Our little dream :) Had a mc???

i just feel so sad, im heartbroken all over again its wierd
Big hugs to u all, hope to see u with ur bfp's very soon :hugs: xxx
Day has gone from awesome to terrible :( have a friend who wants some work doing on his house, told him me liam and our mate could do it. She's basically gone into superdrive, demanding that everything is done 'just so' and I can't get a word in. Ended up going round there today and worked out there are a load of other things that need doing, so arranged for me and liam to crack on with one of the jobs so we can secure aciuple of hundred quid for chrimbo. Nope, not good enough, its like everything is a battle, too me at least three tries to explain to her what we were doing and then she basically told me that we had to wait and do another bit of the first job first... But we need the money! She's been paid 400 quid already for the original job, I just wanted us to crack on with something quickly and free up some cash but every suggestion I make is met with just a huge battle. I can't be arsed with it, ended up in tears after the phone call and then liam started on at me. I have left the house now am in the pub on my own... Think I will stay here til closing then sleep in my mums old place. Has no furniture or leccy coz its just been sold but will be warmer than outside. Feel like shite.
Day has gone from awesome to terrible :( have a friend who wants some work doing on his house, told him me liam and our mate could do it. She's basically gone into superdrive, demanding that everything is done 'just so' and I can't get a word in. Ended up going round there today and worked out there are a load of other things that need doing, so arranged for me and liam to crack on with one of the jobs so we can secure aciuple of hundred quid for chrimbo. Nope, not good enough, its like everything is a battle, too me at least three tries to explain to her what we were doing and then she basically told me that we had to wait and do another bit of the first job first... But we need the money! She's been paid 400 quid already for the original job, I just wanted us to crack on with something quickly and free up some cash but every suggestion I make is met with just a huge battle. I can't be arsed with it, ended up in tears after the phone call and then liam started on at me. I have left the house now am in the pub on my own... Think I will stay here til closing then sleep in my mums old place. Has no furniture or leccy coz its just been sold but will be warmer than outside. Feel like shite.

Oh sweetie, I hope you made it home last night and didn't end up sleeping in a place with no lekky!

Yeah i made it home in the end x

Liam phoned me very upset about things... I spoke to my mate and told her that basically i was not going to be involved in the project at all, everything i ever said was not only wrong, it took me a good 3/4 times to explain what I had discovered and it was just this massive battle which i just cannot deal with right now.

Thing is, Alex (whose house it is) is MY mate, we have known each other for years and he asked ME to do the work. Anna took £400 off him to start on the decorating and didnt even get the paint required to start :S

Then she started going on about how she could only start if she was able to paint the entire house as one rather than room by room and i was like 'this is going to take forEVER!' so when i went up there and there was literally loads of other stuff to do, i made a big long list and thought that me and Liam could crack on with them all...

Because she has already had £400 and we have had nothing, i decided to do a small job which we could charge £200 for. So i arranged with him to do the laying of lino tiles in the bathroom/kitchen/porch etc

This was TOTALLY wrong apparently and how DARE i start on the bathroom doing a job when she hadnt finished her job in there yet. Liam who has been a painter and decorator was like 'what is she going on about, she can't paint a wall if its not in a building site? Thats what painting and decorating IS, you sometimes have to paint fully furnished houses, let alone them having a floor there??

Also i was 'not allowed' to get lino tiles and HAD to use big sheets of lino and cut them down (something neither me or Liam are comfortable with) and HAD to use lino she already had at home rather than buying a job lot of tiles because she had decided thats what was going to happen

It literally took me about 45 mins to establish with her that we wanted to do the lino this weekend, and why and why i couldnt take money from alex if she wasnt going to 'allow' us to lay the tiles.

Anyway. When i spoke to her again i just said i wanted nothing more to do with the project, i am trying so hard not to get stressed out by anything at the moment, trying to make a baby and i dont think the whole stress surrounding the council and moving helped when i lost the other baby :(

So i finally gave her a massive list of all the jobs that needed doing (this was online so its easier to get a word in edgeways because she doesnt just shout over me) and she said she didnt want to take on any more work than shes already got and will struggle to finish just the painting without our help.

So i asked her why she was telling us what to do if she wasnt going to do the work??

she said she wanted everything done 'right' and i told her that me and Liam are quite capable people and that we had to be allowed to do our own thing a bit also! Making us do everything her way is absurd if shes not even doing the jobs??? I told her that we had allowed her to completely take over the painting and decorating and we were literally just going to sheepishly pick up a brush every now and again and see if we were 'allowed' to help (this is a job dont forget that MY mate has asked ME to do for him) but that actually if we are going to do other jobs around the house, thats none of her business at all.

which she has agreed to actually, she didnt really give me much choice, she told me quite clearly she wouldnt be doing anymore of the jobs.

So had i of left it, which to be honest i still want to do, all the fun has been sucked out of this particular project. I would have been leaving my mate in the shit with his house :(
awww hunny i hope it all works out for you sounds like you need a hug too sweety :hugs: i feel ok today i suppose just a little glum, i just miss my bubs, miss being pregnant ETC X
My OH is a decorator Fi, and working for 'mates' is always harder and more stressful for him than his actual work.

He ends up doing a lot more work for less money (in his spare time) and it pi55es him off.

Of course our place is still not fully decorated after 2 years :)

I hope you work it all without anymore fallouts.

Lynette sweetie sorry it's been a crappy few days for you.

I am trying to pull myself out of the sad mood I have been in :shock: I am feeling a wee bit better today!

thanks hun, i do feel a bit better dont know what came over me i have been so weepy and sad. Getting the xmas tree out tonight though so that will cheer me up!
I just sent her a text message saying 'right i am going to get up and dressed, head up to the house to do the measurments for the floor and then you can take the keys if you like and crack on with your bits? we need the key back tomorrow morning early though coz we plan to start early xx'

and she just phoned me having ANOTHER FUCKING rant and bringing up loads of other stuff

Its not worth it for the money, it would be great to have a bit extra for Chrimbo but i cannot and WILL NOT deal with this, she can do all the painting and decorating on her own, we will only be working on that house when she is finished.
I just sent her a text message saying 'right i am going to get up and dressed, head up to the house to do the measurments for the floor and then you can take the keys if you like and crack on with your bits? we need the key back tomorrow morning early though coz we plan to start early xx'

and she just phoned me having ANOTHER FUCKING rant and bringing up loads of other stuff

Its not worth it for the money, it would be great to have a bit extra for Chrimbo but i cannot and WILL NOT deal with this, she can do all the painting and decorating on her own, we will only be working on that house when she is finished.

Sometimes no amount of money is worth the hassle!

I think you'll be better off just going in when she is done...
thanks hun, i do feel a bit better dont know what came over me i have been so weepy and sad. Getting the xmas tree out tonight though so that will cheer me up!

I was going to ask of you like Xmas.

I love, love, love this time of year so I am hoping it will be an excellent distraction.

I have lots of lovely food and booze stockpiled already...

On the day I go to my Mum's and we eat / drink like royalty LOL!

If I can't be preggers then I am just going to be glad I can stuff my face with booze LOL!

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thats EXACTLY what i am doing carnat! off to mums for a feast set for kings and i wil drink my weight in booze! I amsure i will feel much better then!! I LOVE xmas eeeeep so excited
good morning :)

i love christmas and i love all the chocolate that comes with christmas :p and the presents.... :D

am i the only one that hates alcohol lol?

and oh yes its weekend !!!! its being snowing this morning so i can't wait t go for a walk in the woods with the puppy if not freezing cold tomorrow.
christmas market is also open so i hope to have some fun there too :D

have a nice day. any plans for weekend yet?
awww puppies are so confused by snow lol, my mums dog last year saw it all outsdie, went running out and it was upto her chin lol she was so shocked!

I dont drink too much to be hnest, just now and again i fancy a bevvy
good morning :)

i love christmas and i love all the chocolate that comes with christmas :p and the presents.... :D

am i the only one that hates alcohol lol?

and oh yes its weekend !!!! its being snowing this morning so i can't wait t go for a walk in the woods with the puppy if not freezing cold tomorrow.
christmas market is also open so i hope to have some fun there too :D

have a nice day. any plans for weekend yet?

You hate alcohol? :shock: :shock:

LOL, it's pretty much my only vice to be honest. I gave up smoking in May and for the most part I eat pretty 'clean'. I do look forward to a few glasses of wine at the weekend... I do always drink more around Xmas time though.

Snow... How exciting - where are you?

No plans for the weekend, have had a hacking cough all week and have all but lost my voice (OH was very pleased LOL)

Hope you ladies all have a lovely few days

I just sent her a text message saying 'right i am going to get up and dressed, head up to the house to do the measurments for the floor and then you can take the keys if you like and crack on with your bits? we need the key back tomorrow morning early though coz we plan to start early xx'

and she just phoned me having ANOTHER FUCKING rant and bringing up loads of other stuff

Its not worth it for the money, it would be great to have a bit extra for Chrimbo but i cannot and WILL NOT deal with this, she can do all the painting and decorating on her own, we will only be working on that house when she is finished.

Sometimes no amount of money is worth the hassle!

I think you'll be better off just going in when she is done...

agree wholeheartedly. What really sucks is part of the reason i wanted to go in and get some stuff dones is because HER ill-trained dog has smashed up our cooker :(

so i wanted to buy a camping stove for christmas so we had something to cook on.

I just dont understand why we need to have such a battle about it all the sodding time
i am in norway but near the ocean so we don't get too much snow but horrible winds and rain usually....

and yes i absolutely dislike alcohol, it burns my throat lol :blush: i may some times try a little liquor thats dead sweet but i would choose anytime anything else instead of that lol.
even beer or wine? how odd maybe you are allergic? I love whiskey because it burns my throat/chest mmmmmm whiskey
nope nope, beer is bitter and wine i just don't like lol. i may ask my parents if i was accidentally tried any alcohol when i was little and i hated big time back then that i can't stand it now lol.

well i suppose is not so bad for our pocket to not drink alcohol when out and about but i am always stack driving as i don't drink anyway...

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