Our little dream :) Had a mc???

not good day in here today girls :hug: all round. I've got everything crossed of your BFPs, it would make my christmas/new year too if one of you caught! Hope it all turns out ok for you AR, I'll be stalking you. I'm dreading Jan too. All those girls in tri 3 now, wish I was there.

I'll go the funeral but will be odd.My parents and sister will be going so I'll have company but they'll be more upset than I will i think. A joint funeral with his nan too who died the same week. And his poor sister miscarrying the same week, don't know how she's coping! Just so sad for them.
FX amy keep us posted hun, thinkning about u and bubs
:dust: just seen this thread, funny I have been having a really down few days too.
For some reason it all seems like an open wound again.
Totally agree with your sentence Lynette, it is heartbreaking when you try and get BFN,
it makes the pain of the MC very raw again.
Something s def not on my side , I am just entering my extra fertile stage and have a stinking cold.

Really feel for you Fi, the Due date will always be such a hard time.

Hope goes well as can do Dysco, hope your doing ok Hope and Sunbeam
Carnat, I think Christmas is a significant time to think of our loses, I should of been pregnant last Christmas too and not. Just would of made it more magical.

Wishing you the best of luck Amyrose, I know just how anxious you must be feeling.

Love and Dust to everyone :dust::dust:
hey corrine seems we all have xmas blues, the witch came for me today grrrr only been 23 days since my last ARGH
Hi ladies I am having some spotting and am so scared I'm gonna loose my little bub. I have been to the docs twice today. The second time I got to see a lovely doctor he is taking my bloods tomorrow and thursday to see if my hormones are rising. He has also been in touch with the epau to see if they will scan me. Say a prayer for me please x

As long as its just spotting I would try not to worry (easier said than done sweetheart I know) but plenty of women spot and go on to have healthy pregnancies.

I hope on Thursday you see a lovely huge rise in your hCG levels.

Fingers, toes and everything crossed!

:dust: just seen this thread, funny I have been having a really down few days too.
For some reason it all seems like an open wound again.
Totally agree with your sentence Lynette, it is heartbreaking when you try and get BFN,
it makes the pain of the MC very raw again.
Something s def not on my side , I am just entering my extra fertile stage and have a stinking cold.

Really feel for you Fi, the Due date will always be such a hard time.

Hope goes well as can do Dysco, hope your doing ok Hope and Sunbeam
Carnat, I think Christmas is a significant time to think of our loses, I should of been pregnant last Christmas too and not. Just would of made it more magical.

Wishing you the best of luck Amyrose, I know just how anxious you must be feeling.

Love and Dust to everyone :dust::dust:

Hi sweetie,

It's weird isn't it how the Festive period (a time of year most people - myself included - love) can be such a bummer.

I hope to drag myself out of the crappy mood as I want to enjoy my Christmas!!

I am going to view this as hopefully my last ever Christmas without a bubba so I am going to make the most of eating good food, drinking lots of Bailey's and having lazy days on the sofa watching crappy TV! I'll do all these things whilst I still can.

I hope all you lovely ladies manage to find a way to enjoy the festive period and hopefully we'll all be in at least Tri 1 this time next year :)

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hi everyone i am back form getting my bloods done my doc said they should be back this afternoon but he wont have a good picture until my bloods on thursday. I am still waiting for the epau to call me. good news is i have no spotting or pain today im trying to stay calm and take things easy.
Hope everyone is ok today big hugs for you all xxxxx
big hugs to you too hun, fx everything is just fine :hugs:
hi everyone i am back form getting my bloods done my doc said they should be back this afternoon but he wont have a good picture until my bloods on thursday. I am still waiting for the epau to call me. good news is i have no spotting or pain today im trying to stay calm and take things easy.
Hope everyone is ok today big hugs for you all xxxxx

Let us know when you get your results after the second blood test.

I am sure all will be fine my dear, but I'll be rooting for you

Amy how are the things today?

Woke up with the neighbor car running under our window for 10 min ths mining without an excaust....my oh that hates the neighbor enraged and called them to tell them to stop run that car or to leave for work. They said they don't see the problem and kept running the car like idiots. The truth is that they are very noisy with kids shouting and playing music late at night but I don't really know what to do anymore....
Now my oh decided that as our good manners don't matter for them he may as well make a lot of noise to annoy them too...
I tried to talk some sense to him but no way he would listen :(
I don't see a solution either so I will have to bare all that noise that comes from them and y oh now....
Anyway it's freezing cold here and I would like sth yummy for lunch and dinner but no idea what to cook really. Any suggestions? Sth that dosent have potatoes or rice plese, i am sick of those lol.

I am on vacation till Monday but have tons do like finishing 1 article, reviewing 2 more, correct some students tests, write an abstract, make a poster, study and clean the house....I somehow think that a day at work is more relaxing than that :(

Have a nice day everyone!
hey hun i made a pork casserole in my slowcooker yezsterday was scrummy, 5 pork chops on the bone, carrots, mushrooms and 1 onion, tim of tomoatoes, veg stock.......3 hours YUM
hey hun i made a pork casserole in my slowcooker yezsterday was scrummy, 5 pork chops on the bone, carrots, mushrooms and 1 onion, tim of tomoatoes, veg stock.......3 hours YUM

Was your dinner delish Lynette?

I am off out for my work's Xmas do later - then have the rest of the week off.

Hopefully OH is off Friday so we'll go get our tree and put that up. We'll also do a weekly shop (we normally do it online as we end up arguing in the supermarket - I am left getting all the household essentials and he is down the chocolate aisle LOL)

I want to start BD'ing from today though as OH goes away in 6 days :shock:

yeah dinner was lush, had my stew with little crispy roast potatoes psrinkled with chillie flakes and brocolli. I have the remainder of my stew for lunch today double yums, always tastes better the day after.

Beef in black bean for tea tonight, home made eek never tried it before the recipie tells me to use orange juice!
I posted in the girlie room but I thought I would let you all know. I lost my little bubs last night it passed still inside it's sac poor little mite. I'm felling numb and so very sad I can't even get out of bed. I don't know how to get over it this time.

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