hi guys
i said i wouldnt be back untill i got pregnant again but im really not doing to good and i have no one i can talk to. all my friends, family and jase think im fine, i dont want to tell them im not.
i still cant belive im not pregnant anymore, its so hard, i didnt feel like this on my other 2 misscarriages, but i think its coz they were not planed and i wasnt in the best relationship then, this time round me and jase really wanted this baby....
I know im really selfish and prob over reacting, alot of people lose babies..some further on than others, so im sorry that im asking or suport when i was only 6 weeks gone, i just cant help but feel lost, seeing him on the screen with a heartbeat is whats killing me i think.
I really want to try again as soon as i stop bleeding but jase is to scared, he wants me to have a rest first and get my body in the best shape i can and try again at the end of the year, thats so long away
sorry guys, just needed to get this out, i wont say anything to jase coz he is upset aswell, its got to the point where i cant wait for him to go to work so i can cry, stupid huh?!