
Layla I'm so sorry this has happened. All my thoughts are with you.
Louise x
Really sorry to hear what they confirmed today.
Its similar to what i went through last year, but didn't want to say before.
If you need to talk can pm or email me hun.

So sorry for your loss hunny, dont know what else to say.
My heart is aching fo you

Look after yourself and make sure your restxxxxxxxxxx

Hun im so sorry for your lose .
im here if you ever need anything
Katrina xx
Im so sorry Layla, i was praying for everything to be ok for you.
Sorry for your loss babe!! Rest up & Take care, thoughts are with you :hug: xx
Im really sorry for your loss. i wish u all the best for the future x
Oh Layla, I only just read your post and I'm so sorry. :(
Thinking of you and here if you need a chat.
Big hugs. Lucyxx :hug:
hi guys

i said i wouldnt be back untill i got pregnant again but im really not doing to good and i have no one i can talk to. all my friends, family and jase think im fine, i dont want to tell them im not.

i still cant belive im not pregnant anymore, its so hard, i didnt feel like this on my other 2 misscarriages, but i think its coz they were not planed and i wasnt in the best relationship then, this time round me and jase really wanted this baby....

I know im really selfish and prob over reacting, alot of people lose babies..some further on than others, so im sorry that im asking or suport when i was only 6 weeks gone, i just cant help but feel lost, seeing him on the screen with a heartbeat is whats killing me i think.

I really want to try again as soon as i stop bleeding but jase is to scared, he wants me to have a rest first and get my body in the best shape i can and try again at the end of the year, thats so long away :(

sorry guys, just needed to get this out, i wont say anything to jase coz he is upset aswell, its got to the point where i cant wait for him to go to work so i can cry, stupid huh?!

Stupid NO!

I use to slope off as if I was going for a wee or sit in the conservatory for a little cry & sometimes I would silently sob when the lights went out for sleep!

My OH was **** at emotions & I went through alot of how I was feeling silently, it wasn't that long ago I realised it was pulling me apart as well as my relationship.

I think you need to get the wee one to bed Layla, turn a lamp on so you can relax, maybe a little drink & tell your OH how you feel nomatter how daft you think your being because your not & even cry & get that BIG hug from him but at the same time find out how he feels.

Some YOU time not passing the odd conversation about your loss. Let it out - Both of you.

I hope that makes sense & I have been thinking about you.

:hug: xx
Babe, it is not stupid at all, you are grieving!!!!!!!!

It doesn't matter how far gone you are hun a baby is a baby and I know that when you have seen a scan and the heartbeat it makes it so much more real, then to lose the baby...........well, I have no idea how that must feel!

I am so sorry you are going through this babe, I am sure when things are not so raw Jase may feel a bit happier with trying again, but it is understandable that he is frightened and scared for you to go through it all again!!!

Take your time babe, try and talk to him nearer the time when you stop bleeding and tell him how you feel.....trying again could very well be the best thing to do for you babe!

Take care :hug: xx
Ahhhh Layla :hug:

I only just saw this thread. I'm a bit slow!!

I'm so sorry Honey xxxx
:hug: layla hun you are not over reacting you have lost a child it doesnt matter at what stage you still seen a heart beat and had all the same hopes and dreams as the rest of us :cry:
go with your heart hun if you feel like you need to try again straight away talk to jase and explain how much you want to do this
my thoughts are with you hun im here if you need me xxxx
I've only just seen this too.

I am so so sorry Layla. I know how much both you and Jase wanted this LO. It will take time for you to overcome your loss, and you need definite time to grieve.

I'm thinking of you hun.

Layla, its over a year since i went through the same at 6ish weeks, and i still have days where i fall apart at the thought of seeing the screen.

If you need me, PM me or add me to msn, even if you just want to have a rant and a cry, i'll listen, and i'm sure all the girls will

Hi Layla

I'm so sorry you're feeling so down - venting on here is very theraputic so make sure you keep it up.

It's not stupid how you feel. From the moment you start trying for a baby and when you get your bfp you start thinking of that child and what they will become and what they will be like and when you lose that child all that lost too.

I'm in a similar horirble situation at the moment. I have one healthy twin and one that looks like it won't make it - it's heartbeat is very slow and it's not big enough. Everytime I see the scan of the two of them together, one big and one small, it breaks my heart.

You always want to protect your children and not being able to do anything can make you feel helpless and frustrated.

Maybe you shouldn't hide it from Jase. He may be feeling the same. It may help you to really cry on his shoulder.

I hope you're ok hun and that I haven't upset you more, i just wanted you to know i understand how you feel.

Take care,

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