? One lying behind the other? At such an early stage it would be hard to see much though. Hope it all turns out ok xxxxxx
i had a blighted ovum last yr but 3 scans in and the sac was still missshapen but the yolk hadnt progressed altho the sac did change shape but it got smaller and i still had symptoms its just what our body does sumtimes i diodnt even bleed, i just want to say gd luck and i hope it all turns out ok xxx
I dont think its looking good. its just the longer i wait with this going on you cant help but hope. The first scan showed a 15mm misshapen sac, the 2nd scan i had monday th misshapen sac had gone and it showed a 10mm normal pregnancy sac but both empty no yolk sac or embryo. Iv had no bleeding, and have had morning sickness. I just dont get if thats what this is why your body does that. Its so unfair!! x
i had a blighted ovum last yr but 3 scans in and the sac was still missshapen but the yolk hadnt progressed altho the sac did change shape but it got smaller and i still had symptoms its just what our body does sumtimes i diodnt even bleed, i just want to say gd luck and i hope it all turns out ok xxx

did you have to get a d&c?? or what happened?? x
yes i the end i did as it had been 3 weeks since my first scan i opted to have the tablet etc n went into hospital and had pessery but all that did was make me bleed and give me horrific pain and the sac didnt come away it was horrible and i know it is not always like this but for me it was and i had to end up having an erpc as my body just would not let go and the same this time altho not blighted ovum i was 10 weeks baby stopped at 7 weeks ish i opeted for a erpc right away i couldnt wait to see if i mc naturaly i wanted it over with so i could sort of move on a bit its been 6 weeks now and im getting there slowly but surely and ttc right away again cos of my age, i know its hard to have hope but there is always hope try to stay possitive if you can xxx
i had a miscarriage in 2007 i was 10weeks and baby had stopped growing at 8wks had to get d&c, then start of this year had scan at 8wks baby was fine and had hb went for 12wk scan and baby had died not long after that scan and had to have medicated management and pass baby, and now this. Its just a nightmare!! i feel so blessed to have my son x
I was the same went for a scan at 6 +6 saw hb and I finnaly relaxed a bit but at 10 weeks dreams were shattered again its made it all the more harder tho seeing the hb and having so much hope rather than last time and it happened early on at around 5-6 weeks I am also blessed with my 6 children but its also making it harder to understand how I can have those 6 no problem now I can't even carry a baby life is just so cruel x
after seeing the hb last time it didnt occur to me that it would go wrong so didnt expect it all at the 12week scan, which made it harder x
defo yer i was devastated i truly was but am getting there and if ya want a chat im just at the end of a pm xxx

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