
I hope everything goes well for you lalya, im sorry you are going through this it must be terrible!

Best wishes hun

cas xx
Ohhh I really hope things are OK babe & the bleeding stops for good :pray:

Just take it easy hun & I just hope these 2 weeks go quickly for you! :hug: xx
found some stuff out about what it could be, i have very little fliud so this sounds about right....

What you need to know:
Oligohydramnios is the term for too little amniotic fluid. This condition affects about 8 percent of pregnancies. It can develop at any time in pregnancy, although it is most common in the last trimester. About 12 percent of women whose pregnancies last two weeks beyond their due date develop oligohydramnios as amniotic fluid levels naturally decline. Oligohydramnios is diagnosed with ultrasound.

The most important known cause of oligohydramnios early in pregnancy is birth defects in the baby (often involving the kidneys or other parts of the urinary tract) and ruptured membranes. The effect of oligohydramnios on the baby depends on the cause, the stage of pregnancy in which the problem occurs, and how little fluid there is.

In the first half of pregnancy, too little amniotic fluid is associated with birth defects of the lungs and limbs and increases the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth and stillbirth.
When oligohydramnios occurs in the second half of pregnancy, it is associated with poor fetal growth.
Near delivery, it can increase the risk of complications during labor and delivery.

What you can do:
The best thing you can do is to go to all your prenatal care appointments. The causes of oligohydramnios are not completely understood. The majority of pregnant women who develop the condition have no identifiable risk factors. One of the things your health care provider monitors is the size of your abdomen and the amount of amniotic fluid in your womb. If you do develop a problem, your health care provider can take steps to help avoid further complications in you and your baby.

Women at increased risk of developing oligohydramnios include those with high blood pressure, diabetes, lupus and placental problems. If you have high blood pressure, consult your health care provider before pregnancy, or as soon as you think you are pregnant, to make sure any medications you are taking are safe during pregnancy and that your blood pressure is well controlled.

Treatment, if indicated, may include replacing the amniotic fluid with an artificial substitute once the woman is in labor. If you are diagnosed with oligohydramnios, it is important that you continue to eat well, drink lots of fluids (water is best), rest more, avoid smoking and report any signs of preterm labor to your health care provider right away.

hi layla just when i red your last post there, its what happend when i was PG with Adele. They told me at my first scan at 10 1/2 weeks i would lose the baby as i washaving very heavy bleeding from the time i found out till i gave birth. I had ruptured membrains at 26 weeks ( basiclly my waters broke but was just trickling for over an hour) and i was on steroid injections and had to have a blood transfussion. Adele was born at 29 weeks and was in ICU for 2 weeks. She was ok but just couldnt breath on her own for those 2 weeks. Now shes 4 and you would never have guessed she was born so prem.

My heart really does go out to you hunny and i wish you all the very best of luck :hug: :hug:
im not bleeding heavy yet
im still getting the discharge but im only getting fresh blood when i wipe.

going to the docs now to be tested for any water infections, just so i can rule that out in my head.

we are going on hols tomorrow and im terrified that i will misscarry while we are there, i cant not go coz the kids are really looking forward to it.

awww hun where are you going on hols to? keeping everything crossed for you still xxxxxxxxxxxxx
going to center parks in suffolk. its only a kiddy holiday.

just been to the docs to get a water test done, she said it does look like i might have something so shes sending off a sample, she also took swabs coz the water infection doesnt explain the discharge.

as she was taking them she said she could see alot of blood further up, i was to embrassed to ask what that meant........anyone any ideas? its not good is it?

hun im sorry i cant answer this for you but am sending you loads of hugs
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Layla
I live in Suffolk,whereabouts you going? I live near Bury st edmunds,there is a centre parcs I think in thetford is it this?if so it is great there.

The blood you said the nurse see could be a build up from when you were spotting or it could be (dont take this the wrong way) a slight erosion of the cervix apparently a lot of women get this as hormones make it produce bits and bons and therefore bleeding can occur from this and not the uterus. The cervix beelding is not as dangerous as the uterous so with any luck it is old blood and if red then fresh cells form cervix.

Do take care and I am thinking of you
I just tryed to look it up on web and all I could find is burst blood vessels from cervix that is common due to prenancy hormones,is only iffy to bleed form there if you are not pregnant.

Hope this helps a bit
I had a bled when i was having Aimee, i don't know anything about the low fluid but i bled quite a lot for about a week and i was told later on in the pregnancy that i had cervical erosion that would have caused the earlier bleed.
Hi Layla,

Thinking of you loads and loads at this confusing, worrying time.

Best of luck with everything, I know nothing on this subject but hopefully knowing that people care and are here for you gives you some comfort.

Please try to enjoy your hols, I know it will be sooo difficult but a chill out time will prob do you some good.

Please dont leave the forum we love you so much!!

started to bleed more now, its like a peroid and is not stopping, getting a few niggley pains too so i think this is it

thanks for all your replys

im so sorry hunny thinking of you :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Layla I'm so sorry this is happening. All my thoughts are with you xx
i truely hope evrything works out for u how long are u going for please be longer than a week i live nr there and we could meet up if ur there for like ages ur prob not tho
my ex family lives in brandon nr thetford

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