Our little dream :) Had a mc???

agree wholeheartedly. What really sucks is part of the reason i wanted to go in and get some stuff dones is because HER ill-trained dog has smashed up our cooker :(

so i wanted to buy a camping stove for christmas so we had something to cook on.

I just dont understand why we need to have such a battle about it all the sodding time

So this is the friend with the dog !!!!

Did she not offer to give you anything to replace the broken cooker?
i am in norway but near the ocean so we don't get too much snow but horrible winds and rain usually....

and yes i absolutely dislike alcohol, it burns my throat lol :blush: i may some times try a little liquor thats dead sweet but i would choose anytime anything else instead of that lol.

Sorry had I looked at your profile I would have seen you are in Norway LOL!

Bet it is so scenic and pretty (when you don't have to go out in it of course!)
agree wholeheartedly. What really sucks is part of the reason i wanted to go in and get some stuff dones is because HER ill-trained dog has smashed up our cooker :(

so i wanted to buy a camping stove for christmas so we had something to cook on.

I just dont understand why we need to have such a battle about it all the sodding time

So this is the friend with the dog !!!!

Did she not offer to give you anything to replace the broken cooker?

yeah but then she told me it would be best to wait til we move and she would help us with a cooker then so its waiting in the wings (and she has no money now anyway) but now she is basically saying that she doesnt want to know us and what not so i am guessing that money has now gone
Sorry that your "friend" is being such an arse!

I hope she comes to her senses and at least sorts you out something to pay for the damage her dog caused

we just had a chat and she told me she has had an eviction notice on her council house for not paying her bills :( Silly girl

so we are just cracking on tonight because the sooner we get done, the sooner we can all get paid. I think we have all learnt from it, shes not going to teach us how to suck eggs anymore and we are not going to get in the way of her paint role.
we just had a chat and she told me she has had an eviction notice on her council house for not paying her bills :( Silly girl

so we are just cracking on tonight because the sooner we get done, the sooner we can all get paid. I think we have all learnt from it, shes not going to teach us how to suck eggs anymore and we are not going to get in the way of her paint role.

Glad things have calmed down!
Anyone seen dysco lately ?

Are y around lovely lady? Long time didn't see you here. After the thread about your ex I couldn't stop thinking what the hell I am going to do with myself if sth happens to my oh. :wall:
Well that was ABSOLUTELY pointless. Went up to the house to get cracking (something that should have happened at the beginning of the day) Anna is no there, due to meet her at 6ish and she still hasnt turned up. Get there, there is no tile cement, no SANDPAPER to even FUCKING begin the prep work and i stood around like a sodding wet lettuce for about half an hour watching Liam getting stuck in, saying 'can i help with anything' 'can i do that'

'no i'm enjoying it, its fine, you just stand there. Oh actually, why dont you nip to the shop and get me something?' I SPEND MY WHOLE LIFE NIPPING TO THE SHOP TO GET THINGS, FOR LIAM AND THE BABY!!! grrrrrr i JUST WANTED TO DO SOMETHING PRACTICAL!!!!

there is no use, Tomorrow i will go and with my own money buy gloss paint, sandpaper, a paintbrush and turps and i will go with a jam jar and fucking do all the gloss work in that house, and if they complain that i am 'not doing it in the right order' or whatever the hell else i will laugh at them and carry on. I am SICK of being the one who makes food or goes to the shop and gets left out of any of the slightly different jobs going on on an normal day :(

just wanted to do something different...
Hi girls, sorry I haven't been around. Mad busy with work and feeling v weird about my ex. Its such an odd feeling. Funeral is on 19th. He was 35 and if things had been different I'd be his wife, widow. Everyone thinks I should be devastated but I feel so distant. I left him 10 years ago and have lived in a different country since then. It's a real blast from my old life knowing I'll see all those old friends at the funeral. Oh doesn't get it, why I even had any contact with him. It's just weird. With that plus work I'm in a really odd place right now. And i still miss LO and getting closer to my due time. Always imagined being pregnant at Xmas xxxxxx
Good morning!

I totally understand about being pregnant during Christmas :(

What are y going to do with the funeral? I think I wouldn't go but not sure at all.

Having a nice roast for lunch and then for a walk if it's it raining. The Christmas tree is up already and the house looks so Christmas cozy :D now I only need to buy presents :( and have no idea what to buy :(

How is everyone's weekend ? Need to get writing an article but keep procrastinating that....

Have a nice day
hey girlies, sorry tp hear about your ex dysco, hope your ok :hugs: i wish i was pregnant over xmas, had 3 BFNS now :-(
Wow Dysco - just caught up with things!!


Hope you are doing OK hun?

As for being pregnant at Christmas ladies - I cannot tell you how much I empathise.

First pregnancy would have been due 4th Jan and once we lost that [and worked through that horrible time] all I wanted was to be pregnant at Christmas. Twice I thought I thought we'd got our wish and twice it ended in M/c again.

So here I am, 3 weeks before Christmas and all I have is an appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic to look forward to,


Sorry to sound so defeated ladies but I have had such a shitty weekend. I got my period properly on Saturday and it just hammered home to me that this year is not my year! As I'd been spotting for a few days - which isn't usual - I kind of had a little hope that I may be pregnnat (even though we'd avoided my fertile times etc...)

The 6th of Jan feels like it may as well be the 6th Jan 2015!


I would do anything to be pregnant by January, to loose her so late and then watch all those ladies i was in tri 2 with getting ready to pop and have their babies :( Its very very hard :cry:
:hugs: i feel deflated too and very weepy all the time, i know i missed my egg, stupid short cycle fucked up my estimations as I am now 29 days since the first day of my last period, last one was 26 days after bloeeding for 9 days. I almost feel like giving up at the moment and just forgetting about TTC i am heartbroken all over again about MC and feel just as i did when i foudn out my bubs had no heartbeat. I dont know....
i have seen all my buddies moving to tri3 today and had to go have a cry in the toilet what a loser!
Big hugs to you all ladies

I love Christmas but know it will be tinged with sadness this year :shock:

I will try to make the best of it though - what else can I do!

Wishing you all lots of :dust::dust: and hope we we get our BFP's soon

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Hi ladies I am having some spotting and am so scared I'm gonna loose my little bub. I have been to the docs twice today. The second time I got to see a lovely doctor he is taking my bloods tomorrow and thursday to see if my hormones are rising. He has also been in touch with the epau to see if they will scan me. Say a prayer for me please x
oh dear such a sad day i see today.

amyrose i keep you in my prayers, i so hope it will be ok for you :hug:

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