Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Well see Carnat this was a debate, nobody actually said that will be done. It was saying that if those apply 10 days before birth hy wouldn't they apply 1 day after? A girl in the third semester week 35 or so got offered a legal abortion becaus her child got CMV :shock: it was in ethic journal I mean. But a newspaper for sensation It publishes it like how they did and then rageeee lol.
Here dysco explains it much better than I do in that thread , if you read her comments
I just read through Dysco's comments and yep it is all much clearer to me now.

A very interesting spin on the age old pro-life versus pro-choice argumment!

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its interesting, but reportedly badly by the newspapers to get a reaction, but what would you expect publishing that. I think that the reasoned debate is valid, don't agree with it, but can see where the ethical debate could be held. Somewhere it got mentioned that this was legal in the netherlands too, never knew about that or what the rules are, would be interesting to find out.
I doubt it's legal there but after all other weird things are legal there too :p
Good morning :) omg its finally weekend :) anyone has plans for this weekend? We have to catch up with work related things during this weekend and if it's a nice weather I was thinking maybe a picnic? If not probably grilling in the yard and some movies too with hot coco?
Oh and also my oh wants to go to the town and start buying sth for he baby :faint: like a toy and a piece of clothing :faint: he says that we should start buying a couple of things every time we go shopping :shock:
I don't know how exactly I feel about that. I thought I was finally "cured" from my paranoia after the sec scan but apparently I am not? Weird thought started crippling in my brain since I told to my parents about the baby and now with the baby things shopping I feel like I am tempting fate too much??
The ghosts of that mc will never actually let me enjoy any Parton this pregnancy and that's just so sad :(
Ok someone to :slap: me because that was actually ment to be a happy post about the weekend lol.

So what's everyone's plans for this weekend?

i know its hard but try and relax and start to enjoy your pregnancy, its lovely that OH wants to get somethings and be involved! relish that!

I have no plans for the weekend, weather here is going to be rubbish so might sort out some stuff for the wedding, see a couple of friends and maybe cook a roast dinner on Sunday. OH is running a half marathon sunday morning so i'll have the house to myself for a couple of hours. :)
We have a long weekend here is sunny Perth Australia so we'll be at the Cuddly animal farm, then a birthday party, i have a friend stopping by on Sunday so we can drown my sorrows and I might take my son to the 3D starwars movie. My OH will be over in Melbourne for a good friend's Bucks night.
No plans for us yet....

Dr's this morning and then we'll go out for lunch (we also need to pick up some food shopping as I did an online order and forgot a ton of stuff :roll:)

Tomorrow I'll see my nephews at some point... The rest of the weekend is just chilling and cleaning.... Boring!

Thank you for the slap girls :hug: a roast dinner sounds not so bad :) and Carnat I have a feeling that it will be a nice weekend for you as you will probably come bam from the doctor with a plan and full of hope. About cleaning now....take it easy miss...
Liza tell us more about that cuddling animal farm. What exactly is that? Is it a farm when you cna go pet baby cute animals?
Cuddly Animal farm is a place where you can go in and pet all the goats and sheep. They have tractor rides and all kinds of things. they also have a nursery with baby chickens etc. The kids love it but I think my oldest who is almost 9 maybe a bit too old for it. We're meeting a friend who has younger kids but James loves to look after the girls. He got so upset when we lost the first baby he has been asking for another little brother and sister for years. I'm so glad we didn't tell him about the last one we lost.

Anyway here is the link
I dont think I am too old for petting baby animals :blush: off I go to look at your link
That weekend went fast :( I did nth else than relaxing and watching Merlin lol...
Tomorrow morning I have to go for blood tests. My first pregnancy tests actually. No idea why I am so stressed about that :shock: I know they will show nth wrong really but still...I suppose it just makes it all so real?
I hope my bean is still ok in there....
I'm sure your bean is all nestled in. We had a quiet weekend for us, shopping and wedding stuff saturday, walking the dog and afternoon tea with a friend then a takeaway. Today he run a half marathon this morning while I did some work, chilled work/tv this afternoon and cooked roast dinner between us xx
No tests for me today no work either. Had a horrible night with stomach pains and diarrhea and didn't manage to sleep :( so my oh this morning refused to let me go to work... I suppose a duvet day for me...
Thanks you girls, I already feel much better and regretting that i didn't go to work as tomorrow I will have double the work to do...
Good morning, went for tests now at work, having a brake, I am so tired and it's only 10...

My auntie is doing not so good :( . I hope she recovers a little and then I will tell her about the baby I think ( if everything is ok ofc at 12 weeks scan)
Do you think this is the right thing to do or the thought that she will probably never meet the baby will make her more sad?such a tough decision :(

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