Our little dream :) Had a mc???

good morning :)

lynette thanks so much for the recipe i wil try it next weekend.

how is everyone?

can't wait really for christmas to come now, need some good sleep and a BFP......

dysco i have no idea how i would feel about that situation :( the close we come to my due date the safer i get. i should have everything done by now waiting for LO after holidays :( i think january will be a tough month for me, especially if i don't have a BFP by then...and i don't even see it happening.
i was probbaly so naive to think that if happened first time so so fast, almost by accident, then it will happen so fast now too...

anyway...i am still stuck with oh christmas present ideas. how about you girls? did you decide yet about that?

have a nice day everyone.
i am getting OH a watch, some headphones and some weights! all my xmas shopping is near enough done now I am well proud of myself
lol fi, were there lots of punks there i am going whitby goth festival next year woooooop wooop Mists of avalon are there I think eeep
Mate i might have to join you for that!!

There were LOADS of punks, one in particular who decided that telling me 'you've got a lovely tattoo darlin' would give him free reign to stare at my tits!!
hahaha i would have said......thats a lovely black eye you have SMACK!! yeah whitby goth fest is THE TITS been a few times eeep!
hey ladies, feeling sure i am getting a BFN this month, had a sharp twinge around left ovary last night but its too late for implantation so its probably nothing **sigh** so i am testing tonight, then when it negative i am drinking wine and drrowning my sorrows even though your not supposed to drink, have sex do ANYTHING during your 2ww......its stupid i could do more when i was pregnant, even then i was safe did everything right and lost bubs....so dies it all really make a difference ( apart from drinking obv ) ARGHHHHH
AF will be here very very soon, i already have cramps and every single patient today managed to make me so angry for some reason. people late for appointments, people misbehaving demanding to be seen first claiming that the old lady looks healthy enough to wait 5 more h on a line....
usually when i feel like killing everyone that speaks to me means AF is around the corner....

on the bright side the christmas market is opening in 2 days together with a spectacular lighting of the christmas lights, parades, etc etc in the city center. thats my very first christmas in norway and i can't wait to see all those things.
everything around smells gingercokies and cinnamon and i so love it.

lynetter i so hope your AF stays far far away. i will log later tonight hoping to see your BFP :hug:
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How many DPO are you Lynette? fingers and toes crossed hun!

Am pretty sure I'll get my period within the week as I have very little patience and don't want my OH anywhwre near me (two sure fire signs LOL!)

We weren't TTC this month but is it silly that I still had a little hope? Even though we avoided my fertile times and want to wait until next year (after my appointment at recurrent miscarraige clinic) there is still a little part of me that thinks "what if?"

I just want my period so I can get on with things...
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thanks girlies i have been ranting away today, worrying about my bipolar disorder when i am just obv still upset over MC, daft mare eh! I will test when i get home.....carnat, i am not sure how many days dpo lol ummm my ticker in my ttc thread will say, i had a 27 day period last time, and have 3 days left to test so about 10dpo or something maths isnt my strong point all this ttc business is tricky work
Hun I had ib 2 days before my bfp I was so sure I was out. Hot my fx for you x
fx for you girlies and your BFPs, i'm having the worst af for ages, felt so sick this morning and in so much pain this afternoon. stuck at work with no painkillers too, poor planning on my part!
oh dear dysco, i am waiting for the dreaded witch now, BFN last night ARGH
Morning all! Sorry about your BFN Lynette :hug: but your not out til she comes xxx

I'm doing well, had a lovely long lie in this morning and the council release the housing avaliable tonight which i always look forward to

have a TON of housework to do today and want to take the boy to the park...

hope everyone else has a good day xx
oh dear dysco, i am waiting for the dreaded witch now, BFN last night ARGH

Sorry sweetie - as Fi says though it could just have been too early? Until you get AF you are still in with a shout :) I got 2 BFN last months before gettting a BFP?

I am off out tonight to meet my friend who is 8 months preggers (she is due 28th December - so just over a week before I would have been with my first M/c). Her little man is actually very big though and she is going for a sweep on 7th December so her little one should be born well before the end of December [at least then it won't be such a reminder for me?]

I have another friend due on 31st Dec and I have a funny feeling she'll give birth on 4th Jan ("my" date) but we'll see. Who knows maybe it would be a nice tribute to have a dear friend give birth on the date I should have? Although I selfishly do not want her to have her baby on that day. That is my day :shock: :oooo:

Got a stinking cough and cold, had dentist yesterday - my gums need alot of cleaning so I need to go to special gum hospital :shock: being preggers 3 times in 6 months and giving up smoking is not good for your gums !!!

Feel generally like crap and am barely speaking to the OH - all signs AF will be here soon.

Man, I am having a few big glasses of wine with dinner later!

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:-( thats all i got today is a big sad face
:( :hug:

i am going through not a so nice AF. horrible cramps, i didn't ten manage to get out of bed to go work today :(

maybe a nice christmas present lynette for both of us :hug: maybe relaxing a little during holidays will be bough to do the trick :D
oh no that sounds bad, i suppose i may still have a xmas bfp i just feel so down today 3 times today i have heard of someoine having a baby i just want to cry, of course i am happy for them but it just hurts
oh no that sounds bad, i suppose i may still have a xmas bfp i just feel so down today 3 times today i have heard of someoine having a baby i just want to cry, of course i am happy for them but it just hurts

I know sweetie - there has def been lots of BFP activity today !!

I spent last night with a friend who is ready to drop any day and all she did was moan about how horrible her pregnancy has been [granted it has been very hard compared to her last pregnancy but still]

It's put me on a proper downer today actually, first time in weeks I have felt this crappy!


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