Good morning
Being pregnant and with a cold is the worst thing ever...I can't take much of medicines, I have a fever, coughing all day and night and there is actually no syrup I can get for that

and my nose is so congested that I cat breath
When you all get your BFP and also you Carnat so avoid crowded places and advice your oh too to stay away from everyone that may be sick....
Actually that's how I got oh got it while he was in a congress and then poor me. Ofc he got it 10 times easier than me as a pregnant women's immune system is completely crap...
Still at home ofc, I think today if I will manage to get a nap a little later and revive I will try to b brave enough and make a list with all the things that we need to buy for the baby
While TTC I thought that will be one of the most enjoyable things to do???

boy I was wrong... I am not looking forward at all of making lists or shopping...
I decided regarding baby clothing, besides some specific pink or blue that we will get I will le my mom buy everything and sent them to me in a huge package fom Greece. It's gong to be 10x cheeper there anyway. Good thing I trust my moms taste in clothes...And she will be happy to go baby shopping.
One more thing that me and my oh decided is that thought we will find out the baby's gender we will keep this ans baby's name secret from our families and friends until birth. I am not sure why we are actually doing that lol.
Have a nice day everyone