Empty sac


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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I was booked for A and had my consultant today..

My last period was the 13th october so that makes me 9 weeks...

Today i had a scan and they told me i have an empty sac.. even i looked at the screen when she asked me if i wanted a look... there was a small empty sac but no fetus and another large sac above which she said were fibroids..

The doctor i spoke too said i might have my dates wrong as the scan may be too early to see anything..but then again i asked him to be honest with me i asked if at 9 weeks there should be a fetus and he said yes, so i have to wait for 2 weeks for another scan and to have a MRI scan too...

He also thought i had already miscarried but with the empty sac will i get bleeding now or just wait for them to remove it .. I will let you ladies know.

anyone been in this situation its so confusing..
I had a scan in June at 11 weeks and saw an empty sac too, so so sorry :hugs: I don't know why the doctor would have said u have miscarried already as u will need to pass the sac. U can maybe expect to bleed before u next scan, I did and miscarried at home. It was like a really heavy period with a fair few clots, and I got quite a few bad cramping pains until it was over.

If there is no change between now and ur next scan u can opt for a d&c, which is a small operation to remove everything.

So sorry to are going through this :hugs: any questions feel free to ask me xxx
Thank you for your advice.

Yes i was a bit confused when he said he thought i had miscarried already,but now just an empty sac inside. He did say i would have to have the sac removed.Lets just see what the results of the next scan are. I am sorry for your loss too.

Both doctors i saw said the same thing" Dont worry about the pregnancy now " Which i am trying to do because its just an empty sac and no fetus. Its a horrible thing to go through but this is human nature. I am 43 and did fall pregnant naturally so iam still fertile. I dont think i want to fall pregnant again because of my age I leave this in god's hands XX
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I had a scan at 12 weeks and they saw an empty sac measuring around 6 weeks. I had to return yesterday for a follow up scan to see if there had been any change or to see if the sac had come away. They said the sac had collapsed and there was a lot of haemorrhaging around it. Since my appointment last week i bled quite a lot and tbh i expected them to tell me it had all gone at my scan but nothing had really changed. Im booked in for a D&C this weekend.

Im so sorry your having to deal with this hun, hugs xxx

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So sorry ladies xxx

I had an empty gestational sac found out at 12 weeks but I gad brown spotting leading up to this.I would have had a D&C but mc'd naturally. It's very sad but there is nothing to say it will happen again and you did conceive xxx

I can't offer advice but take pain killers and keep pads on you, dont wear tampons. It can start suddenly so just incase your out and about. It's a terrible feeling and very sad but we are here if you need us :) big hugs xxx
Thank you ladies and Hugs to all XXX

I have accepted that there is no baby, just an empty sac, I saw it on the monitor with my own eyes and im glad i did decide to take a look. Because what you see with your own eyes the reality sets in and you can begin to deal with it.

I went to the corner shop tonight and bought some pads, because i dont know what will happen now or in a few days!!!

I have a chest infection at the moment and am on medication for that.

I just have to wait for the next scans to come through if i dont have any bleeding then i will opt for a D&C to remove the sac

Hugs XXX
SO sorry baby, we are here if you need to talk at any time xxx
So sorry , yes in some instances seeing is believing , but its the worst news to hear , hugs x x x
i am so sorry hun :friends: always sad to see a new face in here, i hope you find the strength to move on hunny cxx
So sorry to see another ladies on this part of the forum!

If you need anything let us know.

Keep healthy

Sorry to hear this Baby :( I went through a similar thing, went for my first scan at 12 wks and was told that I was going to miscarry. At first they couldn't find a fetus, but the mw scanned me a week later and measured a very small mark which she thought may have been 'the beginnings' of a baby, of about 5 weeks. I miscarried naturally a few weeks later. I didnt want a d&c or medical intervention, and so took time off work to allow the process to happen in its natural course.

It is a horrible thing to go through, but like you say, it is Mother Nature.....I hope you are ok, and if you need any advise etc just ask us here!!

Sending Hugs.... xxxxx
The hospital called me today, they want me to go in for another scan on the 28th dec. I did have some cramps today but nothing painful :-( just like tugging feeling, iam thinking the sac may have come away and is on its way down,but since then nothing no bleeding. I must admit iam getting scared because i dont know what to expect and i live alone and have no one to help me if i get into a state, or if something happens, thats the thing iam worried about.

Ive have never experienced this before and its hard when your on your own feel like crying. Is that stupid..XX
Oh sweetie - it's such a horrid thing to have to go through - especially at this time of year?

All I can say is that you need to keep strong and make sure you eat / drink / keep healthy.

I would also suggest that you *try* your hardest to have some semblance of a normal Christmas day if you can.

I had to wait 20 days back in May for my first M/c to occur (this included 3 trips to the EPU and 8 internal scans :shock:) so i really do know how shitty the waiting is.

An update
28th December i went to have a scan vaginal and there was no change just an empty sac. I was booked in the next morning at 7.15 am

Yesterday I was admitted to hospital and had a ERPC for a failing Intrauterine pregnancy. I had this done under a general anaesthesia. It was painless and bleeding was just light afterwards.

I was passing clots and had cramps on the way to the hospital yesterday morning,so i am relieved its over. I have closure.

I am so grateful for the national health service i could not fault anything about it.

XXX I can move on now and enjoy the new year.

For all the ladies going through this, all i can say is try and not to worry when you have closure you start to feel alot better physically and mentally.

I have better colour back to my cheeks and i will go back to work 3rd jan.
I'm sorry for your loss, I had an empty sac too and it was so sad. All the best for 2012 xxx
Thank you sunbeam XXX and all the best to you for the new year also.
So sorry this happened hun, glad you have had the D&C now and can move forward into 2012, you sound very positive hun - great attitude XX

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