Our little dream :) Had a mc???

hey hun yum your grill sounds lovely!!

i am chilling this weekend
how many dpi are you lynette? should i start to get all excited soon?
eeee i am only 3dpo but i feel ok, nothing but big trumps at the moment

i am excited this cycle too!
Your BBQ sounds lush hun - I love Halloumi (in fact I want some - now LOL!!)

I have to go out for drinks later as it's my youngest brother's Birthday.. I'm just popping by for a lemonade though (may have some food as the pub does lovely Thai food!!!)

Tomorrow I am staying in my PJ's... Got food shopping coming early and then the day is mine...

Sunday we're all at my Mum's for a big Sunday lunch (13 of us) to celebrate Mother's Day.

I need to grab something for my Mum actually?? So I may have to head out Saturday afterall....

I am so tired tough!

Halloumi is amazing! i grill or fry it to chuck in a salad. I've done it as a starter too, grilled halloumi (marinated in teriyaki sauce) on a bed of rocket with small chunks of mango and hot chillies, with a dressing made with mango juice, LUSH!
What are you cooking today girls? I am so stuck with ideas :(
Good morning :) we are having a tough weekend here. My oh got a nasty cold and he is coughing, sneezing, fever and everything....hardly slept the past 2 days.... Nowi only hope that I will not get this too...
Morning :)
Having a quiet weekend here, oh cooked lat night and we chilled in front of the telly, need to crack on with work today though!
Dysco you are a lucky girl that your oh cooks...my oh can make pizza (heat the frozen one...) hamburgers ( grill the ready made ones), hot dogs, macaroni and cheese and microwave any ready made food.... I am completely doomed when the baby comes....

We are back to freezing weather today, that and the lack of sleep the past 3 days and my oh cold and fever etc and we are both staying at home today..well not without some catching up on paperwork for me ofc.... But at least I can stay warm and nap....

We told to the rest of my family this weekend, grandparents and aunties (including my poorly auntie that is still at hospital...) they all got so happy but I still feel like I am so selfish for braking up good news while my auntie is dying....
At the end of the month my oh parents coming for Canada to visit us ( they have a house in Norway too so they stay quite long every time ) so we will tell them about the baby too. We ordered from amazon a special 3 place scan frame, the first slot is for baby's first scan, the second for he baby's second scan and the third slot it says I am here and you put the babys first photo in there when it's born. So we will give the, that as a gift with the babys first scan and we eventually mail them the second scan photo in Canada and they can put baby's photo there too when it's born :love: I hope they will like it :)

Today also is officially trimester 2 for me, hopefully I cna relax a little and start feeling more human also.i can't wait for my 16 sex scan and hopefully if everything is ok then and we find out the sex we can start shopping more things for the baby...

Wow that was a novel so early this morning, I hope you all have a wonderful week, :dust: to everyone who TTC :)
aw your family will love that gift, its amazing! I can't believe you are in tri2 already! its gone so fast! don't forget me!!!! :friends:

So glad you told your family, its not selfish, its bringing a ray of sunshine to them at a really hard time. I'm sure your aunt is so glad she got to hear the news, and to hear it now is so much better chance that everything will be ok, especially with you2 scans all perfect! oh, :love: get your OH cooking for you, he'll have to get used to it. My OH doesn't have a choice, he only has a few specialities but i'm blowed if i'm going to cook every night! :) I'm a hard hard woman!
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I got my ohs cold :( such an unhappy bunny I am :( so now coughing, sneezing, my throat hurts and I will probably get a fever too....so afraid that sth will happen to the bean :(
The bean will be fine hun,

Just keep yourself hydrated and rested

Get well soon

Good morning :)

Being pregnant and with a cold is the worst thing ever...I can't take much of medicines, I have a fever, coughing all day and night and there is actually no syrup I can get for that :( and my nose is so congested that I cat breath :(

When you all get your BFP and also you Carnat so avoid crowded places and advice your oh too to stay away from everyone that may be sick....
Actually that's how I got it...my oh got it while he was in a congress and then poor me. Ofc he got it 10 times easier than me as a pregnant women's immune system is completely crap...

Still at home ofc, I think today if I will manage to get a nap a little later and revive I will try to b brave enough and make a list with all the things that we need to buy for the baby :shock: :faint:

While TTC I thought that will be one of the most enjoyable things to do??? :lol: boy I was wrong... I am not looking forward at all of making lists or shopping...

I decided regarding baby clothing, besides some specific pink or blue that we will get I will le my mom buy everything and sent them to me in a huge package fom Greece. It's gong to be 10x cheeper there anyway. Good thing I trust my moms taste in clothes...And she will be happy to go baby shopping.

One more thing that me and my oh decided is that thought we will find out the baby's gender we will keep this ans baby's name secret from our families and friends until birth. I am not sure why we are actually doing that lol.

Have a nice day everyone :love:
hope you feel batter today hun, colds are miserable! I'm my 2ww eek! temperature rising nicely, so glad i did my opk on sunday!!
Its a lovely idea to have your mum do the shopping, a) you don't have to and b) she'll love it!!! its a lovely way for her to feel part of your pregnancy and new baby :)

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