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Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Oh Hope thats so sad, so awful. I think you have to work out whats right for you and if you need to be there i'm sure bubs will cope. There are no rights or wrongs, you'll have to go with gut instinct and if you don't want to tell them yet, don't. Its so terribly sad that your aunt might go without knowing about your little one, but you also have to be that wee bit selfish too and if the stress would be too much for you telling them then don't, they'll understand.
I agree with Dysco hun - your Aunty would want you to take care of yourself and bub!

Is it weekend yet ? I feel in need of a holiday already...this Saturday morning planning on getting some scrap booking things. I never did that and I thought to give it a try. If the pregnancy turns out to be ok then I will have some lovely memories there.
I have no idea how to actually do it but we will see...
A little early but any plans for the weekend yet girls?
The scrap book sounds lovely!!!

This weekend will be spent sleeping, I am shattered!

Meeting a friend for coffee and cake Saturday afternoon and I'll see my nephews at some point over the weekend! One of the little ones has just started to crawl :)

Also I am heading towards my fertile time so I hope to get some sexy time in!

We are mainly focusing on sexy time and working :( OH has some assignment to do for his Masters and I am his academic mentor (go figure!) so I gave him a deadline of tuesday to give me a draft so he's working all weekend. I need to get some work done on various grant applications too so no rest for the weekend here in cardiff this weekend!

:dust: for you Carnat, Hope i hope you get to relax a bit!
Oh :dust: for all of you girls :love: I miss sex loads though we did have fun 3 times since my BFP just not exactly full sex yet.
It's finally Friday, somehow this was a long week :( anyway I am so so happy that weekend is here finally :) now I just hope for good weather.
Tomorrow morning we are going to the city for some shopping and then I think we will just stay home and relax for the rest of the weekend :D minus the house cleaning that I have to do :(. Did I mention how much I hate housework? :blush: I just wish we could afford someone to help me with that once per week :( though probably near summer we will have to get someone to help me with all that. My oh isoneof those that he could leave in an unclean house for 1 year before he thinks that may need cleaning....so not much help from him lol.
Anyway that was enough ranting for a Friday morning.
Anyone has lovely plans for this weekend? Oh and also I have to bake some banana muffins or bread I think as we have some old bananas. Off I am to find a recipe after work for that

Have a nice day :)
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My OH loves banana bread - if you find any *simple* recipes do post them!

I love cleaning (apart from Hoovering - OH does that!), I find it really theraputic and have a big clean at least once a week...

I am quite particular about everything having a "home" and I hate things being out of place...

I could never have a cleaner LOL

Your weekend sounds good, I plan to do pretty much the same although I do have to pop for a few drinks after work as someone is leaving

i posted a banana bread recipie in this thread, do you want it again? i make it all the time, 2 secs and i will do it
ok banana and oatmeal bread ( you can always take the oats out and just use 200g flour instead )

120g oats ( brekky oats are fine )
100g self raising flour
100g brown sugar ( but any sugar works fine )
3 old mushy bananas
2 eggs
120g melted butter
1 teaspoon baking powder ( not bicarb it tastes funny )
1 teaspoon vanilla esscense ( spelling argh )

ok the above is for the cake, the below is optional and for the topping of the cake, i dont always do it but it is nice

bag of crushed walnuts ( or any nuts ) about a large handful
30g plain flour
30g brown sugar
teaspoon of cinnamon

so.........when mixing the cake there is a method... but i just throw it all in.... mix with wooden spoon then at the end put the bananas in by getting them in your hand, squeezing and letting it come all out your fingers. once you add bananas dont mix them up too much or the mix will be runny and ur cake wont set do not whisk this like a cake
the mix should be lumpy and thick

line a standard loaf tin wth baking paper ( u can pick em up for about a quid in wilkos ) throw in ur mixture fill to half way then if you made a topping grab a handful and sprinkle over the top lightly pressing the nuts into the wet cake mix

180 degrees about an hour TA DA done, tastes good cooled or straight out the oven with custard

if ur not sure its done stick a knife in and if it comes out clean its cooked if its sloppy om the knife leave it in, cooking time varies dependant on cooker mine is fan assisted and cooks like a beast so just keep an eye on it
I forgot about that, you are a star, trying this tonight :love:
my pleasure ladies xx its a great cake and super quick to make! remember lumpy mixture dont be put off about how thick and bumpy it is thats how you want it. if you mix it too much all the banana settles at the bottom and it is yuck
I had a weird dream last night. Me and Lynette' we were going to a swimming pool but for doing that we had to clinmb some big walls, jump over fences, all that like 50 m above ground:shock: so as I am absolutely terrified of that I was just hanging there over a fence not being able to jump....eventually Lynette helped me to do that and we finally got to the pool were I found out that I can't go as I did t have a swimming suit me lol:wall:
We are having a lazy Saturday morning, though we have to go shopping at some point but I feel so tired that I can't see it happening...
Have a nice weekend everyone
Here is the banana bread, didn't taste it yet but God it looks delicious :love: thanks Lynette :hug:


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Omg that was delicious, feed me banana bread all day today! Next time though I will make it in muffin tins as its hard to slice as it falls apart but God is so delicious !!!
looks fabulous well done hun! i've had quite a lazy day too, after we dtd this morning we went for a run then I"ve just been to see a friend for a cuppa. Now thinking about using some left over carrots for carrot and coriander soup for lunch tomorrow :)

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