Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Oh my :( :hug: I hope your bean is ok. I know the feeling...
:hugs: can you not go to EPU and get checked out or anything sweets, oh i bet you are so worried hunny :hugs: :hugs:
Oh AR, I'm hoping it works out for the best!

Apart from that I hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's been 3 weeks since we lost our bean and I finally let loose. I had a lot of wine at my Enjo party and then this morning had a fully caffeinated coffee two things I have not really had for the past 6 month due to the 2 pregnancies and then TTC. So I'm a little worse for wear this morning but Geez I had fun and right now thanks to the pain killers for my HUGE headache and the Coffee I'm buzzing. I Feel guilty though because I may be pregnant again but I'm pretty sure the new bean IF in there has not attached yet.

Anyway what do other ladies have planned for the weekend?
Morning girlies
Everything settled yesterday thank god. The epu said they thought it was left over from last week.
I am really sick today it's coming from both ends I didn't think I could feel worse but oh yes I can lol
Let me stop moaning and tell you some good news, Als dad has only 5 days of treatment left he has taken to it ever so well and looks fantastic.apart from tiredness and weeing alot he hasn't had major side effects. The relief of knowing he is going to be ok is indescribable and makes me feel very humbled. We have a little get-together at my mils today so al wants to tell his sister our news I know she will be over the moon for us I'm a little nervous telling her but I think it's time
I hope everyone has a lovely day today make chat to you all later :hugs: x
great news about Als dad AR, must be great to hopefully have an end in sight.

So this morning we got OH measured for his suit for the wedding, 3 months to go :yay: in bristol then came on down to london. Both feeling a little worse for wear after a few drinks last night but was a really nice evening. I had a little (er read lot!) too much wine, but not even close to ov yet so making the most of it :)
Hey everyone!

AR so to hear u had more spotting, i really hope all is OK with ur lil bean! Great news about Al's Dad getting better :hugs:

Hope I am sure when u go for ur next scan bay Hope will have grown since u last saw them and is doing well. Although I do understand ur fears, I had 4 scans by the time I was 13 weeks :)

Dysco, only 3 months to go how exciting :) It really is such a surreal but amazing experience :)

If any of u are interested I have uploaded more pics and my story from our wedding in my journal :D

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**** Heads off to Kanga's Journal for a nosey ****

I am an addict now !!! A pf addict that is. That's all
:yay: hope

im feeling odd about babys due date tomorrow, like i have a very heavy heart and butterflies!

i hope hope hope i ovulate on my due date and get my bean, wishful thinking but that would be so perfect
Good luck honey, I'm sure all will be well. Will be keeping everything crossed for you.xx
Good luck Hope!!!!
Im sure all will be fine! (understand how anxious oyu must feel though xxxxx
thninking of you and bean gorgeous lady :hugs: :hugs:
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Happy scan day sweetie - look forward to seeing a piccie later

Thank you all girls, that bean better be ok in there :lol:
My scan is not until late afternoon so I have quite a lot of h of torture in front of me lol. And I got such a headache since Sunday, I have been getting paracetamol like no tomorrow...
Thank you all girls, that bean better be ok in there :lol:
My scan is not until late afternoon so I have quite a lot of h of torture in front of me lol. And I got such a headache since Sunday, I have been getting paracetamol like no tomorrow...

Oh bless you - as you know I had an awful toothache yesterday!

Headaches can be hormonal can't they??

I hope you feel better soon


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