Our little dream :) Had a mc???

It's horrible Hun I thought all my christmases had come together when I got my bfp last month it's broke my heart for it to have ended so soon. I'm at a point now where a bfp will fill me with worry and fear rather then the joy it should. I'm taking one day at a time because looking at the grand scheme of it all upsets me. I really hope next year is a far happier one for us all xxx
ok cool thanks will have a look. - at the app that is Amyrose.x
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Is it too early to write down a listwth new years resolutions lol?

So what's on your list girls?
Let's see a BFP for me, loosing weight would be my top 2
New year wish list
1. Als dad to get through his cancer treatment ok.
2. Have a wondrful wedding
3. Bfp
:hugs: for your Ohs dad hun, it must be hard
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yes hugs everyone,
we have all been through it on here and know how it feels.
We all have different stories but the pain and heartbreak is the same.

I feel the same AR, a bfp i dont think will ever fill me with joy again, and I think thats sad.

Carnat - hugs honey. not chatted to you for a bit hope your doing ok.?

We are all strong ladies and we will get there .

dust and much love and hugs everyone. xxxxx
My wish list...
you know I cant even think about....
what will be will ....that just seems to be my motto now.

To just be happy with my life and everything in it is my wish, and whatever life brings , cos we cant change it.

philosophical hey! lol!! xxx
Well this year I gave up smoking and lost 25lbs (back to size 8-10)

So I have already "done" the classic new year's resolutions LOL.

I have also done all the 'horrible' things I needed to do - smear test, dentist [i'd not been for 3 years :shock: and my treatment is ongoing]

We are also debt free and have a fair amount of savings.

To have a viable pregnancy would be amazing and it is all I want... I know being a parent requires patience and perserverance so I will wait as long as it takes :)

Good morning :hug:

Lynette did I miss the extension pictures??

I was so sleepy thx morning that I was afraid I will fall asleep while driving.....not good!

Also oh pissed me of again with getting snappy at me and whining when sth dosent go as easy and perfect as he thought it will be...are your oh the same? Sometimes I really think men never really grow up....I mean ffs he is 30 and has th patience and the whining of a 5 year old....

Rant over, just a little sad...

Anyway, have a nice day girls :love:
morning hope,

my OH is exactly the same!!!!!!!
he is really peeing me off at the moment selfish twat!!! so no your not alone there.

yes good mornung everyone, have a great day love n hugs xxxxxx
Morning my little chickens :hugs:

I'm a bit frustrated this morning I'm bleeding again not alot but still puts my ttc plans out the window. I feel a little defeated with it all
hey ladies, amyrose :hugs: i hope the witch pisses off soon, i bled for 9 days on my second cycle after MC i was well annoyed

as for OH's, they are all the same! whiney little boys who just need a hug and their dinner cooked lol its a good job they have the babymaking tackle rreally or i would be alone haha

Havent posted the hair yet, doing it wednesday evening when i have my nails done too so i will show you both
If it was proper af it would be ok buy it's just blood stained cm (tmi sorry)
I am really annoyed because I just got a pos opk and can't do anything about it Grrrrrrrrrr!


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awww Boooo well just do it anyway? or would it gross you out too much, my OH doesnt care either way as long as i am naked heheh
Now I see why my opk is positive
I don't get it because it was neg the last time I done one. Oh I just don't know anymore


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:hug: AR, corinne, lynette, hope, my OH is the same, he had a strop this morning cos he was in the shower in the downstairs bathroom so I used the loo upstairs which is where he does his teeth and gels his hair and had a strop cos i was in there when he finished his shower, grow up ffs! like both bathrooms have to be free so his morning routine is uninterrupted! I posted in GR but after yesterday's funeral, plus a 7 hour round trip to london for the privilege and a dodgy time i decided not to go into work so i'm working from home with a blanket feeling sorry for myself. Ysterday was just compounded by people asking if children were in the plan, everyone of my old friends has at least 1 or 2 little ones i just wanted to yell that i should be 8 months pregnant but so not the time or place to even bring up the mmc.
awww dysco, a guy at work said to me ''ooo your not showing are you........''

knife in heart moment :hugs: hopeur ok xx

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